A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 87: You are Enough (Blade)

Chapter 87: You are Enough (Blade)

Content Warnings:



We wait for hours, keeping ourselves occupied the best we can by packing up the rest of our things and chatting with Krelliva, and doing our best to keep the anxiety from eating at us. Eventually I get a pulse of amusement and excitement from Augusta that's quickly matched by Girra and I calm significantly. "It's gonna be fine. They're okay. Once Feryudra arrives, we can head over and see exactly what's going on.”


"I expect there's going to be a fair mess to clean up, but with your ability to uhhh... rip open wounds through reality, my main concern will be if existence’s blood stains..." Adaline quips with a smirk.


Krahe giggles and Infestation's Quills titter in mirth. Still sitting close. My Sisters Quill song adding a counter harmony to the worry from before that hardens now as it lessens. Filled with the razor-tipped belief that our Pack will tear apart anything that threatens us.


And... eventually we spot the shadow of a new arrival beneath the waves, followed soon by the etched Doll itself rising from the tides, crossing the beach, and walking directly towards us. Feryudra still carries those same Sapphire tipped bone stakes from before gripped in one hand, while another clutches a large red and green spotted crustation of some sort.


Krelliva intercepts it though, wraps the Doll in a big embrace before pulling free, and turning to walk up to us.


"This one thanks you for waiting. The Scales Changed demanded this one carry a gift to you, now that your eyes have been regrown." Feryudra speaks first, moving to set the crabthing in its arms down.


I smile and bow to it. "It is good to see you, Feryudra. I must offer apologies that I as of yet still do not know Precisely what the Scales Changed are. I've had this misunderstanding with Krelliva earlier so it seems prudent to try and correct my deficiencies.”


It listens while kneeling and holds out a hand as the shelled creature... reaches into itself? Eventually pulls out a collection of something and drops it into Feryudra's open hand before scuttling off. Then this Doll rises and offers me the somewhat slimy contents.


A handful of... scales? Very old ones. Each about the length of my thumb. What might have once been vibrant crimson or tyrian are now dull and faded.


"The Scales Changed are... What remains of something that helped endless families discover themselves." It begins softly. "Memories carved and etched to those she could not see or recall. Family to only blindness, but adopted by the Blaze, despite the wounds that wove her. These are memories that speak softly. Refractions of what we... had hoped with your new eyes you'd recall finding each other. Mayhaps even shift and Change the Scales again. But..."


Feryudra looks to Krelliva, expression suddenly an odd thing of request. And the flesh and bone Sun-Blessed echoes the Doll's this time.


"These Scales Changed were kinda like one of our Spore families. But... All a single form once. Not a Frame or flesh or any gooey bits. Never was a human either." Krelliva carefully picks up, eyes turning to look at the scales. "Kinda inspired us all. But... unable to feel Girra. Or even hear His words or ideas. Each of those scales is a unique part of... of her. Irreplaceable. Like pages in a journal.”


The touch of the Scales is... Familiar. Reminiscent of... Something that I should know. "Thank you for explaining. I have something for you as well, if it is something you wish?”


Feryudra tilts head in curiosity. "All gifts from one who changes everything around her after staring long enough would be much welcome. What would you grant this one?”


"Infestation, would you explain? I feel it would make more sense coming from you." I ask our erstwhile and soon to be once more Pack sister.


Infestation titters in delight, letting Quills dance and sing in low tones that Krahe and Verbess spent hours learning how to adjust to. Melodies tuned for the deep oceans. "This one is within Girra's harmonies. Can feel the Blaze as any other claimed. Spores woven and laid as deep as the adopted home beneath the waves. Never alone again. Never lost to those that claim it as family.”


Feryudra goes still. Seems to... absorb that. Doesn't respond for at least two dozen heartbeats. Then looks to me and asks, "You would grant this Frame the horizon? Turn muffled echoes into howls that never end and endlessly change?”


"It is your Right. If you wish, I will grant it. Eventually I'll be able to offer this to all those of Dollcraft amongst Girra's children, but at the moment I can only do so in person. We still have time as I'm waiting on a message before we return, so I can adjust your Frame to this purpose whenever you are ready.”


It nods, "This one would not be itself if it did not reach for this. Let this one's purpose and goals evolve beyond only chasing a thing it was content to never have.”


I consider how I did this previously and improve my work, thrumming Quills to resonate Feryudra's Frame at the right frequency as I impose my Will on it until the connection to Girra is open. "There. Only a bit dizzy this time, heheh.”


Feryudra doesn't respond at first. Gaze seems distant as it stares up at the weeping suns.


Focusing instead on the new Blaze within. As lost to it as Infestation was.


Only seems aware of us again when Krelliva giggles and nudges it with an elbow.


"The Horizon is... everything it was taught to dream of, and more." Feryudra says, finally looking back to me with a smile. "Thank you.”


"You're very welcome. I hope that you and Infestation can be just the leading edge of those like you.”


"Many would swim to these beaches at the promise of this dream." It whispers. "But... To gift them all this now peels at greater oaths. This one will travel with you and witness those kept until then."


