A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 67: Thought and Memory (Blade?)

Thought and Memory (Blade?)

Content Warnings:



The Pack and I wander into Shelf Spire Fünf, Verbess cradling the bag of soon to be bones in its arms as we look for Hyacinth. After a quick inquiry using the bond, we wave to Strychnine and Riana in the cold room and make our way to the back room to meet with Hyacinth.


Hyacinth is the largest Doll on the Estate, taller even than my Warlord form and seems to have likely been designed to function better in water than on land. A casual cruelty of Yselda's that there is no such accommodations currently. Something to fix.


It rests in a mound of blankets and pillows, with its soft and blue patterned Frame accented by its choice of pale gray dress suit. As it moves to greet us, it clearly struggles with mobility, reaffirming my thought to look into accommodations.


"Hyacinth, it is good to see you. Would you be willing to verify some measurements for me?" I keep my greeting short and get to the topic quickly, knowing it suffers from severe social anxiety.


"Yes, Mistress." It murmurs, voice a lilting soft tune that most would find off-putting. Especially with the speed in which it articulates. But to me it sings of interest and eagerness tinted with a decent amount of anxiety. "Gift this one the parameters | context | requirements, and it will calculate | process | extrapolate and convey.”


I hand it the journal with the measurements before pulsing at Verbess to lay out the components. It moves deftly and with precision. Cracking extra limbs out to place each piece in a configuration Hyacinth can see without needing to over adjust.


The large frame rubs its bald head as it reviews the documentation, gears clicking up and down like the beads of an abacus, recalculating the numbers the Pack had determined and comparing the laid out parts with an exacting eye to measure. "No issues found | presented | uncovered.”


“Thank you, skilled one.” Verbess thrums in voice and Quill song. Fangs clicking in an appreciation of the deft efficiency of Hyacinth’s work. Like a hunter seeing another’s caught prey as it begins to regather Krahe’s Frame.


"Yes. Thank you, it's reassuring to know the numbers are correct." I smile at Hyacinth, "I will look into improving your accommodations once I have a chance to discuss with some experts. It may take a while.”


[Okay? It's... This...] Krahe murmurs as a bubbling excitement tinted with anxiety rolls through her. [It's good? Like this one knows it's perfect but it's not... Like... This should work? Right, Pack Lead? This one doesn't have a body like before but Adaline and Schatzi said that the body doesn't matter. Only the like... Ousia and Physis and mind things? You'll be able to stick this one in it without issues?]


[It should work without issue. If my initial attempt is unsuccessful, we will need to have one of the Witches assist as it is likely the... other method will be prevented by my binds.] I respond to Krahe as we depart the chamber. [Verbess, would you be... willing to work with Strychnine this evening to do some meat preparation and let Riana work on her anatomy diagrams? They could be quite useful for future projects.] I ask with slight reticence, still not quite able to shake my discomfort.


Verbess' Quills chime a soft humming of comfort for Krahe and agreement for me. Stepping into the cold room to begin speaking with Strychnine as I exit the Spire.


[Thanks, just...] She pauses, gathering up words before intoning softly. [This one didn't get the chance to worry over its own installation before. Knew it would be pretty horrid but... not how. No details. This one can handle pain, of all kinds. Would break and rebuild again if it needs to. But this is weird and seeing the skeletons behind it all and only understanding maybe half of half of it sets the Quills on edge. But... knowing you're all pretty smart with magic things and are good with this all settles it. Makes it wish it had the chance to like... figure out my own blood before it boiled away. Ya know?]


[Do you mean in a literal sense, or a desire to learn of medicine and anatomy?] I inquire, curious about the pathways Krahe's thoughts are taking her.


[Huh? Naw. No one would teach a Gutter Bird those things.] She chuckles. [Just... wumbering what this one's flesh could have done with more time. Was already reshaping itself to look a bit more like this one wanted, but slowly. So when they offered this one Pack stuff that would, in a few hours, remake it into a Frame It liked of course It took the offer.]


"Ahhh. Well, you'll have a long time to grow in whatever way you want, Krahe. Try not to let regrets weigh you down and instead let them propel you forward." I respond aloud as we reach my own Spire. "Oracles know I've learned that lesson first hand too many times to want others to have to learn it the hard way.”


