A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 76: Dissonance and Bad Function (Frame 514.5)

Dissonance and Bad Function (Frame 514.5)

Content Warnings:



<Assessing… Harmonization to Pack's Driftdream vessel's stable. Synthesized focus at 26.7% with a fluctuation rate of 14.9% with allowance for Pack Lead at any amount. Pack Heart: Verbess linking all cognition to maintain Good Function.>


These ones wait and watch and listen and… remain stilled. Keeping Quills steady and working only to amplify and resonate with the calm laden focus Schatzi is currently gifting this Frame and the Pack at large.


Xafra does not respond to our Mistress’ reply, but Grakler Frame leans over to bump her in thanks. From deep within the melodies these ones can feel her turning those words over and over. More carefully than she might otherwise, anxious of the jerk at thought leashes end.


The Curanos does not move either. Seems to be ready to rise up and press the worries all the Pack see tearing at her thoughts. But… does not speak. Only watches.




The harmony tilts, and Adaline approaches. Settling to sit beside the Curanos. And around the two dissonant melodies within these dream woven spaces… These one's Pack considers how best to weave a path forward.




Twitch a tune toward this Pack’s Warden. Wondering if it has noticed anything about the…


Finds it distressed.


These ones adjust to offer it more pitch within the Frame's Quill-Song, while also creating a tune woven to envelope worries. Chimes softly at this Frame laden protector in the way Xafra nudged our Mistress. Trying to assure it with gentle harmonic Quill-Song while examining the root of the steady unease that thrums quietly beneath the layers of this Pack’s ever present Symphony.




"Jezrial. Meeting you has definitely made it clear that Xafra has a preference for overworked no-nonsense older women. Makes a girl feel like she can barely compete. Sure this one is functionally immortal, bonded to her soul, has an amazing body custom made by her and the ability to communicate with her through ultrasonic music, but this one simply can't compare to the matronly withering looks that get her all flustered under the Frame." Adaline states with an even voice.


These ones add a tittering of amusement to the melodies as Mistress Elevar looks over to blink at these ones Pack Sister several times. And from Adaline’s quiet amusement she must be fighting back at the very least a grin, if not laughter. At our side Mistress Lynette openly smirks.


As for Jezrial…


She sits at the edge of two responses, but after a moment chooses to huff out a laugh. “Isn’t that the smallest tragedy of it all? Between myself, Kizurra, and now these two, how can the honest young, such as yourself, hold a candle to those standards? What with our lack of anything but the driest humor, endless inflexibility in all the stupidest most impractical of places, and propensity for falling asleep standing up?”


These one's are already kindling Schatzi and Wardens and even Adaline's memory of the event, and sharing the amusement the Pack felt through the Song. Even letting Mistresses feel the echoes through their less precise attachments.


“It was the one time.” Mistress Elevar murmurs quietly, but with a soft smile that clicks and echoes through tendrils as she holds our Pack Lead. 


"And couple that with Xafra's desire to only have one lover at any time and... yes. You're doomed. Sorry about those flusters under your Frame." Jezrial continues. "I'd recommend a Curanos but between all my referrals being long gone and you being well... not within my realm of specialty, you're on your own there. Hope it's nothing serious."


Xafra snickers at the exchange, this Jezrial's droll sarcasm diminishing the lingering dread these ones can sense in her.


"Warden does not understand. Pack lead Xafra has not shown any inclination to prefer a singular lover. In addition, Warden has verified Pack sister Adaline's Frame and confirmed no present issues aside from some minor cleaning needed."


"It's... gentle sarcasm." These one’s Primary User supplies, glancing over to Warden. "Stating the opposite of reality in obvious jest."


Warden nods slowly as it begins to link with the rest of the Pack to increase its understanding of sarcasm.


"Alright. Enough of all that then." A pause, then Jezrial nods while pushing herself to stand. Looking about the clinic before settling gaze on Xafra and Elevar. "Where can I be the most useful to the coming tasks? In here or out in one of those Doll Frames?"


"That... depends. What tasks are you interested in helping with?" Mistress Elevar asks carefully, tendrils stilling to quiet curiosity.


"Honestly, anything." Jezrial replies. "But mostly the upcoming removal of Xafra's Basal Garrote."


These ones quicken the song to envelope this Geist's request. Weaving all the necessary factors into the composing of our Mistress' and Pack Lead's decision.