"So... You mentioned needing to go back? Make sure everyone is okay?" Krelliva asks. "We'd be happy to come along and like... help. Or just be cute lobsters watching the tides that is your life there. Maybe um... Help your Mistress. If we can."


"Yes. I'm not certain what the issue was, though it's likely resolved by now. Still, I was asked to wait until they messaged me, so... Yeah. It would be a pleasure to have you along as well. We're meeting the Grove Envoys tomorrow, and need to see exactly how... Open this war of mine will be." I ramble, dizzy from the process.


"Mhm. And we'd love to help keep as many safe as possible. Keep them from getting hurt or worse. But... probably don't want to let our more aggressive sorts get involved." It nods. "Families and such that enjoy the constant cycle of death and birth but... might not really do a good job of holding back. Not maybe accidently becoming a problem."


"Fangs bared and blood drawn will invite others to thrash about without care for all others." Feryudra agrees.


"That makes a lot of sense. I think we could—" 


My response is interrupted by Schatzi's intonation. <Sister, We are ready for your return. Your eyes are located in your room, and there is a collection tray set underneath as it seemed prudent to collect the blood.>


"Oh! Okay, it seems they're ready for us. It's also been suggested that we might want to collect the residue on this side for some reasons?”


"That..." Krelliva titters and giggles. "Mhm. Yup. Probably a good idea."


"Blood spilled could lead to worse prowling after the scent." Feryudra echoes and nods stoically.


Adaline gives me a suspicious look and startles, "Xafra, you can't drink it until we're sure it's safe, you silly rock eater.”


Krahe cackles, Quills buzzing a bit of relief as she hops to her feet and begins to pull Infestation up to hang around her shoulders. Ready to carry her new Pack Sister along. "Look, I think we've been through a lot and deserve to take at least one bite out of the world for it. Each. As a start.”


I nod vigorously. "That makes sense to me. I'll cut some pieces for us, then we can confer with Mistress Elevar if it's okay.”


As I extend my claws out to make meal sized incisions into the air before me, an odd whistling noise starts to echo through the air, rapidly getting closer.


Krahe perks up, Quills dancing a curious melody. Infestations playing a counter tune hinted with a touch of... not worry. Anxiety?


Krelliva purses its lips and looks to Feryudra, who murmurs and even seems to smile at what it hears. "Would you ask the Blaze to do anything else?"


"No but..." Krelliva huffs and trails off, then smiles back. "I'm used to how He does things.”


"Uhhhh... that's not Girra. The energy is wrong and he's currently talking to Augusta from what I can feel." I respond with concern.


"What?" Krelliva furrows its brow, looks around and eventually upways. "If that's not Girra pulling something then... Who...?”


I follow its gaze upwards to a brilliant blue streak zipping around in a circle that suddenly descends towards us like a ballista bolt.


Krahe hops back a step in my direction faster than a quick blink, Quills thrumming with a sort of... playful edged anticipation as her Frame cracks out to accommodate the sudden movement. Tails twisting and splitting into a dozen to grip Infestation and free her talons.


"Let's... not resort to any hostile actions yet." I warn as I watch this entity drop down before me.


Just before it collides with the ground it stops, heat and light bleeding off until it's visible as a long languid figure wrapped in a blanket with a pillow clutched tightly with one paw against the side of its furry blue head.


"Yoooouuuu aren't supposed to eat that. I was having a nice nap and got kicked right out of bed to stop you. Bad. Rude." The entity says with a yawn.


"Say's who? The big glowing guy in the sky? Because it seems edible enough." Krahe tilts her head at this new arrival, Quills moving to more a curious song than anything with an edge.


"Merciful Moon, no. He's so very loud. Especially when you're up there closer to Him. The mother wiggled me off her surface to make sure her daughter didn't affect her uhhhm. dang. What was it? Stupid stinky goddess waking me up... Domain. That's it. If you start monching on reality, it'll affect your domain." The figure says as it flicks its bright blue ears back and forth.


Krahe blinks. "Oh. Huh..."


Feryudra tilts its head and takes in the figure, both Sun-Blessed staring in shock.


"Anyway. That's everything I was supposed to tell you... Do you think Dämmerung would mind if I find a hole and go back to sleep? It's a lot quieter down here compared to the Merciful Moon." The blue entity starts looking around, half lidded eyes blinking slowly.


"Should be fine, honestly but, before you go, what under the Blaze are you?" Adaline demands.


"I'm a Witch! Isn't that obvious? Have you not seen real Witches before!” It exclaims, offended.


"Nope not at all, and yeah we have. At least... three? Six? At least recently?" Krahe grins. "None as blue as you, though. Or... from the moon? Like... the broken one?”


"I'm very blue yes, and tired. And yes, from the Moon. Where do you think Witches come from? Sex?”


Krahe goes still at that reply, Quills dancing in wordless confusion on the edge of tilting into giggles.