[Agreed, Pack Lead. This one honestly... mostly is just glad that you all wanted to keep it. Even... even that scary lady, Lynette.] She murmurs, like one settling still to think. [Thank you, by the way. This one's name feels perfect. Right. Kinda helps this one stay centered without trying to backways handle memories. Can't even remember the one my parents called me, which is nice... Since this one never liked it. Only enjoyed it when all the little ones called this one Big Sister.]


"Names are really important to me. Probably more than they would if I hadn't spent most of existence without. Was quite overwhelming to name so many Dolls in a short period but I really tried my best to find ones that fit well." 


I set the bag of parts and the journal on the table and slide back into my prosthesis, the simple comfort of having it soothing my minor worries.


[I'm going to curl up in one of the display beds and relax for the evening. You're welcome to keep me company chatting and such or head back to your little birds to see what kind of mess they're causing.]


[Just... gimme a second... wiggle over and... yeah.] She giggles while seeming to nuzzle closer to my side of our Pack bond, then stills. [Gonna rest here. It thinks. Don't need to talk. Tomorrow is gonna be a mess and this one wants to... settle some things. Make sure it's gathered up all the disparate parts of itself, ya know?That way you have an easy time slerping this one up and dropping it inside the new Frame.]


[Purrfect] I pun as I situate myself in the case. [Rest well. Everything changes tomorrow... again.]


**   **   **


I rise early in the morning, well rested and confident in our plans. Still in the prosthesis, I nudge Calix to join me and carry the materials as we make our way to Elevar's Spire to gather the others.


As I arrive with Calix, Elevar ascends the stairs from her room to give me a kiss on the head and scritches behind the ears of my Grakler Frame. 


In a tired voice she murmurs, "Let me take a bit of a morning shower to ensure any aid I offer produces only clean magic. Rest here or join us at your leisure if you'd like." 


I mwerp at her in delight, and ask Calix to place items on the table for thorough exploration of gravitational effects as Schatzi quickly makes her way up, giggles at our antics and sets water boiling before heading to join Elevar and Adaline in the shower.


"So just line these cups up along the edge?" Calix asks in confusion.


I bob my head in agreement then pounce over to swat the first full cup of water off the table.


While Calix cackles in excitement, Rufus makes his way down the other stairs from his temporary room with that, to my understanding, persistent ear twitch. "What are you... Doing?”


Calix looks at Rufus in confusion, "What do you mean? We're testing the effects of gravity.”


"Yourself and a large mutant Grakler?" He responds with skepticism, causing my hackles to rise.


I hiss and manifest into my Doll form beside the table glaring at him. "That's very rude.”


If Rufus’ ears had a persistent twitch before, they begin to positively shake at that. "What sort of Denizen are you?”


Calix rushes over and covers Rufus' mouth. "You can't just say that! It's a slur.”


With a sigh I pull out a chair and sit at the table, deliberately ignoring the puddles of water and cups scattered on the floor. "Come, sit, let's talk before you get yourself hurt with your ignorance.”


Rufus takes a seat and I speak to Calix, "The kettle seems to be done, why don't you pour us all some tea, dear.  The Moon Belladonna you made for Adaline for myself, and the Valerian tea for yourself and Rufus seems appropriate.”


"But I like the weird taste of the other one more." Calix responds in bafflement.


"I think it's best if he has whatever one he prefers, yes?" Rufus adds foolishly.


[Calix, considering your behavior yesterday, it's safer for Rufus if you stick to the tea that won't kill him.] I mention to him silently.


"Oh! Nevermind! actually the Valerian sounds great, mmhm!" Calix exclaims as a blush creeps up his face.


"What if I want to try the Moon Belladonna?" Rufus demands, uncomfortable with the sudden switch.


"Kill yourself on your own time, kiddo. Now let's get down to business." I respond brusquely.


"It's poisonous to humans, and made with Moonwaste" Calix gently clarifies as he pours the tea.


Rufus blanches as I begin.


"The entities we have all known for our entire existences as Denizens have decided to permit us to use the term Sun-blessed in the meantime until a better term for their overall species is available. Myself and Elevar are currently in talks with the Sea-Borne ...nation? group? uncertain, honestly, to come to a peace agreement.”


"Between Moonwaste tea and peace talks with... Sun-blessed, I'm not sure which is more horrific. But that still doesn't answer my question. What manner of Sun-Blessed are you, Xafra?" Rufus presses.