These ones hear worry radiating off her, but... <Not the worry of hunted prey for its own safety. For these one's Pack Lead? Yes. But only partially at the concept of failure. Her words from before ring through these anxieties...> 


"What can you offer either way?" Mistress Lynette asks, her own tendrils still and silence. Refusing to express anything.


With Warden's general analytics woven so deeply into the song now... These ones catch the twitch of Jezrial's eyes and minute stiffening of her muscles at this Pack's Secondary User's words.


"I am a Curanos, with nearly three decades of on-field experience. The modern era's current Healing Arts may be more advanced in some ways, but in others they are lesser. I can fill the gaps while learning new techniques. Besides that, I have all of Xafra's memories up to the first Garrote's removal. Including the cut experiences. With her permission I can share relevant and traumatic parts that you'd rather avoid other Geists having to endure. Also, I was trained by actual Moon-Blessed and can share their unredacted teachings. Things that you all need to know and I can and will share to ensure Xafra survives."


With barely a twitch of Quills, our Pack Lead chimes into the melody her acceptance of Jezrial gaining a Doll form and remaining on the Estate. But specifically would demand she make a proper oath to only kill in self defense.


These ones chew on that for a few heartbeats of the Mistress, tittering harmonic thoughts to the Pack... <Offer more binding expectations about this. Both in word and Function. Consider how... different these ones expect Jezrial's instillation to be from Krahe's. These one's Pack Sister was already broken into the shapes to fit well into her new Frame, Jezrial is not. Even without the cracking of old Ousia and Physis into new parts this Pack should be ready for her to awaken changed.>


The Primary Mistress tilts her head to the side in thought. "You'll have no magic, if you choose Dollhood."


"I don't have it here either. Not really. My weaving days are behind me." Jezrial shrugs. "And I was trained to make due without, and did at least half the time. With a decent Frame the lethargy and such won't cause me to need it. And once I'm linked up into your bond I can pass my knowledge to you and your Doll, who can then share them with Adaline through Quill-Song."


"And... Whom would you expect to take the mantle of your Mistress?" Secondary User Lynette asks with the soft purring of a predator circling prey.


"No one. I'll serve as asked, but I don't need some mother bird clucking over me." Jezrial replies evenly, but... with a touch of anxiety and venom just beneath.


Lynette chuckles. "That's a bad idea, Curanos. Doll's without one to call their keeper, even in spirit alone, struggle to Function well. But... you know this. Why risk disfunction?"


Jezrial leans back against the desk as she glances over. "To be blunt, only one of you has enough of my professional respect to manage me well if I transitioned into that. Generally instruction on tasks will be fine. But from what Xafra's memories show me of how Doll's Function... Well, a person with literally no understanding of my Arts would be better than someone who has partial and incomplete perspectives. You'll give me a goal and I'll devote my everything to achieving it, but any sort of needling or attempts to micro-manage my work will lessen it."




Not a lie, but a half truth.


These ones turn the composed information and considerations over to the Pack Lead for final tuning. Awaiting her to either pounce forward into a choice or assign another to prompt the reply and requirements for this agreement.


Xafra stirs and shifts to her Warlord form, slipping out of Mistress Elevar's arms. 


"Hmmmm. Jezrial... We could... Try to do something new. Make a living body for you to inhabit. Risky of course, but... worthwhile perhaps. Would need to have limits. Reasonable ones I believe. Would prefer to trust." Pack lead speaks in broken sentences as her mind repeated hitches and the blanks are patched by Warden.


The Curanos' eyes dart up to stare at Xafra, not even trying to hide her wince at the Garrote's obvious toll. "Of course you'd trust as easily as others breathe once they get the feel for it, that's what you were forged to do. But..." She sighs, looks down and away from our Pack lead's looming form. "You know I won't agree to what you'd demand. This other way... you're Dolls and Pack will be safe enough. Even the other Geist's fear for me is rooted more in their disgust than logic. Better to stick me in a Frame and use my knowledge and skills that way. Ignore the messiness of the flesh. You'll have that Witch Tone and Matriarch's Voice to assure all I'm within your control. It's enough. To make sure I can be useful."


"WHY NOT? ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO NOT COMMIT MURDER, DAMMIT." Xafra yells before turning away and leaning against the wall "I don't want to control you. I just... want to offer you another chance at life."