"We... Hi. Hello." Krelliva interjects eventually, stepping around into this blue moon Witch's field of view. "You currently stand, well... float. Amidst an gathering of those within His Blaze and those on the edges. We... Would be happy to help you find a quiet and peaceful place to rest. So long as you don't mean to be rude. That is."


"Old storms still leave scars, however faded." Feryudra echoes. "But we've made peace with everything His Blaze can touch. Be welcome, if you've the patience for such things.”


The moon Witch waves its paw casually, "A place to rest would be appreciated. About a century or so more sleep would be ideal before properly waking up.”


"Alright... So... We're uhhm... about to leave. I won't eat the reality meat." I finally speak, floored by the absurdities.


I can feel that Krahe wants to ask if licking the reality meat would be okay, but... keeps the question to herself. Only letting that reach our Pack Song through dancing Quills.


"Okay. Good. Wonderful." Krelliva nods to the Moon Witch, then waves to a group of approaching fuzzy crabs. Each whispering or calling out the same greetings they always give us. "These little one's should be able to lead you to a good spot, or adjust and help you find a place to your liking."


"Rest well, may your descent into rest be softer than your fall to this beach." Feryudra agrees.


"Hmm? Yeah, okay. Thank you." The moon Witch responds, floating off.


"Okay, that was too weird. Anyway, Let's go." With a careful swipe, I rip a path through reality again above the collection tray into my own room. "I'll go last and see if I can encourage it to close up faster behind us.”


Adaline leads, with Krahe behind and Infestation on her back. And... right as Krahe contorts her Frame to fit herself and Infestation through comfortably, she smirks back at me. Then, before I understand the song of her Quills, her long tongue lashes out and brushes the edge of the reality meat before slipping the rest of the way through.


"Did... Krahe, did you just lick that?" Comes the exasperated voice of Lynette from the other side of the portal.


"Yup!" Krahe cackles and looks about, smacking her lips a bit. "Tastes like mud. Not even the well seasoned kind either, Mistresses.”


"Feryudra, Krelliva, please head through." I say with exasperation.


Krelliva goes first, pointedly keeping a smirk and giggle from bubbling up through pursed lips. Feryudra follows in stoic but clearly amused silence.


I step through and as I turn to try and seal the rift, I lick the edge as well. 


Dirt. Just dirt. Like the average flavor of everything combined. 


"And now she's..." My Mistresses sighs from where she stands next to the door. "Wonderful. Yes. Welcome to the grounds, Krelliva, Feryudra, Infestation. We trust our Pack didn't get that habit from any of you?" 


"Nope." Krelliva does giggle this time.


"Your Blade tests the footholds of her reality with tongue and talon." Feryudra agrees.


"Yes, of course. Always has." They sigh. "Likely the other way around then. Cracked and Riven Moon. Krahe don't go licking odd nonsense again."


Krahe... without any mirth, replies carefully. "Yes Mistresses. Sorry Mistresses."


The rift closes slowly but steadily under the pressure of my influence and with a smile on my face I turn to look at my Mistresses. "I'm home, loves.”


They're... weathered. Not haggard but obviously drained and filled with stress. Tendrils, only just as my eyes meet theirs, titter a little clicking of slowly calming song. Pupils halfway between the smoky violet and triple cerulean iris. 


"Welcome home." They sigh. "We trust your final hours away went well? So much that you've brought quite the gaggle back with you?”


"We uhhm. Met a Moon Witch? Very strange. Looked far from human but similar body plan I believe. kinda.... blue and furry? And I sorta overheard Augusta chatting with Girra, so I assumed it would be safe enough here. Krelliva decided to come to aid in planning for what to do with the Groves." I ramble a bit.


They listen with such an expression of confusion for most of my explanations, but at the end whisper a sudden, "Wait. What?" My Mistresses blink, seem like everything within them twitches and jerks to a halt. Tendrils and breath even, for a few heartbeats. "Augusta? When was she chatting with Girra? Did... Did she... Are you already aware of what happened? Or was this before she chose to... throw herself at the beast?”


"She's talking with Dämmerung right now. Not sure how she managed the communion with both of them, I'd assume those Lotus that you brought back but... " I explain with growing worry, then pause before demanding. “Wait... What happened?”


"Cracked and…" Their eyes furrow, then they huff and glare at the far wall. Lynette's harshness dominates more and more of their voice. "The Estate was... annoyed. When we left. More than we expected. Was searching. So Rufus, the fool boy, thought to use his cloaking Einwandfrei to hide Augusta. Which only cracked the Estate to more anger and motion. We got back and tore that away. Then Augusta, your…


They pause, take a breath, and Elevar's calm tone seems to dominate their mingled voice now. "I'm sorry. We're being foul about this. Augusta should be the one telling you that... that she's your Sister. One of four siblings to you, apparently. You're the first, she's the third. This place is the child of the fifth.”


"What? No, I don't— what?” I stammer, then ask quietly. “I have siblings aside from the Pack?”


The concept is strange. Baffling. I went from having fifty-eight families to just the Pack, to now finding out there was family all along that… didn't even tell me.