"Oh, I'm not a Sun-Blessed, I'm a Warcrime. The specifics I'm no longer as certain about as I once was, but I feel like that much is true. Are you a learned soul, Rufus, or a tinkertoy soldier, just doing what you're told and slaughtering whoever you've been assigned to handle?" I slash back, deciding to engage in civil violence, as is proper, apparently.


"That's uncalled for. I've always done my best to do what is right. Sometimes that involves hard choices." he retorts.


"Slavery is the easy choice. The hard choice is killing those you would have considered friends if not for their actions. I was there when your organization was founded, Mr. Chain. I know exactly how they operated, and while I don't know about their activities in the past few millennia, the fact that Yselda was one of you does not paint a picture of... Consideration and Compassion.”


"Both of you. Please." Calix interrupts, setting the cups on the table. "This is not a productive way to discuss this, and also not the day, right? We're supposed to be prepping for Krahe now.”


Rufus bites back scathing remarks and turns his attention to his tea, cradling it between his two large furred hands. "Alright. That is... reasonable. What exactly are we prepping for, and who is Krahe?”


"We are preparing for the atypical implantation of a consciousness into a Doll Frame. Krahe, you might as well introduce yourself while we wait for the others to be ready." I answer, sipping at my own tea.


A heartbeat, then my Physis crackles and Krahe manifests as... something between. Still looking like she did in flesh among the Dream but with Quills on back and elbows as her eyes glimmer with careful focus. "Heya, fuzzball. How's life after the mud bath?”


"Confusing mostly. You're... inside Xafra... but only partially?" Rufus asks as he pushes gently with his senses.


Krahe raises a hand to teeter it in a so-so motion, Physis flickering to adjust her to be sitting cross-legged on the table. "This one sways between Pack Sisters. But, today it'll get Quills screwed in and should be more grounded in its own Frame.”


"They can't really have sex until after Krahe has a body." Calix adds causing me to gag on my tea and cough.


"That's just not true," Krahe chuckles and grins at Calix. "Having a Frame sure does add some physicality to it all, but even before Xafra you'd be amazed the kinda things a good Quill-Song can do. And that's not even considering the Physis manifestations our Pack Lead can weave.”


"I– I...  That's not what I was implying. I... M-my apologies." Rufus stammers out.


I watch quietly, enjoying the show despite my own blush.


"Then what were you implying?" Krahe only grins wider, Quills thrumming a soundless melody of teasing. Both at myself and Rufus. "What else do you think we do around here?”


"I don't know. I had a whole plan to... to bring Justice. To stop my friend from becoming the monster she was afraid of being. To protect the innocent regardless of what it would cost me... but... I still don't know the truth of why three Witches had to die. Elevar and Schatzi both have tells. They were covering something up, and I need to know. I need to understand what I'm doing before... before." His voice turns serious, grave yet uncertain, pleading.


"They were hiding the fact that I killed them. Without an Einwandfrei or any weave, only a Witch Tone. I commanded them to die and they did." I answer plainly, feeling a pang of regret at the waste.


"Why? How? That just raises even more questions." Rufus asks, leaning forwards.


"I reacted poorly, a trauma response from past abuses. The Tone effectively drives me mad when used against me. I lashed out to stop it, caught in a memory of another using the tone to kill with a specific sequence of commands. It was self defense, but... I wish it did not need to happen." I confess to this... man, this being that was once my sworn enemy, in hopes that he may be able to be a friend.


But... then sounds of motion echo from below, and soon the well-dressed and cleaned trio move up. Each with braided hair, painted nails, and attire that balances function while also being elegant and even vibrant.


"Good morning, everyone." Mistress Elevar says first, eyes dancing over us all but lingering on me and my expression while her senses consider the bond between us, then turns to Rufus. "Cracked and Riven Moon, look at you. I take it you've found comfort in my Xafra's workings and are treating her with the grace befitting those skills?”


"More than I ever expected. I am... Trying to keep an open mind but I've spent most of my time outside of the room you provided dreadfully confused." He responds with a surprising amount of warmth, contrasting the fierceness of their prior encounter.


"That makes sense. Sister Xafra and Mistress Elevar spent nearly their first entire week just looking at eachother in confusion" Schatzi states with amusement.


