A Date With Faet

150b Emigrated

It took a few minutes to round up my sept, then the six of us commandeered the study yet again for a little meeting so we could discuss who wanted to come with us back to Earth and who'd be staying here in Otherworld.

I realized it was almost a repeat of our similar meeting from five weeks ago, except there weren't any pixies here this time. And just like last time, it was Laoise who spoke up first.

"Lady Tegan, after I was forced to retire from my duties for the clann I wound up living in the fishing village by the lake, south of the forest. I spent the better part of the last three decades working in a tavern as a cook. Now thanks to you, I could return to work here at the castle. I could once again serve as an officer of the guard for Clann Brádaigh."

She shook her head and continued, "That is no longer my calling. My loyalties lie with you m'lady. I am at your command, and whether you wish me to join your guard, or serve as a cook, maid, or whatever other duties you desire, I'll be there for you. I will follow you back to Earth, and I'll follow you anywhere else you may lead."

"Thank you Laoise," I replied. I wasn't sure what else to say, I was a little overwhelmed by her speech. "You're welcome and your loyalty is appreciated. We'll figure out what role suits you best, but I'm fairly confident you won't be a maid or a cook. I honestly feel like that sort of task is beneath you."

Padraig spoke up next, which didn't surprise me. "I'll stay by your side as well, Lady Tegan. I'm part of the Vale sept now. And same as Laoise, where you lead I follow. My skills aren't as diverse as hers, but you know I can ride, fight, and hunt. I would be happy to act as a guard, or your huntsman. I could even act as a groundskeeper for your estate, once I've mastered those tasks."

I smiled, "Thank you Padraig. I'm happy to have you with us."

Once again I was positive Siobhan would opt to remain here. Like last time, she had a thoughtful look on her face and it took a few more minutes before she was finally ready to speak. And when she did start to talk, she wasn't actually speaking to me as such. It was more like she was talking to both me and her sister. Or perhaps she was addressing all of us.

"When I was young, my dream was to become a scholar. I wanted to study the old legends, I wanted to learn about the Gods. I'd have hidden myself away from the world, locked up in some cloister somewhere and surrounded myself with books. Then my little sister announced she was joining the clann guard. She wanted to become a warrior."

The brunette blushed, as Siobhan continued "As her older sister, I was responsible for her. So I joined the guard with her, that I might look out for her. We both did well, some even said it's as if we were born to it. We rose quickly through the ranks, and in time I was made Captain of the guard, my sister was my Lieutenant. Then Maeve and Connor were wed, Liam joined us and became my second-in-command. And as we all know, he betrayed the clann that fateful Imbolc night. Laoise was among those injured, and her injuries would not heal."

Laoise took over, "Siobhan felt responsible, she thought she'd failed to protect me. She herself was among the wounded that night, but her injuries healed while mine did not, and I think that filled her with guilt. And even though she never wanted this life for herself, she insisted on sticking with it because the pay was enough she could support me. And I think she worried I'd be disappointed if she quit. She lived my dream at the cost of her own."

Siobhan added, "It would have brought dishonour to our family if I'd quit. It would have reflected badly on you Laoise, and I couldn't risk your status falling any further than it already had. So I stayed and I did the best I could to uphold our family's honour, and your dreams."

I asked, "Then when you found out I wanted to return to the Duma, you saw it as a chance to reconnect with the Gods? And to bring your sister on one last adventure?"

She nodded "Yes m'lady. I saw it as a chance to give Laoise another taste of the life she dreamed of, the life she lost. And I knew it was a chance for me to leave the guard without dishonouring our family, the clann, or Lady Maeve. I was confident m'lady that your mother would allow me to accompany you."

We were all quiet for a few minutes after that. It was a lot to take in, but in retrospect none of it really surprised me. I had a feeling since the first time we visited the Duma that Siobhan was a believer of the old legends. Finding out she actually wanted to be some sort of religious scholar was perhaps a little surprising, but it actually sort of fit her.

I finally responded, "Well as I said before, you aren't obligated to stay with me. You don't have to return to Earth. So you're free now to follow your own dream Siobhan."

"Thank you Lady Tegan," Siobhan replied. "If you'll have me, I will return to Earth with you. I will promise you a year, from now until next Lughnasadh. I wish to learn more of the human language and culture, and in return I can offer to continue your training with the sword and bow. And come next Lughnasadh, with your blessing, we could revisit this conversation."

I think all of us were surprised by that. It took me a few moments but I finally nodded, "Of course. We'd be happy to have you, Siobhan. And yes, you're welcome to stay as long as you like. And whenever you're ready to return to Otherworld, I'll be happy to bring you back."

"Thank you Lady Tegan," she replied with a bow of her head.

That was the last of our business, so I reminded the others "We'll meet in the courtyard tomorrow morning, ten or fifteen minutes before dawn. So enjoy the rest of your afternoon and evening here, but don't stay up too late."

They all nodded their understanding. Siobhan asked, "Lady Tegan, I doubt I will have the opportunity to do this myself. Would you please thank your mother for all she did for me and Laoise? And let her know I meant her no disrespect when I volunteered to leave her service and accompany you."

"Of course Siobhan," I replied. "I'm sure if she wasn't busy with Saoirse, Maeve would have made time to speak with you in person."

• • • • •

Kelly and Keira and I were up about an hour before dawn. Some refreshments were delivered to our room and the three of us had some juice and a quick bite to eat, before we all got dressed and ready to go.

We met the rest of our sept out in the courtyard about ten minutes before sunrise, and my girlfriends and I teleported the six of us to the meadow in the southern forest.

The others watched as I moved around to locate the correct spot, then as the sun was about to come up over the horizon they all gathered around me. We took hold of each other as I prepared to cast the spell.

Right at that moment, we were all startled by another fae appearing in our midst as he tumbled out from beyond the veil.

He was disoriented and dizzy of course, and after our initial shock wore off I realized he was a courier. He blinked in surprise as it slowly sank in that he was surrounded, but his eyes focused on me.

"Lady Tegan," he bowed. "I come bearing a letter for you."

He fumbled with a bag slung over his shoulder, then pulled out a folded heavy parchment. It was sealed with wax, and the mark pressed into the wax looked very official.

"Thanks," I replied as I took the letter and stuffed it into my jacket for now. "If you're supposed to wait for a reply or whatever then grab hold, we're on our way to Earth."

The courier's eyes widened and he shook his head as he quickly extricated himself from our midst, "No m'lady, I don't need a reply right away. I'm sure you can send word back whenever it's convenient for you."

"Fine," I stated, then motioned the others to come in close. If we waited another half minute we'd miss the dawn entirely.

Once we were all ready again, I cast the spell and pulled the six of us back through to Earth.

My girlfriends definitely seemed to be getting used to that kind of travel, it only took them a few seconds to recover. The other three fae needed longer as usual. Then the six of us started up out of the ravine, back towards home.

Siobhan Laoise and Padraig headed off towards the cottage while me and my girlfriends continued straight up to our house. When we got in we dumped our packs and I put the coffee machine on.

"Babe?" Kelly said as she slipped off her jacket. "You should check that letter, it might be important."

I nodded, "Right."

I pulled it out and broke the wax then unfolded it. My eyes fell on the large royal crest at the bottom of the page, before I looked up at the text.

After a few moments I turned to my girlfriends and said "Kelly? Keira? Clear your calendars for the second half of September."

"Why?" Keira asked. "What is it? Anything wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nothing's wrong. Áine's coronation is going to be on Mabon, the autumn equinox. She's invited all three of us to attend, as her own personal guests."

~ End of Book Three ~

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