"And at least one niece. Augusta was quite clear about that. As was... was Sekrhús." Lynette huffs, finally lets eyes meet mine as tendrils click hesitant notes. "And neither had any reason to lie. They... Immediately started arguing when the Estate manifested a Physis form to speak with us all down below. Didn't last long though. Augusta shattered her own Frame and decided to attack. We thought her eaten, or worse, so it's good to hear that she's chatting happily away with the godlings. Not sure how though. Or where from. Gebetshure will be delighted that she's not dead.”


"Shattered her own form... Are there any pieces I can look at? I might be able to find her with them." I offer.


"None. All dissipated. She... became her namesake." Elevar offers. "Looked darker than the Empty Sky and thrice as angry before diving into the manifestation the Estate chose to wear. “


"Oh. Ooooooh. Yeah I know where she is but I have no idea how to get her back." I admit with shame. "You recall how you both talked about removing my Garrotes and how it could leave me unanchored?”


"Ah." Elevar nods, lets out a relieved breath while leaning heavily against the doorframe. "Yes. That. Good. Not eaten then. Thank the Dead Hag for that. We... Can see if Gebetshure can help. Or... ask around. Will be working backways from your problem but this doesn’t feel impossible.”


"I don't expect it to be easy. In essence, being in the Void is... more dead than dead? because she's not even in reality anymore. Like... My Driftdream is anchored to reality by every member of the Pack now. All those souls have the potential to be given new bodies and such or be released back to Dämmerung if reincarnation is a thing... I should ask them about that. Anyway, Augusta seems to be okay but completely inaccessible currently.”


"That's... Unfortunate. But not the worst." Lynette murmurs while tip-tapping a tendril back against the wood.


"Yes. So... Sekrhús. That's the Estate I assume? Not expecting that anyone else would have something like guilty house as a name.”


"Augusta chose it." Elevar replies. "Said she'd seen it hurt and devour family before. Place didn't hesitate to claim the name either. Was grinning like nothing else when Schatzi used it.”


"And... hmmm. Ah. So then the Estate is what's left of one of the H.A.G's. They were made by one of Sín's children... My Sibling, I guess." I ponder, taking a seat on my bed.


"Lovely.” Adaline states. “We should... Find a good spot for our guests here, and uhhm check in on Gebetshure at the least. Then plan for tomorrow." 


"Quite right. Gebetshure should be with Rufus or... close. At the very least." Lynette agrees, looking to Krahe and the Sun-Blessed. "There is an empty Spire on the far side of the grounds that will suit you all. Keep from the tunnels, and I'd suggest you come to Xafra or myself if you'd like to make an unexpected exit from these grounds. We'll see you away safely.”


Krelliva nods quickly. "Oh I... Okay. Um... Let us know if…”


"You can speak to any on these grounds who accept your company, save one." Lynette continues over her words. "She's a snek-shaped Doll who sleeps away the day in this Spire and watches the Empty Sky at night. You will keep away from her. You will not speak to her. Under any circumstances. Is that understood?”


A pause, then Krelliva nods slowly. "We'll... of course. We're your guests here. Only came to help and watch."


"We are not here to weave storms, only see the tides shift." Feryudra agrees softly.


"I can lead them there and around." Krahe offers into the tense little pause, adjusting Infestation a bit. "Give them all a little tour and point things out. Introduce them to some of the cuties we'll bump into?”


"Not yet." I snap. "Lynette, my Mistress. They deserve an explanation. I feel they deserve at least that much trust considering they came here, especially Infestation, as it is wanting to rejoin the Pack.” 


Smokey dark eyes roll back to me, eyebrow quirked. Seems to pause before asking quietly. "And explanation to... what? Dear one? What information have I withheld that you feel I owe these Sun-Blessed?”


"The reason why you want them to avoid your Doll. We are trying to make a difference, make allies, and change the entire bloody world. Obfuscating the past won't help that.”


She glares, tendrils clicking a little sound of warning. But... then looks away while offering a simple. "She... My little one is Sun-Scorched. Nomos from Girra hurts and terrifies her. Now she only enjoys the nights and Empty Skies she finds there. Even the idea of Sun-Blessed on the grounds scares her all to pieces.”


Krelliva pales at that, eyes wide. Voice more shaky and filled with anguish I've seen this normally bubbly Sun-Blessed be. "That's... Do you know which Spore family she came from?”


Lynette sighs and runs a hand through her hair and twitching tendrils. "Not... She also struggles with all questions about her past. So I don't press. Don't hurt her anymore. Which is why you're going to stay away from her too.”


"Old nightmares twisting eyes to look backways and fear even the glow of His Blaze." Feryudra hisses, shaking head and gripping those sapphire tipped stakes tighter.


"But..." Krelliva looks to me. "You can help her, right? Fix whatever hurts this lost child of Girra and... and... help her find her family again!"