"I know..." She whispers across the room a few heartbeats after Pack Lead Xafra's echoes fall silent. "I understand why you can't accept what I did. But we both know that if I have the opportunity there are at least two I would kill at the most opportune moment and with much more deadly efficiency than before. And then you would end me. Those are the charts, Xafra. I... I'd love to lie to you. Break any promises and ask forgiveness in hopes you'd understand later. Would be more... on task. Than this other way. You'd deserve that of us. But... Mother Moon set her dead glare on me, I can't do that to you. Won't. Even if I thought you'd forgive the acts later. Not again."




A pause, and Lynette snorts and huffs. "Bold of you to think even Xafra's understanding of our wards and spells would give you enough to kill us, Curanos."


Jezrial turns a full glare on Lynette now. "Presumptuous of you to think Witch Elevar is who I'm talking about."


Mistress Elevar ignores them as the Secondary User settles to smirk a silent crooked smile at the glaring Geist. Stepping up to place a calming hand on Xafra's back. Offering no words, but soothing support and confidence to our Pack Lead across the bond.


"Let's be clear here. My one and only request would be that you don't murder innocents. AND YOU'RE SAYING YOU CAN'T AGREE? At least explain why? I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty, Dämmerung knows, and I understand that distasteful things must be done on occasion. So Who Then?"


The building trembles under our Pack Lead's fury. Tiles and desk and supplies rattling in anger that sparks and titters. These ones devote all our focus into wrapping the Quill-Song in a melody of stability. Not overriding or suppressing simply... tuning ourselves close enough to stabilize the foundations beneath. Stop any of her anger and pain from leaving this room... so long as she doesn't increase her Harmonics and tilt the Pack into matching her resonance.


"That doesn't... You won't be allowed to understand why, not yet. Not until that Basal Garrote is removed. Probably won't agree, even afterwards, but... Fine. You know my opinion on that foolish classification but at least one of these two fall outside your definition." Jezrial looks back to Xafra, hiding any worry about the instability all about us. "The first is the Denizen corpse the Estate infected your Mistress with, the one calling herself Lynette." 


A twitch, and Lynette's head tilts to the side as she becomes a pillar of absolute stillness amidst the trembling room. "What did you just say?"


"Lynette is the mother of my child. She doesn't need to be killed, she needs to be unchained. Who is the second?" Xafra raises a hand towards Lynette and motions for patience.


"No, she is the one who stole your child. Has given you no other choice but to call her that." Jezrial counters evenly. "Uses all the right words and all the perfect gestures to placate you so that your daughter grows into a perfect Floret. Tricks you, Sikkina's true mother, into servitude to ensure you'll submit to her plans. The only reassuring part about her is that she is still partially leashed, Xafra. Bound she is limited. Chained, she has to placate this place and Elevar. Unbound... she would use Sikkina. Possibly infest her. Our Dead Mother Moon knows that might be her plan anyway. What with how another entity that should be killed is that Doll she claimed and is currently using as a test subject."




"Ooooh... I like this one, Xafra. She's... everything I liked to look for in years past." Secondary User Lynette giggles in a voice that titters with old Nightmares and no humor, flickering half the distance to Jezrial in barely a heartbeat. Form seeming to grow and stretch and contort into a taller gaunt shape as voice cracks and twists and rasps. "That perfect mix of highly educated but wonderfully foolish cunt that breaks so well into-"


"Sister." Mistress Elevar snaps, voice a whip-crack that seems to slice through the room and strike Lynette like a physical blow. Causing these one's Secondary User to flinch.


Then turns a glare on these one's Primary User. 


"That's not your voice." Elevar murmurs to an unspoken reply.


Lynette opens her mouth to growl something, but then eyes flicker up to Xafra, and she hesitates. Unmoving form wavering a bit.


Xafra lets out a quiet sigh and the shaking ends. "Fine. You win, Jezrial. I'll be the monster you made me, and perhaps eventually, you'll understand and forgive me." Xafra turns back to Jezrial and wraps the fabric of the dream around her. "I do this because I love you, not out of spite or a desire to hurt you. It's important for you to know that."


"This isn't... you're... but..." The Curanos stammers as the clinic dissolves, the sustenance beginning to flow toward her like water. Forms up and around Jezrial's body before any more words leave her lips. 


Above, the sky cracks as the Driftdream resumes its day and night cycle as the twin suns blaze down at us and our Pack Lead stares up at them. "I'm going to trust you with one of the few people I've ever loved. If you hurt her, I'll find a way to annihilate you worse than whatever killed our blessed Mother Moon."


"Cracked and Riven... Xafra!" Mistress Lynette hisses, gaze turned upward as she takes a step backways. "You... This... What have you DONE!?!"