"Yes, but that was mostly my fault." Elevar sighs to Schatzi, but with a smile as she moves to sit next to me. "And even before Xafra's arrival this Estate was not a place to visit to find your preconceived notions upheld. Or to cling to past lives. But I can promise you that it's a softer home now. Nothing like... Like Yselda or her mentor kept it as.”


"I hope so. I want to... Do good. Make a difference, and I'm not yet convinced that... That the kind of power at your disposal can be trusted." Rufus says with finality.


Elevar huffs and chuckles without humor, leaning forward to rest elbows on the table and chin on the back of her palms. "Oh, don't misunderstand. I'm mostly just trying to keep it docile and asleep. We're all better off that way. This place has... expectations. For its Blossoms. About what it needs them to be. Yselda was nearly ideal, and me... well... It tolerates me. Wanted me like I was. So we compromised. It's why I know now, more than I did the last time we spoke all those years ago, that a Thresher Captain would be a poor Keeper of these grounds. The Estate would demand the worst of their lot, then Cultivate the worst parts of that individual." Then Elevar is looking away. "Turns out the best thing that Cunt did for the Groves was betray me, the scars from her Makellose gave us... an option. If nothing else. To make sure we got someone better than the Old Cunt was.”


"You speak as if the Estate is a person or an intelligence of some sort." he offers.


"It's a vindictive Hag-Spawned horror that I would put to the torch if I could do so without risking those I care about, including my daughter." I interject with revulsion.


“Yes. It’s… that and worse.” Elevar agrees, “It eats sentience it deems too distant from a preset base, then remakes it into Doll-adjacent beings. And that’s only when it’s hibernating. This place is not just intelligent, it’s…” Elevar pauses, our bond tittering with realization. “Not made to be used.”


"It's Hag-spawn. The literal grandchild of Divine Mother Moon. If you didn't have Witch blood it would not even tolerate your presence. Honestly, I don't know what She was thinking with creating the Hags, and where her Will was subverted." I state, musing on the past.


Elevar glances over to consider me for a few heartbeats before nodding. “I hate tending to the mess of it all, but… will take full advantage of this place's lazy regard if it means keeping us safe.”


Rufus simply stares in shock.


"Alright, if it's okay with everyone, let's get going? Just beyond the boundary to ensure no interference at least for this first attempt." I declare finishing my tea.


Mistress nods and stands, looks to Rufus. "We can talk more after this is done and settled. In the meantime... Enjoy your morning. Don't get into too much trouble until we've returned.”


[Ah, Mistress, I would... appreciate his presence and perspective in case of errors, with the condition that he is not to act unless requested.] I ask silently.


"Interesting..." She intones aloud, tip-tapping her nails on the wooden table. "Actually, you're welcome to join us if you'd like. We'll be stepping outside the grounds for this project and another Witch's perspective, but not participation, seems to be requested.”


Rufus looks around in confusion, obviously uncertain how such discussion took place. "Certainly. It would be good to see more of what goes on here to form more of an option.”


"As long as you don't act against those I care for, I'm happy to show you a multitude of things." I stand, picking up the bag and journal, leaving my grakler Frame on the table.


Rufus nods and stands.


Lynette thrums silent but pointed approval at my last words, and my Mistress and her lead us from here to the edge of the Estate. The wall opens much like the last time and reveals the already rapidly regrowing jungles beyond.


"I think, Dear Xafra." They murmur, striding forward. "We have just the spot..."


Along the stone-laid pathway, which lies completely devoid of the jungle's overgrowth, we're led to a small outcropping which sits as dead as the day I last consumed from this place. The plant life has long since degraded but... to a sort of odd ash devoid of the moisture and cycle of life I'd normally expect to overtake it all. Still wrapped in the life around but... like a bubble beneath the tides. 


It smells more natural than any other place I've been since being freed.


"This will work. Odd but I'm glad it's still available, I was prepared to clear a space." I set the bag down and turn to my Pack. "Lay out the bones and components please. Warden, please focus on correcting placement to minimize any errors. Adaline, I need you to watch over the weaving internally if you would please. Verbess and Schatzi, once everything is in place, please sit at the head motionless please. Krahe, do your best to relax and do what feels correct to you. The rest of you please sit or stand as you wish, but try to avoid distracting us.”


Over the next few minutes, the Frame is fully assembled in a prone position, abnormal for traditional dollcraft but what I'm doing is not quite traditional. Verbess and Schatzi sit at the head end as requested, and Adaline kneels to my left beside the Frame as I sit at the feet.