"She is Mine, as is Lynette, by Girra's word. I plan to support and care for my Mistress and her Doll to the best of my abilities, and grant them whatever they wish. That doesn't include forcibly fixing her to be clear. She will be given time and space to make her own decisions." I answer firmly, brooking no argument. Then close my eyes and lay back on the bed, thinking aloud. "Choice is... The most important thing to me. The freedom to choose, even the freedom to surrender that capacity. It is the reason for this war I'm planning. Not because I think I know better or have the moral high ground, but simply because I would sooner kill all who stand in my way than leave any bereft of that freedom. History will likely see me as a monster once more. If we can avoid conflict, I'd be happy to, but I won't compromise on my end goal. I can't.”


"But... This..." Krelliva stops, takes a breath and restarts. "I meant if her Frame was broken or twisted... or intentionally made to make His Blaze hurt her. Things she didn't choose but suffers from without understanding. Sun-Blessed don't... Dollification to a us doesn't work. Or shouldn't. There's no telling what this place has done to make it happen. The idea of a girl happily within the Blaze losing that and then... then having this place keep her trapped Is just..."


A pause, and I can hear this Sun-Blessed stop to take a few more deep breaths.


"A stalk torn from the whole and isolated to wither could grow into its own, but not while buried. Or surrounded by rocks and waterless soil." Feryudra interjects carefully. "Girra is aware of these two, and their surroundings. This one... only hopes that you are not allowing either to endure things that only seem choices, but to them are as inflexible as the turning of the moon is to most beneath Her motions.”


"This is the first time in a very long while my little one has had the ability to choose anything for herself." Lynette replies sharply. "Her schema is also needlessly complex. Between all the nonsense I've tried to understand it, when time permits. So far I've found nothing amiss within it.”


"Lynette's Doll did not choose to be so. I am not blind to this Truth. What was done to her was a travesty. What I can say is that my eyes have become able to see more than they ever could before. She chose Lynette, the only one I know who could possibly understand. If she eventually wishes to reconnect to Girra, that will be her choice alone. I cannot start overriding the consent of others. I came close to it recently and... It would have made any sort of alliance between us impossible. Because I am Strife, and to me, Feryudra and Infestation each were two beings sharing one body, in which the easiest and most reasonable solution to many would simply be to strip and erase all of Girra's spores from your Frames to render you both proper Dolls. I was... Reminded most firmly by my Pack sister Schatzi that nothing justifies one's means, they must be able to stand on their own. And so. I will not choose for the little one, just as I will not choose for Lynette either. Their past is their own as is their future.”


"I..." Krelliva considers, then looks between me and my Mistresses. "Okay. You're... That makes sense, at least a little. But can you please just... actually make sure she's free to understand her choices? What's waiting for her if she does want to find her family from before? It is... so wrong to not try and help her know that. To understand that Girra loves her and just wants her to be happy and safe. Not giving her the information to help her make a choice can be the same as making sure she choses one or the other. Lies and bad explanations steal consent away as easy as any chain or wall."


"Tossing one into the sea is not giving them the ability to find the shore." Feryudra echoes. "And if they bear no gills, and cannot swim, their only option is to drown without aid.”


Lynette narrows her eyes while tendrils curl and click in annoyance. "I'll consider your words, but do what I think is best for my little one.”


"Lynette has been given a message for herself and her Doll from Girra himself. I promise that I am not taking any choices away. I understand the concerns yet I will admit there is a limit beyond which it is simply offense. Now, we can speak on this and other topics more later. I have a dear one to comfort and a Sister I didn't even know I had to mourn. Please." I shift into my Doll form as I lay there on the bed, feeling... incredibly weak. Helpless in the face of the oncoming storm.


"Of course. I... yes." It agrees softly. Then looks to Krahe.


My Pack Sister nods. "This way then."


Then Krahe moves to lead them out and away. Leaving myself, my Mistresses, and Adaline, and Verbess.


A pause, then I feel a weight settle onto the bed beside me. My Mistress moved and now sitting beside me. Hand gripping mine carefully. And before either of us speaks another form has slipped into the room. Frame cracked a touch larger than seems able to fit but... Verbess somehow seems able to curl lithely about us both. Quills settling to thrum a steady and calming melody into the space.


“I'm so sorry. I should have been here with you." I whisper.


"You've got nothing to apologize for." Elevar murmurs. "Especially not that. We agreed it was a good plan to have you wait. Had no idea what things had shifted while we were away. What this place was doing.”


Verbess' Quills hum in protective agreement. "The Beast was weaving schemes and snares well-suited for us to stumble into. But none to devour just yet. Else we'd be eaten, and the world burning with your sun-gifted fury.”


"What? Burning? I don't have that kind of ability." I question.


"Calix... Can do more than hear the distant whispers of godthings and such. The boy can see futures. Or at the very least understand the shapes of incoming catastrophe. He said that if this place ate us, you'd return to try and end it. Would tear a sun from the sky and the remains of the moon down in His wake." My Mistress explains. "Channeling Girra he says. Lynette insists you'd not survive though. And wouldn't kill this place besides. So... Don't do that. Please.”


"Oh... I don't like that idea at all. No dying. At least not where I can't recover you." I insist.


