a certain scientific harry potter

Page 28

(ps At the end of this chapter, for the protagonist in the early stage of the plot, if he and Hermione stay in Hogwarts, they will encounter more dangers due to restraint and other reasons, and are no safer than in the real world. This is the book An important argument in the first volume, which will be explained slowly in the future, above~)

Chapter 50 Professor Flitwick cannot be slandered

"The issue of accountability can be discussed later, Severus, I want to talk to Harry first now."

Dumbledore crossed the desk and came to Harry, and asked slowly, "Harry, can you tell me why you hurt Malfoy so badly?"

"I'm all injured, so what else can I say. But I want to clarify one thing, I snatched Ron's wand, he didn't lend it to me, so he has nothing to do with this matter!"

Facing Dumbledore, Harry still had the casual attitude of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water when he was sorted, but when it came to Ron's matter, his attitude was straightforward.

In that situation, he dared to jump out to help, the kid Ron was absolutely righteous, so Harry couldn't get him involved!

"Harry, I hope you can understand that when we encounter problems, we should try our best to find a solution, instead of just ignoring them based on our personal likes and dislikes." Dumbledore seemed very uncomfortable with Harry's extremely uncooperative attitude. Be patient, "As far as I know, Mr. Ron Weasley has admitted to Professor McGonagall that he has offered to lend you his wand."


"But if you insist that it's a 'robbery' and you want to use it to protect Mr. Weasley, I can also take it as a fact." The old god Dumbledore smiled, "Harry, look Come on, as long as you face it with a positive attitude, many problems can be easily solved.”

Cut, it's really not easy to line up with Lao Deng!

Harry wanted to use Ron's topic to divert his attention, so that Lao Deng could quickly characterize his mistake, but he didn't expect him to bring the topic back in a few words, and he even praised himself by the way!

Please, I didn't come to the principal's office to ask for praise, but to accept punishment!

"Okay, I'll face it positively, and then you can get rid of me quickly, okay?" Harry shook his legs carelessly, "I stole Ron's wand, I set the fire on the playground, Malfoy will I also deliberately provoked him! I will smash his head with a brick, and those boys in the Snake Court will be brought down by me alone. I can only blame them for being a group of mentally retarded idiots!!"

Hmm...Harry felt that the declaration he made just now with the same style as the bastard students in his previous life should have a good effect.

At least Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout have begun to frown, obviously not satisfied with his perverse behavior just now.

That's right, feel free to belittle me in your heart and treat me as a hopeless bastard!

"Look...Professor Flitwick, I said long ago that your trust in him is just wishful thinking!" However, just when Harry thought everything was going well for him, Snape suddenly brought the problem to Professor Flitwick !

"Harry Granger, he is not like what you said, he wants to help Neville Longbottom, he wants to seek some kind of justice! The reason why he does all this is entirely because of his self-confidence, I never put any classmates in my eyes!"

"But I don't think Harry is such a child!" Professor Flitwick hastily defended Harry, "He's really nice! He even helped me..."

"That's because you dote on him too much!" Snape continued to accuse aggressively, "Professor Flitwick, I think you need to listen, within Ravenclaw, about your unfair attitude towards students The voice! Some people acted recklessly because they were lucky enough to defeat the mysterious person. Later, they became lawless because of your backing! The reason why what happened today is, in the final analysis, because you did not control yourself well. His behavior!!"

"No...it's not like that! Harry is a very kind boy, I really don't think he has anything to restrain..." The little old man Flitwick blushed immediately after being teased repeatedly by Snape. Anxiously wanting to defend Harry again, but the more nervous he became, the more speechless he became.

He peeked at Professor McGonagall, who had a good personal relationship with him, hoping that she could help speak up for Harry, but seeing the stern and reproachful eyes in Professor McGonagall's eyes, he suddenly became even more disappointed.

"Hmph, Professor Snape, as the dean of Slytherin, pays so much attention to the internal affairs of Ravenclaw, don't you think you are a bit too free?!"

At this time, Harry suddenly stood up and stood in front of Flitwick with his chest out!

He wanted everyone to label him as a bad student, but he couldn't let Professor Flitwick be targeted like this!

Since the beginning of the school, the three teachers Harry has the closest relationship with at Hogwarts are Hagrid, Filch, and Flitwick, especially Professor Flitwick, who simply treats him and Hermione as close disciples and loves him. !

Therefore, even Snape, who had an old friendship with his mother, would never think of slandering Professor Flitwick in front of him!

"Why, does our Mr. Granger have any sophistry, so let's just listen to it. Let Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick who has always doted on you take a good look. In the potions class before, how did you rely on your own cleverness to be arrogant and domineering, and even the professor didn't pay attention to it!!"

Snape is definitely a stingy and vengeful guy. It is true that he wants to cooperate with Dumbledore to achieve a certain goal, but it is also absolutely true that he is holding back his energy and wanting to seek revenge from Harry the ~

"If I remember correctly, Professor Flitwick cast a Disarming Curse on me before I fell unconscious, while Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout cast a Sleeping Curse and a Body-Binding Curse respectively." Harry said lightly said, and at the same time glanced at Snape with a slightly disdainful gaze, "Professor Snape used the Iron Armor Curse ingeniously, but unfortunately your spell failed to protect Malfoy, and it was easy to be overwhelmed by my silence." torn apart~"

"What the hell are you trying to say?!" Snape's eyes flashed with anger, and his face became a bit stinky.

