A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 14: Dragons don’t need Fashion

Chapter 14: Dragons don’t need Fashion


“I love money, and I am not afraid to admit it. I would do anything for money….morals? What is that? In the world of the rich, morals don’t exist. And make sure you remember that if I am friends with you, it must have something to do with cash. Time is money, after all”



Merchant Donald McWaiser, King of Money

Year 918


--POV: Laurence—

--Place: McWaiser Bank (Timberland Street) / Time:12:18—

“Lady Chamberlayne?!” The receptionist replies in shock, as a response to Clarissa stating her identity “W-wait a second!” and then she runs into a backroom behind the counter.

We are currently in a busy branch of the all-famous McWaiser Bank, part of McWaiser Industries. This bank also has branches in the kingdom Chamberlayne resides in- Avalon Kingdom, and it seems the Chamberlaynes are a treasured customer of McWaiser.

If I am correct, the McWaiser bloodline originates from a greedy dude called Donald, who came from the south. He struck gold in the Avalon kingdom, creating massive business chains, and compromising with many influential trade partners, such as Chamberlayne.

He then set his eyes on Adion, opening many banks, shops and even restaurants in many streets, like the one we are currently in- Timberland Street, this place, for example, is so overpopulated with the richest fatties I’ve ever seen. To the point that for every five metres you take, there will be a cake bakery somewhere.

He passed away a few years ago, leaving his son, Ronald McWaiser to take his place.

“Couldn’t you have just announced that you would be visiting, my lady?” I give her my opinion, irritated by all the attention we were drawing to ourselves. Did she make this scene on purpose?

“Yes, well….” Is she trying to make an excuse? “I don’t want to spend much time here, I just want to do my business and leave. If I were to announce my visit, they would definitely insist I stay and may offer me tea and stuff…” Is this the best she can come up with? Did she just forget, but doesn’t want to admit?

I was about to give her a piece of my mind, before I was interrupted by a plump man, wearing a black suit and tie along with a monocle on his left eye (he may have been reading something) coming out of that very same backroom, with the receptionist in toe.

This guy definitely looks like the manager here, that’s for sure “Welcome, Lady Chamberlayne” He then proceeds to take Clarissa’s left hand with his own, before kissing the back of it “To what do we owe your esteemed presence?” Wow, she is really annoyed, Clarissa’s right eyelid is twitching violently.

It seems the manager’s charismatic behaviour didn’t get through to her, and made her react negatively.

“I wish to withdraw gold, please” Are you asking to take money from your account or trying to kill them with your glare?

“Yes, yes, of course my lady. How about we go upstairs to discuss the specifi-”

“700 gold” An icy tone as well, is she in a bad mood? “My apologies, but I am in a bit of a hurry, so I hope this matter can be finalised quickly” I can sense the impatience flooding out of her.

“O-of course” Did the manager not expect this? It isn’t very professional to stutter when dealing with the client, is it? “Wait a moment, please” quick recovery, too.

With his stout and thick legs walking back into the back room, faster than I thought they could. The receptionist speaks, trying to give a good impression “Miss, please take a sea-”

“No, thank you” I’m seriously contemplating whether she has had a bad history with McWaiser or something.

After a minute of waiting, the manager returns, followed by an employee wearing the same uniform as the receptionist, carrying a large bag full of gold.

“Please place your thumb finger here, Miss” The manager requests in a serious tone, showing a paper that is probably recording her withdrawl of the money, in which Clarissa agrees after scanning through the document quickly, followed by her pressing her right thumb on the bottom-right corner of the document. Leaving a fingerprint.

After confirming everything, I step forward and stretch my hand to the employee holding the gold, which he gives me after getting a nod from the manager.

And with but a thought, the sack of gold disappears from my hand, and into my space storage. The trio (Manager, receptionist, employee) widen their eyes but don’t say anything. Yes, yes, this is good…

Be in awe of the greatness of this multi-functional draconic butler.

On our way out of the bank, I couldn’t help but ask “Why are you in a bad mood?” She was way bitchier than she normally is.

“That bank is wasting our time we should be spending together instead” Together? We are always together, what is this mortal blabbing about?

Probably seeing the confusion on my face, she shakes her head. “Never mind” I will never understand the logic of humans.

--Place: BLAZA (Timberland Street) / Time:12:56—

Who names their shop BLAZA? This is a clothes shop, a brand, which Clarissa regularly goes to. Why go shopping if your servants can do it for you? Is the million gold question I want answered. I mean, I don’t comprehend why me, or her have to be here when we could have sent some errand boy.

Why are we shopping for clothes all of a sudden? Because there is a banquet after tomorrow that is to be held by the first princess to congratulate us on our entrance to the university. This is the noble life, partying and shopping? I wouldn’t expect anything less from these mortals.

“What do you think of this dress?” Clarissa shows me the 16th dress now, yes I’ve been counting the dresses. Each dress is as overdecorated and fancy as the one before it, the only difference being the design or colour.

“It looks lovely, Miss” I can’t remember how many times I’ve said the word lovely, in this shop today. I may go insane before the day is over, at this rate.

No matter how cruel my past is, I do not deserve this, in fact, no one on this planet deserves to be subjected to this tortur- shopping, I mean.

“You know what, I’ll take all of them” Clarissa states after much contemplation, are you kidding me? So why did you ask my opinion on which dress is better if you’re taking them all in the end? Is this some kind of revenge for sitting on her yesterday?

After ordering the employee, she takes my arm and goes over to the mens section, why though? “Uhhhh, my lady?” What is this, this isn’t for m-me, i-is it?

“Which one would you prefer to wear?” She starts looking through the suits hanging as she asks me “Plus, don’t you need more sets of butler clothes?” No, no, no, they are all the same, it makes no difference to me.

“Miss, how about that one?” I point at a random one, hoping to get this over with.

She looks over to the suit, before shaking her head “That one is too old fashioned, Lance” Does she think I give a shit which one is fashionable or trendy enough? “Let me pick instead” Why did you ask then?

Dragons don’t need fashion, after all.

This fashion you speak of is hyper bullshit created by you lower life forms, I for one, did not even need clothes for most of my life, living 99.999% of my life in my dragon form, and only learning how to move and walk in my human form because of boredom, I never cared about fashion.

And I never will.

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