"Commencing sheathing." I announce as I reach out to Krahe with a request to <Harmonize>


A heartbeat passes, then with a snarl that seems to bubble from from inside and between and nowhere all at once, Krahe answers with her own <Harmonize>.


I split my focus carefully into three different threads, resonating just over three quarters of my Ousia, 150k Thaums, with Krahe's signature while simultaneously Harmonizing with Krahe, and enacting the weaving to convert the resonant Ousia into the outer Frame that Krahe desires.


The Frame between us cracks and absorbs the working like sand takes in water. Soon shifting into shapes that match nearly perfectly her Physis form with a few additions that we can feel she was uncertain of before... but in this moment seem as important as anything else. The six limbed winding tail, digitigrade and strengthened legs, and extra fingers inlaid into the palm for when she shifts into her Combat form. All as natural as any other part she conveyed and presented to us when Harmonized like this.


I increase my focus, silencing my awareness of everything outside of myself, Krahe, and the Frame as the process comes to a close. I hold the weave still, nearly finished but not tightened and prompt Krahe <Ready, sister.>


[Ready, Pack Lead.] She whispers, using my steady focus to still her thrumming mess of desperate hope and anxieties.


<It is your decision if you wish to follow the link and enter the Frame now or after I tighten the weave. I do not know if there will be a difference as this is new territory. The choice is yours.>


[Let's... This one will go now.] She murmurs, moving over to the tether like another might approach a yawning chasm. [See if it can't help hold this one still from the other end?]


As Krahe moves through the tether I can feel what I missed previously, she carries Wisps with her, all resonating similarly.


She settles and I'm about to tighten the weave when Adaline stops me with a warning. <Abnormal Wisp. Silent. Mangled. Why?>


<Assessing... First Breaking. Function Management. Unique to Old Crafting. Neutral Threat Level.> Verbess intones through its Quills.


[Huh? Oh tell her not to worry over it.] Krahe thrums from within her new Frame. [Oh this feels PERFECT, Pack Lead. Bitch Tits. Thought it might be a touch off or need retuning but... nope better than It remembers!!!]


Accepting the assessment I continue and tighten the weave, severing the Ousia in the Frame from myself and hopefully fully anchoring Krahe to her Frame.


I close myself off fully for a long moment, shifting back down to spearform, becoming inert.


This feels... different. Did I do the right thing? Have I... trapped her in a prison of her own making? She didn't have a body, but... she could have used a prosthesis or I could have—


I extend my senses once more to notice Elevar softly Canting 



"Yeah, exactly!" I hear a new voice giggle, but... seems to be moving about. Krahe? "Like that time the Gutters flooded. This one was just flailing about, kinda in control but mostly helpless. Then it got out and everything was steady again and that's what this feels like!"


Then there is motion, and even my Mistress tilts a bit from the little bust of air from the backwash.


[Apologies for the delay. That was... discordant in a way I did not expect.] I intone to my Mistress.


{It's quite alright, love.} She replies with mirth. {This was quite the undertaking, and...}


She sends me a collection of memories. Krahe's new Frame shifting from complete lifeless inertness to motion and cackling delight. Of the girl tackling Mistress' Doll and Adaline in excited hugs, then taking off into the jungles before they could be returned. Only to race through this clearing before anyone could consider needing to give chase. And all the while her Quills practically screaming in joy and hunger for motion. 


{After asking us if you were alright, and us assuring her you simply needed time, she quite literally can't sit still.} Elevar chuckles. {Schatzi and Verbess say this is how Pack Sisters got after their Installation. Filled to bursting with euphoric joy at their new Frame. This seems to have gone perfectly, Dear one.}


[Wonderful. I'm so very glad. There was a minor concern that Adaline noticed] I send the recollection over before continuing. [Was there any issues noticeable externally?]


<One. But... I've tended to it.> Lynette replies evenly, but beneath it I feel a... anger? Not at me or anyone here but... oddly tinted with what I can only sense as raised hackles.


{Hmm...} Elevar muses with a touch of worry at the recollections. {If Wisps are... metaphoric for mental processes, and thus letting them go unpruned can cause damage or Dysfunction, That odd silent one may be meant to deal with that. Warden might have been installed later and handled it better but... this might have been how they managed the trauma of their installation and later losses before then.}


[Quite possibly. Lynette, would you be willing to discuss the issue?] I broach.