"Is... is that...?" Mistress Elevar stammers.


Lynette rounds on Xafra, seeming to fold more in on herself. Appearing smaller than before. "Why!?!"


"I am going to put Jezrial into a body. A hybrid Sun-blessed one. I opened the Driftdream to the Divines once more, because I won't have Jezrial suffer in silence until the work is done, or deny any of the Geists their right to commune. I'm doing this knowing that I am stripping all of her agency from her and I won't claim that it's necessary or for the greater good. I'm doing it because I am a selfish thing and I refuse to surrender her, let her be anything less than what she is capable of, or permit her to harm those I love."


"Xafra that..." Elevar takes a deep breath, lets it out as tendrils writhe in anxiety. "She's... so much more twisted than I expected. I'd simply assumed she killed Half-Knits for the same reason Thresher's sometimes do. But... Cracked and Riven Moon is she on the far side of it all, isn't she? It wasn't stupid malice born from ignorance at all."


"Not at all. She always did what she thought was right, no matter what it would cost."


"Moonshite." Elevar spits sadly and steps close to Xafra. "I'm so sorry. This... this isn't..."


"Don't take to the habit of calling yourself a thing unless that's what you suddenly want to be." Lynette growls softly as our Primary User trails off. "You're not a warcrime either. Even if you can't understand why not yet I'll not hear you blurting that nonsense to anyone else, understood? I'd also rather guzzle sea-water that put up with some ethical debate, but I doubt anyone can claim you selfish for trying to make a woman you love live again without being a threat to others. Especially after what she did and the wretched memories she made you imbibe. There are no easy choices here, only shades of complex and messy. But..." This Pack's Second User stops, glares up at the twin blazes. "Let's have this discussion outside. I don't want to risk that thing seeing me here and... or..."


"I know now that i am not a warcrime myself, but my... genesis here definitely was. As is what I am going to do to Jezrial, though at least that involves much less victims." Xafra responds dryly and without emotions as she raises a engraved stone monolith where Jezrial's clinic was, in front of where she still stands. "Alright. let's go."


**    **    **


We pull from the Driftdream back into the Primary User's bedchambers. Initially curled close but...


The Mistress' pull away, tendrils clicking fierce anxiety. And after a moment a glimmering Physis apparition of Elevar makes it clear which of them is moving the flesh. The Primary Mistress' Physis form sits close to Xafra, propped on the edge of the bed. While the Secondary stands and runs fingers through their hair.




"Look, I adore the artistic irony of it. Am impressed even. But...” Lynette finally says, looking back to the bed containing us. “Let's be honest here, Xafra, you've no idea what this means. What that will cost you. What it will cost... everyone else. Dollhood is already more than the cunt has earned from you. If you mean to force a new peaceful life on her then just... do it. Don't shove her into the arms of some… blazing godling you've never met nor understand His goals or Dreams. Become her Mistress and show her where she is wrong. Or ask Elevar to. Both will get you what you want and her a better life. She's already agreed to that anyway. Empty Skies you could probably just... let her be an independent Doll and wait for her to crack and beg you or another to claim her. I'll even promise not to do it myself or interfere. Just... remove those suns from your Driftdream and forget this foolish scheme. Is that understood?"


Fear. That's what radiates from the Secondary User. Wrapped in direct words and attempted logic, as has always been these one's Mistresses preference, sparking in her eyes like it hasn't seen... ever. Not in this half. Or at least... not until it found the Primary User over a decade ago drowning in a growing dread for what the old nightmare wove into their mind. A foreign terror to the Secondary User that she has no experience handling...


"I understand and refuse utterly. You can either assist, or stay out of the way; That is the only options I am willing to offer. By the time I am done, Jezrial will be Sun-Scorched and better for it."


"Really? REALLY? You'd play at upending everything for some twisted little..." Lynette trails off, eyes blazing. Then she freezes, her everything going still for a heartbeat while all expression falls away. "Alright, fine. I agree to assist."


Then she turns and struts down the side passage to the lower levels.


Mistress Elevar's apparition sighs, "Moonshite."


Xafra looks at Mistress Elevar with a deep calm, all her earlier worries and turmoil harmonized like a recalcitrant Pack Sister as she thrums a soft Quill-Song of anticipation.




"Would it helped if I apologize in advance or... is it best I wait till after so they can be more specific to her actions and words?" Elevar murmurs with a tired and worried smile as she looks back up to Xafra. "Probably both. Honestly. This is... She refuses to talk to me about this part of herself. And Jezrial saying those things.... Cracked and Riven Moon. She already didn't like that gerl. So I'm sorry for how this has tilted. Both about Jezrial and Lynette."


