A Disease of Magic

Non-Chapter Book Two Details

I hope that you enjoyed Book One! I had such a fun time writing it, and I'm excited to get started on Book Two! As I mentioned, I will be creating different volumes for each book, with the series name remaining "A Disease of Magic."

Top 3 things to look forward to in Book Two

1. More "traditional" stats/changed stat system

2. More frequent stats

3. Deep dive into nuances of abilities

Things that will change in Book One edits

1. It will be stated that Callie has a small science background - she began pursuing a degree because of her mother's own passing from LaShoul's - but dropped out after her own diagnosis and got the equivalent of an Associate's, which she doesn't use in her jobs.

2. More side-effects from using the ability. Primarily, an increase in appetite.

3. May include a prologue that just adds more background/context.

4. Interludes may be incorporated into the story in other ways. For example, her moving in with Leo may be discussed more instead of being its own chapter. Specifics are TBD.


I would absolutely LOVE to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave a comment about any of the following, of anything else you'd like me to know!

- Any inconsistencies you noticed

- Anything you'd like more detail on - for example, writing out the chapter where she's interviewed for the Organization instead of summarizing it, etc.

- Any burning questions you want answered in Book One

- Whatever you want me to know about literally anything :)

Posting for Book Two

I'm going to take 4 weeks "off" to work on solidifying the plot for Book Two and finish major edits for Book One that will affect Book Two. The first chapter of Book Two will be posted on September 2nd! Scheduled TBD based on how my new job (which starts August 14th) goes!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.