Lynette considers me for a few heartbeats, <Not until we're back on the grounds and you're a touch more... reassured. Of your work. I should have known better than to expect anything but Artful weaving from you. The issue was one I only vaguely worried over, and you could not have prepared for.>


{I... can guess at it. I think.} Elevar placates. {Krahe seems perfectly made, and Lynette didn't touch her Frame. This issue was one of... distant concern?}


The equivalent of a hum of acknowledgement comes from Lynette. But she still seems on edge. Like a Viper in a tree-top burrow ready to hiss and strike.


[Alright. Shall we head back then? Having trouble shaking this odd feeling that I've missed something.] I offer.


{Oh, I think we miss more than we perceive, Dear one. But... less so nowadays than before. You've truly done well.} Elevar nods and I sense her adjust her body to rise, still cradling me close while sharing more of her bubbling approvals of my work as Krahe comes darting back through the clearing. {Would you prefer to be held for the walk?}


[Please.] I respond with pleasure.


"Okay. Let's head back home." Elevar calls to everyone.


Krahe seems to lurch back into her view at that, and is soon followed by Verbess, who she seems to allow to finally catch her. They roll and writhe about a bit, Krahe's quick Frame and new set of tails trying to match their Little Bird's lithe strength.


"She..." Krahe calls, squirming free and hopping over stand near Adaline and us. Quills dancing as she cracks back and forth between her full Combat form and smaller softer shape. [Is... Is Pack lead awake? Okay? Not hurt?]


[I'm fine dear.  Was just overwhelmed with the process and needed a bit of time. How are you feeling?] I inquire, hoping that she's truly as comfortable as she seems.


"Amazing! Like... between the Frames this one was always kinda soft and felt like a stiff kick to the tits would shatter it." She grins while bouncing backways as we begin to walk, "But now it's like one of those weird squishy things you find inside shells on the beach. Protected but also able to crack itself against everything else if it wants. And faster than ever. It wanted to be before but the first Pack Sisters got the best Frame parts and they also didn't think to try backways legs and it didn't have a tail before but should have and... and..."


She trails off and just... <Locates> with her Quills in pure excitement. Cackling as both Adaline and her Little Birds reply.


[Thank you.] She intones, still bubbling. [It's perfect.]


[Good. We will have to delve into the Driftdream tomorrow as a Pack to do some... clean up and organization. I'll help show you all how to properly stabilize and maintain memories as well as create your own domains like our dear Verbess started to.]


[S- sure? Yeah. No problem. Good idea. No more leaks.] She agrees. [Not sure this one will get much sleeping or Dreaming done with a new Frame cracking about but... yeah. Seems a good call, Pack Lead. This one will help out and make sure It didn't like... take anything important when you installed it. Keep the space this one dug out like Verbess did clean and stable. Won't let it turn inside out like our Little Bird tumbled into doing by mistake.]


[Mmhm, it's important training now that you all have access to my wellsprings of Physis and Ousia. One of my prior wielders had a nasty habit of weaving in her sleep whenever she had a bad dream. Ended up causing her own death when she had a dream of drowning and did a primitive fleshcrafting of gills which caused her to suffocate.] I explain to the Pack as well as to Elevar and Lynette.


"Oh." Krahe sputters aloud. "Yeah. That..."


<Primitive indeed. She should have simply... made a weaving to manage that if it was so out of hand.> Lynette huffs in disdain. <Doubly so if she wanted to dabble in Fleshcrafting.>


"Yeah. Sure. Absolutely. Double check for cracks. Don't... don't even know how this one would manage it all." Krahe murmurs, still walking backwards as we move through the Spire's outer Thorn wall. "Dreams and Spells are messy and weird. Understood. Just... tell this one what to do and it'll obey. Just eh... mind the quiet Wisp. It... it's kinda important? This one thinks? Not sure how we'd Function without it cracking the bad memories back into good ones."


The rumbling delight echoing from the Pack turns a bit. Doesn't sour just... becomes a hint more serious. Reflecting my own mood despite me not sharing it with Quills as the Thorns fall to close behind us.


[Of course. It would be a gross overstep to prune any of your Wisps without express permission. I will simply offer guidance so you may grow as you wish. I'm so very glad that you are happy with your Frame. It feels like this one is exhibiting Good Function.] I try to fix the mood, because I am happy. Estatic, truthfully, even if there is so much more to do.