<Minor fluctuations in Mistress Elevar's Physis weaving detected. Twitches in Focus. Hypothesized Assessment... Primary User will struggle to wrest control of body from the Secondary User if they come into Division of action.>


"Love, I don't see any need for apologies or for you to apologize for her if she does something wrong. Truthfully I was expecting you to express displeasure as well. I know how distasteful and hypocritical my choice here is. So, before I get started on well... mastering all the knowledge of biological development and botany I can get my hands on, I would be happy to listen to your concerns."


"Honestly... I'd like to know why a Sun-Blessed, specifically." Elevar asks while resting her chin on a palm, tendrils tittering in curiosity. "Or a Sun-Scorched. If there's a difference I'm unaware of. Dollhood would be... difficult. For a gerl like her. Seems the kind to break before bending and the spiritual dysphoria could be traumatizing. But she knows or can be made aware of the risks before fully consenting. But this... Jezrial would never agree to this. And you know that. And I know that'll hurt you. So... why?"


"Because I refuse to take away her personhood, and she has made it clear what she would do with a regular human form. And because despite seeing all that I have, and being much more intelligent, she decided to persist in her discrimination of the Sun-blessed. So I'm going to give her more power and potential to do good than she could have ever dreamed of, with the ability to utilize Nomos alongside Physis and Ousia, while still retaining her individuality. In addition, being able to commune with the other Sun-blessed more directly as well as Him would allow her to be an invaluable source of information. And... I hate that I've decided on this path. It's not something I can justify, only explain. She's going to get a new start, but never a clean slate. The Sun-blessed don't forget."


"No, I can understand that. Even..." She sighs heavily, tip tapping chin in thought. "Find it deviously brilliant. I think she'll delight in this after settling and considering things. And the Sun-Blessed have to have assimilated sorts that hated them. So them rejecting or hurting her shouldn't be a worry. In terms of justifications... Well, I'm not the gerl to talk of such things. Jezrial may deserve worse; but for me, of all people, to speak to it would be the height of nonsense. But she wronged you, and I think this is quite the thoughtful path to helping make her better. I... If we're going to find ourselves deciding what to do with horrid people we stumble across, I'd like to do this more. Try and... give them a path to be better. Rather than punishment for its own sake."


"If it works. I will be the first to admit that there is a significant chance she will reject the change utterly and I'm not willing to mess with her mind to prevent that."


"No one says we can't run tests and get all the facts we can beforehand." Elevar shrugs. "That's... Something I ask. That you ensure that she has the best chance at taking well to this as possible. Not for her, but for you. Us. Because..." She pauses, an odd expressions crossing her face. "It's like when I cracked a leg as a child and my brother took me to a local woman for help. She... didn't have any magic. Oddly, I don't remember the pain, other than it was horrid. But I do remember my brother's anguish watching me suffer, and how many weeks it took him to calm again. He... later admitted to still having nightmares about that. I just... don't want this to be that for us. We're being better. And us going over this before acting and feeling wretched makes me think we're on the right path. Healing wounds instead of inflicting them, and growing a bit sick at the bile we have to clean off first. If... that makes some amount of sense?"


"Yes. We will do our best to make sure it works out well. I do hope that she will come to appreciate it and understand, but I need to make this completely clear. What I'm planning is... significantly worse than that Einwandfrei of yours. This cannot be something to take lightly, ever."


Our Primary Mistress nods. "Yes. Without a doubt. When it comes to the health and mental well being of our Pack, and acts that could endanger that, Always. You promised me as many years with you as I could stand and I mean to keep them well. But to do that I... I need us to be better. Our bodies and Ousia might be endlessly able to heal now but we both know how mental scars are much more tricky wounds to handle. We need to keep watch on each other. And... You'll have my support. Regardless of your answer to this. But... If I see a major problem. Or think it's not worth the risks. Would you stop and find another path with me? Trust your partner's request to step away and prioritize our future?"


"I... Yes, Mistress."


"Thank you, dear one." Elevar leans forehead to bump weightless Physis forehead to our Pack Lead's while smiling gently. "Honestly I think this is more than doable. But... I seem to have had my physical form snatched away with no scheduled return in sight. So..." She turns to us, the Pack waiting patiently on the bed about them. "I'd love to hear your perspectives. On all of this. I only catch the shapes of your Songs with my tendrils and never the word shaped thoughts beneath..."