"Would rather die than let this place eat us, but... yes. Of course." Elevar sighs and leans to fall over and lay atop myself and Verbess. Curling hand not gripped in mine up and around my head. "Promised you myself for as long as you could stand to keep me.”


"Good. There's a lot ahead and I'm just a girl doing her best. I can't do this without you all.”


"Our Xafra is more than just a gerl doing her best, dear one. You're going to accomplish quite a bit, and we mean to be here to make sure of that." She chuckles, tendrils titter an amused little melody as she adjusts to glance up and over to Adaline. "Wife, Unless there are pressing matters that need our attention right away, I'd ask you to stop standing alone there and come help us bury your Pack lead beneath a pile of some sorts. Try to get some measure of rest before the Envoys actually gather the courage to message us and crack any sleep we could hope to get in the coming days.”


[Same goes for you two as well. Krahe, Warden.] Lynette intones to them. [Once you finish your tasks, of course.]


[And Infestation, if... if everyone, and it, is comfortable with that.] Elevar adds.


Adaline nods and climbs into the bed behind me. "That sounds good to me.”


[Yes, Mistress. We will return shortly.] Warden intones.


[Yes, Mistress. Just settling these two in, then Infection and I will scurry back after a loop round the grounds.] Krahe echoes.


Verbess cracks and snaps itself outwards. Encompass and pulls Adaline up and more into the messy pile before settling Quills to hum an even calmer melody. Something to lure even those without Quills into gentle rest, even... even with the deep thrum beneath of vicious protectiveness. Long arms stretching out and around to trap us all fairly easily.


I settle slowly, finding comfort in my chosen family, my heart swelling with joy as Krahe, Warden, and Infection join us. "Just a nap though. Can't miss planning today." I promise as I start to fall asleep.


** ** **


I awaken within the nest of bodies to the annoyed muttering of Elevar as she moves to the open door where Envii is firmly knocking. All our Pack away and about while we rest. Latent Quill-Song woven to keep us abed while they tend to the tasks of today and ensure we sleep just a little while more. 


"Yes dear?" She asks kindly but tiredly, tendrils waking song a messy uncoordinated thing.


Envii looks disheveled and twitchy, continuing to knock for after Elevar speaks before catching herself with a flutter of her wings. "She has a letter for your attention. From the squatters on the Root Way. Launched clear over the entrance tied to a weird stone.”


Elevar seems to stare in surprise for a moment, before letting out a huff of a mirthless laugh.


"Of all the... Really?" Elevar whispers, holding out a hand to take the letter and rock from my Doll. "Did the fools forget how to use the Root Ways to alert the Estate and its Blossom to this? What, by the Cracked and Riven Moon, are they up to tossing things like this over?”


"She is uncertain, Miss Elevar. There's also one for a Warlord Endzeit but she does not know where to find such an entity." Envii answers with a curtsy.


"Thank you, I'll pass that one along as well." She answers after taking the bundles, then closes the door and moves to sit on the bed again. Murmuring softly. "Well... Let's hope these fools are already showing their hands then.”


"She seems... Rough. Don't think I've ever seen Envii without her look perfectly manufactured to impress." I mention, gently wriggling to sit up.


Elevar pauses, glances over while examining the letters. "Really? Should we send someone to check on her? Or..."


"Probably. Do you know if she was close with Augusta?" I ask.


"Oh... Right." Elevar huffs, running a hand through her mane of hair and clicking tendrils. "Nearly... my mind is still struggling to factor that into everything. Most of the Dolls here were probably some amount of close to her. But... I couldn't tell you which. Still haven't taken the time to properly meet most of them myself. Although Lynette keeps a list for quick reference and research purposes if needed.”


Elevar takes a moment to examine the stone they are tied to. Nods when she finds nothing amiss with it, then opens up the first letter. Seems to read it over once quickly before doing so aloud.


"To the Blossom of the Murk, Witch Elevar Nāvahīna." She begins, tendrils stilling and only clicking and tittering at punctuated words. "Since we last spoke, all but one of the Envoys have arrived and settled themselves along the Root Ways. And that last group is expected to arrive within the day. Then with all the proper sorts here they should weave their official messages and summons to you. All very traditional. I've tossed you this letter to hopefully talk you and Warlord Endzeit into coming out now to start introductions early. Begin settling their worries that you're just as unstable as the last Blossom this place took. Because this last Envoy set to arrive, the one from Grove Salzernte, comes with another Captain of my order and a belly full of spite for at least two other Groves here. I may be the Thresher Captain assigned to keep the peace, but this in your territory. Yours to lay threats and promises to the peace you expect these fools to keep. I hope to see you stepping out around the midday weeping. Signed, Captain Klevik of the Threshers."


As I share all this with our Pack, she glances over it twice more quickly while letting those words settle and examining the stone once more and holding a second letter out to me. 


<Judging from Mecia's last loop, we have about two hours then, if we want to be on time.> Adaline clarifies as I ponder. So I speak her words aloud for my mate to consider. 