Krahe grins at my intoned words, sparking joy through the Quills and bond. "Thanks, Pack Lead. It feels like it is too. But... it's going to keep MOVING now. Will be back before anyone can blink if you need it."


Then she's off, and Verbess is cackling but... keeping its Frame by our side. Quills tittering in joyful observance as it watches its oldest Sister dart all across the Estate's grounds.


"Well... that went smoothly." Elevar sighs. "I would feign surprise but... the most Clever Witches I know turned their minds to this. Artfully done, and deft. Not a whisper off from exactly what was intended."


Verbess thrums agreement. "This One's Sisters hunt prey well, despite their lack of observance at times."


It's Quills twitch, go a touch... oddly still, as it turns to look at our Mistress.


No. Not Elevar. At Lynette.


A pause, then with a spark a Physis manifestation of Lynette stands beside Elevar.


"Yes, Dear one?" She quirks an eyebrow at Verbess. "Am I beneath your trust now? Warden's trust? Your Sister insisted I be more careful going forward, and that's what my waiting is."


"Trust is not a Function of this Frame." Verbess responds evenly but... with something bubbling beneath the surface. Impatience? Annoyance? A tinting of anger? 


"Don't lie to me, Verbess." Lynette hisses. "I know what that twitch of Quill song means, and of course I would tell you all this. Would be stupid not to."


Verbess' Quills thrum agreement, and... prompting.


Lynette sighs. "We should at least give this lot a chance to enjoy this victory before worrying over something we can do nothing about.”


Krahe zips back, eyes darting between us and Verbess’ Quills in worry. "Huh? Did... Um…”


With annoyance I manifest my Doll form, and mask my emotions to not ruin anything as I quickly give Krahe a big hug when she loops back towards us. "You look wonderful. Probably should get some clothing though dear. Take Schatzi and Adaline with you?" I turn to Rufus and Calix, "We'll meet you two in Elevar's study in a few minutes, just have to have a quick chat." Then I intone to Warden and Verbess [Can I get you both to Manifest ethereal forms so we can get to the bottom of whatever this is? I am feeling off and I really just want to sleep but won't feel comfortable doing so until we're done.] and finally, I turn back to my Mistress and dear Lynette, "Alright. Please, can we talk about whatever this is now before everyone gets too riled up?”


“This one… What is it missing?” Krahe looks around and down at herself.


"Krahe dear, I uhm…. Heh. forgot to pack you an outfit. You're naked. I'll send Verbess back over to you all once we're done here. I promise everything will be alright.”


"I think... Lynette is more concerned for you, Dear one." Elevar murmurs, then steps over to wrap her arm about mine and entwine our fingers. "Perhaps we could send Rufus and Calix to get a spot of breakfast for themselves, and... I'll prod Lynette to soften words for you and the Pack while Krahe borrows some clothes from my Spire? Then this Pack and I can all have a spot of tea while examining this? And... and after that anyone who wishes to rest can be welcome to my chambers below.”


I nod, happy to cede control of the situation. "Certainly. That sounds good to me.”


"Oh, I guess so. I definitely would like to talk about what happened later though. As I mentioned to Schatzi yesterday, we do need to have a conversation, preferably before you send anyone to get those letters." Rufus interjects.


"Time should permit that." Elevar agrees to him, then begins to lead us forward. "Let's get everyone settled and things laid out.”


And soon we're all settled down in Elevar's lower chambers. Elevar and I are sitting on the edge of her bed while others either sit on chairs or stools or floor. Krahe's dressed and shifted to her softer form but... still cracking out more monstrous limbs in bubbling excitement. Her Quill's songs act as a soothing tide to most worries that might otherwise rise up. Verbess... while staying close to Krahe, never takes eyes off Lynette's Physis manifestation which stands at the end of the bed.


Lynette begins to speak, but a look from Elevar causes her to pause. Reconsider her words, then turn back to us in a huff. "Fine. Let's be delicate and precise. After Krahe started moving and singing and trying to Harmonize... something odd happened. Not with her, mind you, the work on this Frame seems flawless from what I can tell. But from above. The Estate started to taste something in the Nomos. And well... I made sure to encourage the jungles about us to backwash themselves and drown the air with its Empty Nomos until we got back.”


"This was while I was... contemplating?" I ask.