<Warden Dissonance Avoidance Behavior is disabled.> Warden thrums apologetically.


Schatzi embraces these ones from within, silently stating [Hold on tight dear. This will likely be hard for you.] before taking control of our Frame.


Messages are sent rapidly to Augusta and Lynette, demanding their presence as she looks at our Mistress with disappointment. "In the future, this one would like you to listen to the words that are said, and not just your feelings on them."


These ones nuzzle her back in support, twisting the momentum of the Quill-Song to endure dissidence and chaotic harmonies without shattering. Allowing not just these one's Pack lead, but any others to chime chaotic melodies in contradiction to the core Harmonics. 


The Primary User quirks an eyebrow at this Frame. "I've... not had the pleasure of your anger directed at me in too long. Honestly. Not properly, anyway. And this holds the echoes of a promise made to me. So, what words have I overlooked in preference to my feelings?"


Schatzi is about to bubble up a reply but… holds her reply when a message from Augusta is returned. “Upstairs, please. Augusta can’t deal with stairs right now and I want her and Lynette here.” 


And for a few moments, Schatzi has us relocate to the upper living chambers. Augusta arrives in a wheelchair pushed by Gebetshure and from her melodies confirm that Lynette is… otherwise occupied and unwilling to return. 


“Okay, no Lynette.” Schatzi speaks softly but firmly, turning to face our Pack Lead. "Xafra, you are not allowed to do this to Jezrial. You have our full support in designing a hybrid Sun-blessed body, but you will not put anyone into one without their explicit consent, because apparently it falls on me to forbid this obvious travesty."


"But it's the only—" Xafra begins before Schatzi cuts her off. 


"No. Be an effective Weapon and Obey. Follow your Purpose and Good Function."


Dissonance screams across the Harmonics, twisting the tunes and cracking at the base of the song. These ones envelope the fissures and fill the gaps, thrumming temporary melodies of trust and curiosity before things of anger and contempt can echo through.


"Gotta agree with this one's Little Birb." Krahe murmurs from her perched spot on the back of Adaline’s chair, tails draped all about and beginning to curl around our youngest Pack Sister. "This seems... a pretty crooked path to get where we want, Pack Lead. Mistress. Right through the thickest thorns. Gonna get pretty torn up if we try to force through to the other side instead of going around."


Xafra shifts down to her Doll form and with tears in her eyes responds, "Yes sisters. Are... Are you sure?"


"Yes. If she declines the hybrid form, we will give her a Doll form using this one's architecture. It will prevent any of the issues commonly present in Witchless Dolls, especially if followed by the resheathing ritual." Schatzi reassures her.


"That's... quite the claim." Elevar murmurs. "Dollcraft isn't my expertise, so endure your Mistress' armature muses, but that'll still involve reweaving incredibly core parts of her central considerations. Yes? Deliberately and delicately after mapping them out to ensure precision. As even in her current state she is as settled roots. Unbendable and likely cracked by overmuch changes. Most installations set a Doll compatible weave and drive people through it, while... this would be more like a slow straining through a filter? Needing to look backways and frontways in the same moment to ensure everything is the same while keeping any recollections of the process soft? Difficult and expensive in Ousia for the Crafter and Crafted but... well. We have as much as we need really."


"Mistress... To explain properly this one feels the need to approach the question widdershins, if that's alright?" Schatzi asks.


"Of course." Elevar nods and flickers to settle next to Xafra.


"Gebetsure here has a nice soul core. It serves them well and is an example of a standard structure as you can see. Augusta on the other hand... Well she doesn't have a soul core at all, does she? It is not entirely relevant to this initial point but it helps to denote that a soul core isn't actually necessary for a Doll frame. Then we can look at Krahe's Soul core. One that was formed out of Xafra's own and then implanted into an empty Frame without the standard weaving process. Which shows that an extant core can be implanted as well. Now... If you'd look at mine. compared to the other's, it is... Different. only gently pressed on the outside, yet hollowed out for Warden. This one discussed a lot with Warden to get a clearer understanding of what happened back then and during the first breaking... They didn't know I existed. When they learned about me, they added Warden to me to prevent me from commandeering the Pack. Because despite wanting and preferring to be a Doll, without the tone or garrote or warden modifying me, I'm still a person. Verbess was the one broken. Which means that if Jezrial is willing to share headspace, there is a... relatively simple solution for her. Otherwise, we have the pieces needed to do things the hard way."