"What I want to say is...Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout, the choice they made at the time was to limit my actions, rather than simply prevent the harm from happening!" Harry looked at the two female professors coldly, "In other words In other words, at the moment of the shot, the two professors have already characterized me as a student who made mistakes!"

"This...Mr. Granger, I admit that casting the Body-Binding Curse on you may be biased. But you also have to know that no matter what the reason is, it is wrong to fight in school after all." Professor Prout frowned.

"So, can the school formulate a specific standard for this?" Harry said unceremoniously, "Guys like Malfoy, when they do what kind of bullying behavior, those who are bullied by them Only the one who can fight back, or even drag him directly to the duel field?!"

(ps Hmm, the testimonial at the end of the chapter is really a good thing, many words that don’t need to be written in the main text can be added here without adding too many words.

The reason why the protagonist couldn't stand Snape's provocation was, of course, because as a person from the Celestial Dynasty, the concept of respecting teachers and respecting Tao was engraved in his bones.

In fact, after reading "HP", it is not difficult for you to find that Aunt Rowling really did not promote the idea of ​​respecting teachers in the book.It stands to reason that with the status of Hogwarts, the entire British wizarding community should basically be alumni, but students will not respect professors as much as they do in school after leaving school.What's more, people like Umbridge and Dawlish dared to attack Lao Deng!

I can't magnify this phenomenon to the whole Western society, but at least in HP, once the students leave the school and the teacher-student relationship with the professors is terminated, all that remains is pure social interaction.

So... In fact, as the protagonist of the Celestial Dynasty Traveler, he is indeed quite different in terms of values. )

Chapter 51 School Bullying Wants to Talk

Granted, fighting violence with violence never felt to Harry the right way.

But looking at it the other way around, if Malfoy could have restrained himself in school, wasn't so arrogant and domineering, and didn't always bully Neville or other weak and honest classmates, Harry wouldn't have had the opportunity to make use of it today.

What's more, from Neville's point of view, when the school rules advocated by the professors can't protect him, and no one like Harry is willing to stand up, how can he avoid being abused by Malfoy and others?

Being ridiculed and pushed out wantonly, stealing or robbing his things at random, and even being cast with various spells to play tricks on him, in the name of helping him practice...

Let me ask, how can he get rid of all this, is it futile to pray for those people to stop on their own initiative? !

"In that case..." Professor Sprout couldn't help feeling a little speechless when she heard the words. She had to admit that she had never thought about this question before.

After all, Hufflepuff is recognized as the college with the best internal atmosphere and the least thorns. In terms of student management, Professor Sprout is much more relaxed than the others.

As for Professor McGonagall, who was stunned by Harry incidentally, he didn't speak at this time.

She was reflecting on her actions, not only the Sleeping Curse, but also the earlier dispute over Peeves.

After going through all the previous things like a revolving lantern in his mind, Professor McGonagall suddenly realized that he was a little bit wrong about blaming Harry.

Harry Granger, the seemingly perverse and unruly kid like his father, probably respected the rules more than anyone else in the room!

And it is precisely because of respect that he dares to challenge all unreasonable rules!

"Harry, of course Malfoy is wrong, and no one will deny that." At this time, Dumbledore, who had watched the play for a long time, said, "It's just that in many cases, we can't decide whether to rely on right or wrong. To punish a person. The significance of Hogwarts school rules is to ensure the overall order of the campus."

"Sorry... I can't agree with this statement at all!" Harry didn't want to accept Dumbledore's remarks at all!

"Hogwarts' school rules are also rules. In my opinion, the meaning of a rule should not just be for the sake of maintaining stability, and forcibly calming things down when they happen!"

"If the rules themselves fail to protect those who follow the rules, but instead allow those who break the rules to take the opportunity to escape sanctions, isn't it ridiculous?!"


Everyone in the principal's office fell silent after Harry made a fuss without any scruples.

The three professors, Flitwick, McGonagall, and Sprout, all began to reflect at the same time. Recalling the repeated prohibitions on campus in the past, everyone showed a thoughtful expression on their faces.

Snape was different, he was too heavy to take care of these 'boring' things.

As for Dumbledore, he was even less surprised.

The conversation just now was completely under his control. It should be said that he had actually expected Harry to say such a thing.

A child who can send a whole family of bear relatives to prison with only one "Children's Law", how can he understand the rules lightly? !

Sure enough, Harry didn't disappoint him at all.

It's just... Facing Harry like this, Dumbledore was very embarrassed.

It is true that he has high hopes for Harry, but there are too many factors in Harry that cannot be controlled.

Even, Dumbledore wanted to use Legilimency on Harry more than once to see what the kid was thinking.

But he eventually gave up.

Dumbledore was well aware of Harry's temperament, and also knew that once he did that, his relationship with Harry would inevitably be in dire straits, and it would be hard to get back!