"Quite right..." Elevar agrees, turning the rock over and over in her fingers. "And this is a Brine Stone, not been gifted one since... well, Rufus tried and I tossed it back in his face. Is a promise of safe passage into a Thresher's Burrow or encampment if challenged to the tip of violence. A single time use to be cracked and burned but... the real thing. Klevik truly does at least want us safely out and about.”


<Okay. Warden, can you check with Rufus about Envii, since he was doing the rounds and might know something? Infection, If you're still interested, we can do the Pack rebonding tonight after this initial meeting with the Envoys. Schatzi, can you check in with Primrose and Nettle, and make sure they're both doing okay supporting Gebetshure? Adaline, I think I'm going to need Calix's advice, despite how cruel it feels to ask him. okay. okay. okay. I should probably read this letter as well.> I rattle off instructions rapidly as I prepare for whatever I'm about to read.


After a chorus of Agreements, I begin.


"To Warlord Endzeit. No doubt you'll share this with this Blossom, so I'll happily avoid any coy nonsense and lay this out as I see it. You both seem reasonable sorts, stable even. But when it comes to those that weave themselves like clay, that can tilt sideways faster than you can blink. Don't know if you've seen it. A Fleshcrafter or Half-Knit or Warlord fuddling with themselves in a way that ends with them losing something. Going from stable to otherwise right-quick. No idea what nonsense you both get up to in there but it put my order on edge to read about. So, keep an eye on your Witch. Make sure she's ready for these talks. If not for her, for your kid. Would hate to see your little one suffer cuz her parents guzzled too much saltwater. Signed, Captain Klevik of the Threshers." I read the letter out loud, and can't help but smile. "So, how large of a show of force do you think we should start with, my Mistresses?”


"Oddly?" She considers aloud. "I think... We shouldn't display our numbers so readily. If the Envoys are already squabbling it gifts us the opportunity to seem the calm and reasonable sorts. Not interested in hostilities and quite perturbed by any nonsense they may have brought with them. And if this new group arrives and immediately presents themselves as problematic... Well, we've done nothing to welcome that. Might find allies more willing to sit with us.”


"Of course... There's a part of me that thinks we should talk with the... with Sekrhús beforehand to get her thoughts and see if she's interested in enforcing the peace, but I don't feel like it's the best of plans. In the end, the real question is, do I display Divinity?”


"Oh no. We're keeping that to ourselves, I think. The Groves don't... well they'll probably respond thrice as horribly as I did to your explanations on Dämmerung and such." She replies. "Same as our pasts and names. Best them think the previous gerls from this place fully gone and us their deposers. We need them to think us as simple sorts as possible. Well supplied and obviously Fleshcrafters but... not Yselda or her Floret. As for Sekrhús... That'll be a question for Lynette. I don't know if..."


She trails off. Tendrils curling and tittering in more than a bit of worry.


[The beast below doesn't care. I've got control of the Root Ways should we need to twist them to support us.] Lynette intones. [And while I agree with Elevar... I do think some of ours could be kept close but hidden should we consider walking from the room we spoke with Rufus in. Hidden if possible. Lurking about and such to gather information. From what I feel quite a few Envoys had brought quite the gaggle with them.] 


"Yet we still need to appear powerful. Enough to be wary of crossing, but not worth risking everything to attack. Especially with how many they've brought." I muse.


"Agreed." Elevar agrees and rises, twisting and flexing herselves about. "So... what do you think? One or two members of the Pack present and visible? And Which would you suggest?”


"Adaline and Verbess. No sense in letting them know about any others. And... I do adore the idea of a dramatic entrance, don't you?" I giggle as a thought comes to me."So... Why not let those two go out first to set a proper space for us, and then I open a Goreway directly between them so we can step through.”


She glances back at me, eyebrow quirked while tendrils stilling. "That would quite loudly communicate an amount of power they're not prepared to handle. Fold cracking is costly and dangerous from the most skilled of Witches. And this will look quite... disarming. To say the least. Cracked and Riven Moon. I…”


[I'll have to ensure the Estate won't find the act overmuch. But... I like this scheme.] Lynette murmurs. [Is a perfect way to show these fools the gap between us and the previous Blossom.]


"Make it an offer. We can..." I freeze up for a moment as terror nearly overwhelms me. "We can do so from one of the containment Chambers. If someone tries to sneak in, they're hers to keep.”


My Mistresses carefully step over to sit beside me once again, taking up a hand. "I don't expect it to come to that. Lynette just needs to warn the Beast and find us the best spot. This place is odd with magic like the Folds between the Roots. Coming in is fine, but slipping away gets it upset. It's... possessive like that.”


"I think I can understand that. I'll have to talk to it eventually. Soon, honestly. But… not today." I say, leaning into her.


"Honestly... I don't ever want to talk with this place again either. Not without you." She replies, leaning head atop mine. "It... Knew how to shape its muppet in a way that reminded us of Yselda without it being obvious. Like dreaming without knowing it's a dream but knowing it's all so... wrong. Didn't know what it was doing till it starting laughing and tore a seam in the weaving. Schatzi told it off for that. But... It also spoke like you did back before. Words even tangled up Lynette till things settled.”