"What do you mean Augusta doesn't have a soul core?" Xafra murmurs quietly in confusion.




The Harmonics hitch and click and crack... but do not shatter. These ones won't let them. Keep the melodies on Path. Forward. Always. Songs do not go backwards! They can catch and loop and repeat over and over until the notes fall out of tune and the Pack breaks under the weight. So it reweaves the Harmonics beneath and around these one's Pack Sister. Keeping to her demand for these ones to hold on tight.


"She's... Special, I'm not sure what else to add there unless you'd like to properly introduce yourself?" Elevar glances to Augusta.


Augusta smiles, "Not yet unfortunately. Would cause issues with the Garrote still."


Mistress nods, then flickers over to these one's Frame, kneeling before Schatzi. "Thank you for sharing. Offering these parts of yourselves to help us understand. This seems a well thought out option. But... Can I set aside the discussions of Jezrial's future for a moment? I'd like to... to understand. Your words. From before. And just now."


"Yes, Mistress." Schatzi answers with a sigh of relief and a thrum through her horns to reinforce this one's work.


"You say you want and prefer to be a Doll, so... that's what you are. Right?" She states plainly, tip-tapping Schatzi's leg soundlessly. "And if I'm to apply the same logic I'd expect of others about gerls like me... Then that doesn't change unless you want it to. Our world breaks people into Dolls, but... that doesn't mean people can't choose that for themselves without being broken or Garroted or... or otherwise. I'm not willing to let anyone but you tell me what being a Doll means to you. But, if there are things you need to make that feel more true, well... ask. I'll help you get them. Change words or actions to achieve them. Always."


"My Mistress, Personhood is not the same as gender, and that's what Xafra's been trying to explain for so long now. For me, being a person is difficult. It was more comfortable for me when you used your tone to praise me and reinforce your instructions because it made things simple. Less stress and worry. No responsibility. No needing to make sure my sister survived... such a long time without anyone else. As for Xafra... Pack lead, what was Jezrial's favorite animal?"


"What would that..." Elevar's expression and tendrils titter in confusion as she trails off, then tilt into understanding when she glances between Xafra and this Frame. "It... it was a Grakler, wasn't it? Where... Cracked and Riven Moon, were they less furiously unsocial in your time? Smaller mayhaps? A stupid amount of years and a few geological changes the reason for their tendency to wake up and choose violence against the world?"


Xafra blushes and nods. "Bigger before, actually. Closer to the size of my Frame. Friendlier, but Jezrial said we couldn't have one because it would be unhygienic and that she already had her... favored pet."


Our Mistress' expression twists a bit between a few different and disparate emotions, Physis form flickering. "I... see. And to your words, Schatzi?"


"Yes, Mistress. This one would like to apologize for any discomfort they may have caused."


"Thank you but... don't apologize, dear one. This is just... not things I thought to ask about. But should have." She replies as her form sizzles back into steady shapes. "I'd rather you be honest, especially with how wonderfully you explain things. It's good for me to face old lessons and perceptions and gain better ones."


"Yes, Mistress. How may this one better serve you and enjoy Good Function?"


"Just... keep being you. Not fearless but... persistent for yourself and this Pack." the Primary User nods. "You've been so wonderful about all this despite being more upset than is fair to you." 




These ones relax our grip on the song, let it titter and fold over itself. Harmonics less unstable but...


Mistress Elevar's eyes glide over to regard the two most silent Pack Sisters. Doesn't bother to hide the touch of a worried smile when she takes in Krahe's big tail wrapped all about Adaline's Frame.  "So... you two have been understandably quiet. You don't have to share anything you'd rather not. I just... know this must prick at more than a couple bad spots and I want to... to ask. Offer you the space?"


"This one has come to terms with her own nature and is simply happy that the rest of you are working through things." Adaline giggles softly before gnawing on Krahe's tail.


Krahe lets out a tittering sound of lazy agreement, and these one's Primary User lets out a calming breath, looks back to this Frame while Physis form flickers back to sit next to Xafra. "And... Warden? Verbess?"


These ones nudge Warden to reply first while it considers the final twists of the Pack's Harmonics. Chasing errant notes and troublesome tunes that remind it of lightning's bug-sized cousins that sometimes gather across agitated cloth. Gathering them up and knitting them into the frayed edges for later use in other songs. Weaving the disparate melodies back into things that ring with Good Function.


"Warden feels... upset that it has not been assisting Schatzi in the ways that could help her be comfortable."