"Anyway, I've said what I have to say, you can decide whatever you want." Harry clasped his hands behind his head, and resumed his previous indifferent attitude.

He was really disappointed in Hogwarts now.

This prestigious school, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is a holy land of magic in the hearts of wizards in England. Except for the novelty of the things it teaches, the rest is basically the same as those schools in Harry's previous life.

Even, many places are actually not as good as it!

At least among the real top universities in Harry's previous life, there would not be a bastard like Malfoy who blindly advocated the supremacy of blood.

Even if there was, I would never dare to be so blatant!

In Harry's view, advocating the theory of blood, bullying weaker classmates at will, etc., are actually Hogwarts' characteristic campus bullying.

Through observation during this period, Harry can roughly summarize this bullying into the following two situations.

The first is Neville, who is often bullied because he is weak.

But unfortunately, the actions of Malfoy and other bullies have always been outside the gray area of ​​school regulations.

They will not be punished by school rules for bullying the weak, but the weak are still unable to resist, can only continue to be bullied, and eventually become helpless victims of being bullied.

And the other, which is also the most core situation, is Hermione...or in other words, Hermione without Harry's help.

With Hermione's temper, if she was slandered by Malfoy and others, she would definitely fight back immediately!

But in this way, under the definition of Hogwarts school rules, she will become the wrong party.

Just like Harry's previous experience, the two professors McGonagall and Sprout didn't know the whole story at all, but they subconsciously regarded Harry as the perpetrator who made a mistake.

So you see, Malfoy obviously hurt Hermione with the most vicious words, but he won't receive any punishment from the school rules; If it is judged as a violation of school rules, she will face penalty points, confinement, and many other punishments that she may not be able to accept at all!

Under the constraints of the school rules of 'he is wrong to bully you, but it is your fault if you do something', the cost of launching a counterattack is too high...

Over time, those "Hermiones" who were bullied had no choice but to give up fighting back, and gradually lost the ability to fight back, and eventually became victims of being bullied just as helplessly.

It's also worth mentioning that it's actually the best outcome for them to become victims, and there's a worse situation besides this!

That is, after they gain power, they are likely to rely on their own strength to bully others! !

At that time, new ugliness will continue to breed.

If we trace all this back to the source, it is actually not difficult to draw such a conclusion: it is the school rules of Hogwarts that want to calm things down, which acted as a breeding ground for these bullies represented by Malfoy!

But these professors at Hogwarts, including Dumbledore as the headmaster, none of them seemed to want to stand up and solve this problem!

But it's no wonder, after all, the locals in the West always like to think of bullying as leadership~

And this has also led to this kind of characteristic campus bullying at Hogwarts, which will definitely have a lasting and far-reaching impact!

(ps Hogwarts campus bullying also exists in the original book. Of course, Sanmiao must admit that bullying incidents are not uncommon even in my Chinese campus. I am just discussing the facts here. The only and top school of magic in England, the young wizards are adults and work in the magic world directly after graduation, so its actual academic status should be equivalent to universities and colleges, which is basically comparable to the two vocational technical colleges of Wudaokou and Yuanmingyuan in my dynasty , in this kind of top university there is blood bullying openly, the protagonist must not be used to it, because it is as unacceptable as racial discrimination, the above~

By the way, there may be another chapter tonight, so stay tuned~)

Chapter 52 The ending is thunder and rain

Even without considering the experience of his previous life, Harry knew very well that school bullying would definitely be a catastrophic injury to a growing teenager.

If it is in the world of ordinary people, then the victim of bullying can at least change the environment by transferring or entering a higher school. Although it will definitely leave a shadow, at least it can escape the abuse to a certain extent.

But for young little wizards, they started to study at Hogwarts at the age of 11, from teenagers to young adults, they spent seven years here!

Once they are bullied, there is no way to escape, and this experience of encountering bullying will definitely accompany the victim's life! !

After such a child graduates from school and enters the magic world to become a real wizard, there is a high probability that they will not behave like normal people.

That's right, Harry was talking about Snape who was staring at him~

Although Harry probably guessed the relationship between Snape and his mother, and knew that the other party might care about him because of his love for the house, but every time he saw the other party's bat-like behavior and that photo that seemed to be owed to everyone After seeing his stinky face worth hundreds of millions, Harry couldn't help but want to slap him.

"Can some people stop looking at me like that... What, you were bullied when you were a child?" Harry looked at Snape nonchalantly, "If it's true, I advise you to find someone to confide in , don't always hold it in your heart, it's easy to hold back internal injuries~"

Looking at Snape, Harry felt that he could not be mistaken, as long as he did some behavioral analysis, he would know that this guy is definitely a typical example of 'the victim will eventually become the perpetrator'.

He must have been traumatized by bullying when he was young, otherwise he wouldn't be so psychologically distorted when he grew up, using vicious words and attitudes to attack students in different ways.

From the point of being harsh on the students, Filch's situation as a Squib is actually similar, but under Harry's psychological counseling recently, his mood has gradually changed.

But Snape...

Sigh, I don't know who is such a bastard, who just turned a promising professor into a bat spirit with such a bad temper~


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