"I don't think it... She understands love and compassion or mortality in a positive way. The last survivor of nine children. Anchored in place longer than I was, and... born to serve as a womb for those that could never be her equal. For all my hate, I had hope. What did it have, past an assignment?" I find tears coming to my eyes as I recall my foolish attempt to rescue whatever spirit was trapped in the tunnels below the Estate.


She's still there. My vicious nibling, and I have a duty to it as well.


"That sounds about right, but it's also... This one's been around a long time." Elevar murmurs gently. "Has almost countless years behind itself. Just... don't throw yourself at her like Augusta did. Please. Regardless of what it might taunt you with.”


"There's an irony there... I'm much more used to being angry and holding that back than Augusta is, I think. I won't. It may take a while but... I've decided that I need to help her as well.”


A few heartbeats pass, and I feel my second Mistress’ emotions rise to a boil. Tendrils clicking and almost hissing her mess of fury and fear and annoyance. All aimless. Quite a few are self-focused though.


"You're both fools." Lynette huffs. Speaking aloud for the first time since last night, pulling from the comfortable snuggle to rise. But... not roughly. Moves across the room to carefully pick up the glass sculpture off the desk Schatzi left it on. The eyes I’d given them still wrapped in a precious sculpture.


Then she cracks it between their hands like some overripe fruit. Before I can blink holds one of the red gemstones eyes in each hand as glass shards fall through their fingers, scales totally unscratched by the sharp chunks.


"This place doesn't need help." She hisses, but more under her breath as she examines them. Rolling the stones around as I'd seen some do to gemstones within valuable jewelry. "It has more power and influence bound and strangled than any of you have unbound and free. I'll not be blind to that again, Cracked and Riven Moon.


I nod. "Power and influence aplenty, and yet, that just delays my actions. I need to be strong enough to free you and protect my darlings before I do something to loosen her bonds.”


She closes her grip around the eyes, more... than my Mistress' rather small hands should be able to. Then looks at me. "You don't need strength, dear one. You're finding diminishing returns in that. Will never catch up to this place. Not in a thousand years of brutal harvest even. You need to see. Clearly. And..." 


She looks back down to her hands. Whispers as tendrils fully fall to silence, "So do I. Regardless of how much it'll ruin me."


It's... not clear what exactly she weaves. But I easily feel and recognize it as some type of Fleshcrafting.


For a second, barely enough time to blink, Lynette's form changes, a slender, too thin lightly feathered figure towering over us with four taloned arms. Her scales are a dark iridescent jade, worn and cracked, yet polished with care. Instead of eyes her tendrils are much more numerous and carefully envelope her like a protective barrier to the world around.


Then she's back to normal, eyes gone from open palms as Elevar attempts to steady them against the table.


"I hope they serve you well, Mistress." I state with a fierce pride and sense of contentment. I don't know what she has done but… she is beautiful and has made a choice.


She glances over at me, cracking fingers as they flex hands. "So do I, dear one. I'll nudge the Beast below to consider our request about our entrance. Otherwise... mayhaps we should ensure your gaggle is doing well? I've no patience for speaking with our Sun-Blessed guests until after our first talks with the Envoys, but the rest should be seen too.”


I nod and check in with the Pack. <Status and Mission Report>


<Well. On the way back with Calix. He is calm.> Adaline trills back.


<Warden is fully Functional. Witch Rufus Chain has stated that Envii is the secretary of Void Maid Augusta. Warden is returning.> Warden reports smoothly.


<This one is um doing good but feels bad for Gebetshure because they're really sad though they thinks that mebe with the um… Lotus flowers they can reach out to Augusta if she's not gone gone like you said? Oh and Primrose and Nettle are good! They're making cute things and talking with Gebetshure.> Schatzi thrums with emotion.


<Infestation and this one are listening while Krelliva and Feryudra are talking with a gaggle here at the Library Spire.> Krahe replies. <We'll head back anytime we're needed.>


Verbess rouses from its movements within the thrumming Pack Song between us to intone clearly but gently. <These ones find no cracks within or without. Have woven and examined thrice dozen inverted harmonics for use during these coming communications with the Envoys. Including things to lead Adaline through any motions needed for combat, stealth, and also conversational variations of both in case words are asked or required of her. Patterns of the Giyars to grip like sturdy ropes within a Summer's Storm.>


<Well done. Verbess, Adaline, you're our vanguard for this meeting, if you are both willing. Head on back. Krahe, you and Infection can stay there for now, keep our guests safe.> I thrum back to my wonderful Pack.


"Alright, everything is in order and we should be able to go momentarily." I enthuse to my Mistresses.


Elevar smirks at me and eyes my form up and down, then steps over and takes up my hand. Starts to tug me along. "We should take the time we have to clear our minds. Have anyone that wants to come wash up and change into fresh clothes in my Spire with us. Look as Matronly as possible as opposed to the messy gaggle we'd seem otherwise.”


I nod and gleefully follow along.






Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 


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