These one's finalize the ever changing core of the Pack's shared Song into steady parameters and slips itself comfortably beneath and somewhat around this Pack Sister. Gifting it support and assurances as it titters with the notes behind those words.


"I... yes. I feel that too. But we're all still learning about each other." The Primary User agrees. "And... you've had a lot of responsibilities. Long even before I met you. I expect... you did the best you could with the resources you had."


"Agreed" Xafra confirms.


These ones begin to consider our melody within. Detaching its own Harmonies from the greater weaving before... Sounds pull its attention from the introspection. 


Smooth gliding motions of soft fur across stone and eventually wood and...


"The Snekdoll rises." These ones spark a form of Physis and intone to the Pack and Mistress just as gentle little sounds begin to echo up from the lower chambers.


"Good. I hope that means Lynette is doing a bit better as well."


But the Primary User's expression is confused as the Snek Doll slithers up the steps and peeks out from the steps. Ears standing high up as eyes roll over the group. 


"Um... Hi." She murmurs to the group.


"Evening, little one." Mistress Elevar replies, holding out a hand in offering and welcome. "How are you today?"


The Snek Doll wiggles back and forth in thought before saying. "Um..."


A pause of thought as she looks over the group, then she moves forward as something odd flashes in her eyes. Slithers right up to Pack Lead Xafra's chair, crawls up, and curls up at the Pack Lead's side. "Okay. This one thinks. The Dirt was having bad dreams and tried to share so this one decided to sleep with Sikkina but SHE likes to ugly sing so... Actually not okay. But now the Sky is empty and Mistress asked this one to watch it closely tonight so will be better. It hopes."


Harmonics resonate perfect clarified bafflement at this strange little Doll's words. Xafra the most so but... none within the Pack imbibe her words with understanding.


"I... Hope tonight goes well, yes." Our Mistress intones carefully. "Is there anything you'd like from me? I could fetch Mélusine for you if you'd like company in your Sky Gazing?"


"Nope. That's okay. Mistress said Miss Xafra would watch me watch the sky tonight, or... pick a Pack Sister to do it." The Snek Doll replies happily, twisting to look up at our Pack Lead. "Both are good. So long as the Sky stays empty!"


Xafra nods with purpose. "I'll accompany you and make sure it does."


The little bit of nervousness seems to melt off the Doll as she grins and twists to look about the Pack. "This one... guesses anyone else could come too? If you want? The Sky can be watched by lots at the same time and never gets shy. This one less so but this isn't too many." Then her eyes find Augusta, and she pauses. "Oh! Did Mistress get you a new Frame? Or... did you do the mud changes? It's pretty. Like the old was but... more."


"Your Mistress did provide one yes. My old shape got a little worn out helping her and she was generous enough to grant me a new one." Augusta responds kindly, gently lifting one hand up to rest on Gebetsure's. "This lovely one and I will be returning to our shared Spire soon but I would enjoy watching with you some other time if that feels reasonable."


"Okay! We still have like... Sixteen thousand fourteen hundred and two Empty Skys before it fills up for a night. " She chimes and wiggles down off Xafra's lap, starting to head toward the staircase. "So just remember before then, okay? This one misses your stories and would like to hear the one about the snow sculpture again."


"Tomorrow then. I can bring some blankets and trinkets to play with while I share that story again."


"That sounds nice. This one will ask Mistress later tonight." The Snek Doll giggles, then slithers up the stairs and out of sight.


"Is..." Mistress Elevar shakes her head. Looks to Augusta and her companion. "Thank you again for making the time for us tonight, and... Gebetsure, correct? Thank you for accompanying Augusta and helping her adjust. Lynette... likes to sometimes smother people in promises kept. I trust if it's overmuch the Resheathing can adjust the Frame to suit you better?"


"The Frame is wonderful. Gebetsure is practicing a vow of silence this week after they decided to interrupt yet another session with an entire choir worth of ... Fascinating sounds, so they can learn the value of listening." Augusta responds with an off-key sultry voice that is discordant enough to raise Quills in alarm.


Gebetsure smiles with all their visible mouths, and from the slightest ruffling of fabric, this one can assume that the same is true of the rest as Augusta smirks. "If I'm needed for anything else, don't hesitate to contact us. Except for tomorrow evening of course. It simply wouldn't do to miss out on scheduled plans."


Augusta then heads out, and Elevar stands before turning to regard our Pack. "Alright, so. Who's going to watch the Sky with the little one and Xafra?"





Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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