"Near the end, yes." Lynette confirms. "I assume it took time for things to reach both ends."


"This one... Huh?" Krahe tilts her head. "This one's Quills did something?"


"No, To... put this plainly. The Weeping and Bleeding suns started to sing back to your Pack. But in a manner none of you could parse, and only Warden could detect." Lynette growls but... for all her fury I can feel her own anxiousness. "Quills aren't made to do anything but shred Nomos but I am NOT taking chances with this nonsense. That's never happened before, and I know well that our Doll has sung beneath the open sky. Could be the quantity of Pack members gathered, could be that Krelliva and their Doll shared some manner of news with the wider gaggle. I don't know.”


"Possibility. Previous Pack members integrated into Sun-blessed. Unlikely, but possible." Warden mentions with discomfort.


"That definitely is concerning. Something to talk to Krelliva about for sure, though it seemed... I don't think the Doll was Krelliva's and was more of a... minder or chaperone." I murmur, parsing through the memory that Warden transmits.


Elevar nods thoughtfully. "With how Feryudra spoke of its past it may not be the only Frame adopted by the Sun-Blessed."


"We... Could have other Sisters still around?" Krahe's eyes widen, Frame stilling as Quills thrum in excitement. 


"Doubtful." Lynette huffs, "More like they were simply eaten. Which makes me worry about why this Godthing would even bother. If we've already been betrayed, or if this is just... reacting to a new noticing of an old Song and reacting aimlessly. Even the little glimmer it got wouldn't show it anything but your song's call."


"We also have to consider the... factions? The disparate parts of the Sun-Blessed." Elevar adds. "Like how we'll find all sorts of allies and enemies within the Groves. The Sun Godthing's relationship with his followers is probably broad and complex.”


"It is certainly something we'll have to test, but... not now. we will need to know if this reaction is going to be present whenever one of us uses our Quills outside the Estate, if it was a one time thing, or if it's a quantity response. Thank you for letting us know, Lynette. I really do appreciate it." I thunk my head sideways against Elevar and Lynette's shoulder while looking at Lynette's projection.


"Stupid messy Godlings." Lynette murmurs alongside a string of foreign words I can feel are probably curses, but... more to herself than to anyone here. And soon she sits down on Elevar's other side, huffing to me. "You're welcome."


A pause passes, enough that it feels as though we should be finished and rest but... something in my Pack's holds us here. Takes a second to understand the odd tunes coming from Verbess as it stares intently at Lynette. Then its eyes flicker to me. Quills dance and twitch in Assessment. Then it relaxes.


"Then that's that. We'll test this later, but shouldn't overworry about it. And... I think this Pack has more than earned a well needed rest for a day or more. All other problems and tasks can wait." Elevar wraps an arm around me, "I, personally, think this day started too early and mean to take a good rest here. Each of you is free to join us at your leisure, of course.”


[Is everything okay, Verbess?] I intone to it directly, concerned about this odd development.


[Mistress and Pack Lead accept these answers, therefore, this one's assessments and observations and annoyances can be quieted. For now.] It replies, then adds soon after. [This Envoy of the Beast Below... Addendum; Envoy of the Hagspawned Horror is lying, Sister. By omission, it thinks, but possibly also contradictions to what she knows to be true. In past it has watched and only cataloged these deceptions, but... Apologies. Sister. It is Bad Function to disrupt Pack coherency with an ally. Even one as unsteady as this. This Pack will meet with the Sun-Blessed and discover directly if any from before yet still sing.]


[No, Sister, this is important. We have witnessed Lynette be incapable of recognizing truth and it is Good Function to make note of these. Thank you. I will... Press Lynette for the truth, see if I can uncover what is occurring, if it is merely the binds of the Estate that restrict her, or something more deliberate on her part. Will you trust me to do this?]


[Trust is not a Function it operates within.] Verbess' Quills seems to relax and twitch with mirth at that. A repeat of words spoken after our first time working together to save our Mistress. [But... yes. This Envoy heeds your words and is receptive to your thoughts and considerations. And this one's does not have the deft Function to subtly push her into sharing or changing.]


[Thank you. Take the Pack to train, let Schatzi and Krahe and Adaline play about as you wish. I will handle this situation. And Verbess, don't forget that while I may be lead, you are the Heart of this Pack, the reason Sister Krahe has returned to us. Your opinions and thoughts will always be wanted by me.]







SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

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Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


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Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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