A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 64: Solace in Dirt and Chaos (Witch)

Solace in Dirt and Chaos (Witch)

Content Warnings:



“That’s… actually a shorter amount of time than I expected.” I murmur into Schatzi’s warm embrace. “Did… did Lynette’s little one get up above and back below alright?”


Eleven hours of rest. Less than I expected. But… I only got less over the years due to the lurking nightmares. Now that both Schatzi and myself can handle them I suppose longer rests after days and days of Physis fueled work is quite natural.


"She was worried, but I was able to reassure her, Mistress. She laid down beside us for half a candle before heading to look at the sky. Stopped through again on her way back down." Schatzi reassures me.


“Wonderful. Thank you.” I sigh with that first little anxiety quieted, then pull back to really regard her. “And… Well, Verbess has been out and about lately with your pack, and I’ve been up to my ears in a mostly failed project, and… not really gotten the chance to see you. It’s honestly a delight to wake up in your arms after everything. How are you, Schatzi?”  


"Um. This one is doing really well. Missed you a lot though and...  I'm sorry for how much trouble everything has been."


"We both know that I'm the cause of said trouble. No one to blame but myself." I chuckle at her, pulling this soft Doll close to place a careful kiss between those gorgeous horns she sculpted. Apparently sensitive things. To both sound and touch. "But I'm glad you're well. Let's..." I pull us up to sit and glance about the room. "I'm going to shower, which..." Look back at her with a grin. "You've been with me this entire time, and have inherited my smell. Let's both get washed and find nice things to wear before this day blooms fully."


Schatzi follows me quickly with a grumbled appreciation for gerlsmell.


That has me smirking through our shower. Enjoying the easy and casual intimacy of just... Existing. With her, like this. Maybe it's just the extended rest after all the mess from before I slept but... we've not done this in what feels like years. Maybe ever. Simply started a day late with a warm shower and soft talks. Helped each other wash while discussing what to wear and how to do our hair and just...


No sickness. No danger. No crushing guilt over... over gerls I failed to save. Or of... her. of Yselda.


Still so very angry. But... It's a quiet thing. Something I can set to boiling to the side while I tend to everything else. And it's not just mine.


{I can feel you Lynette. Yes. Hello. Good morning. I hope you weren't too bored while our body laid sideways for quite some time.}


She regards me evenly while Schatzi and I dry off. Then finally murmurs as I'm weaving Physis to smooth out and dry our hair. <Attend to your day. We'll talk after things... settle.>


{Alright. Thank you for your patience with me.} I respond then consider our reflections, wrap arms about my Doll's shoulders from behind while murmuring. "So, Schatzi. You'll have to guide me through this, I've not braided hair in years."


"I'd be happy to, Mistress." And with absolute delight, she walks me through the process while also commenting on how my nails seem to need a coat of polish.


"You're right," I chuckle. "And... I take it your the culprit for Adaline's nails having that marvelous shade on them? Which color do you think would suit me today?"


"Yes! It's so good and matches Valthirii's complexion, which Adaline won't notice until they're face to face heheh. I um, maybe a nice red? like my horns?"


"Hmm... So long as you don't stray too far into the pink shades, that sounds lovely." I muse with a smirk while finishing off the braid in her hair, then move to stand beside Schatzi and consider her gorgeous reflection. Motion toward her hair that now bears a decently woven side weaving. "Now, how does this look? Not too messy I hope?"


"Looks wonderful, Mistress. Thank you so very much."


"You're very welcome, love." I give her a peck on the head and move to swap places. Letting her pick a pretty style for my hair before getting dressed and heading up to the chambers above. 


"I've enjoyed this, Schatzi." I murmur softly. Sitting and sipping some morning tea while she paints my aforementioned nails. "These... Well, I know you'll often be resting alongside the Pack these days but this is something I think I'd like to do more of when I can steal you away. Especially between all the madness I tend to get up to."


"You should know that the entire Pack would love to rest near you when it is reasonable for you, Mistress Elevar. You're really important to us." Schatzi responds in kind, eyeing me as she blows on my nails to help them dry a touch quicker.


I have to consider that for a few heartbeats. Not because I've not wanted to ask about that very thing, of course. I just... "Thank you, but... Honestly I'd drive you all mad, what with how I'll often take up projects that grant me so little rest." I chuckle as she finishes and lays my hand down flat to finish drying. "Often at odd hours, and never consistent. Up and down endlessly, even with Yours and Xafra's ability to keep nightmares quiet. And... Well, I suppose this will depend a little on what Adaline wants to talk with me about. Despite it all, she's had time to settle into Xafra and your Packs' care. Which... I just... Don't want her to find herself tricked into a relationship with me again. Influenced without full understanding. Because... Even if she decides to keep things... shall we say, at arm's length, I need to be careful. Can't let her Sisters' hungers bleed into her considerations when others wish to indulge with me."


Schatzi gives me a knowing look before answering, "Should this one let her know you are awake and willing to talk?"


"Yes please." I murmur and nod.


We talk of small things while we wait. But within only a half a hundred heartbeats there is such a clamor of giggles and huffs and eventually, "Witch Elevar? Miss Schatzi?" Shouted through the Spire.


"We're in here, dear." I call back, and within a few moments Primrose comes barreling into the chamber with such a grin across her face and hands behind her back.


"Hi." She says, half dances half shuffles while smiling at me. "So... So so so so... This one has um... things for Schatzi and Verbess. If that's alright?"


"I... Of course." I return her smile with my own curious one.


Then she turns to my Doll, "Hi. First. Question. What sounds did like... What were they called? Ravens? Make? This one forgot to ask and they seem like a weird bird."


"Xafra says they're called Chaos Ravens but umm… Ours was called Beppy. They make like, a croaky squeak noise."


"Ooooh." Primrose giggles again, "This one was right. They did make cute noises."


Then she's stepping forward to my Doll and pulling two plushies from behind her back. One Blue and one Red. Both... honestly very well made for being only her second and third attempts and using only what could be scavenged from the Spires. And... a near perfect match to the creature seen within my Dolls' side of Xafra's Driftdream.


"Schatzi, Verbess..." She grins and plops the twinned creations on my Doll's lap. "Happy Doll Day!"


Schatzi shrieks in excitement and immediately puts a wing from each into her mouth.


I worry for a moment she means to simply gobble up and consume them like they apparently did the Heart Xafra gave them but... no. She just nibbles happily and Primrose finds it all to be just the most delightful thing. Giggling and swaying as she says, "Both Connivant Adaline and Krahe poked at this one after you all apparently visited a weird Dream and then Xafra did her weird Witch trick where she both showed it to this one and gave its Dollmind a picture and... and then this one finished but you weren't sleeping with Mistress this exact night when this one was gonna just... sneak them into your arms and have you wake up to them but this is better."


As she explains, I watch as a touch of Verbess peeks out from my Doll's Frame. A little Fang, a whisper of Talon and second hands here. Snuggling and nibbling on their gift together in just... rapt glee.


"Thank you thank you thank you, Primrose." Schatzi finally says.


And over the bond Verbess intones to her openly, [Thank you, skilled one.]


"Much and such and VERY welcome much!" Primrose beams, then tilts her head. "Oh. Right. Connivant Adaline was right behind this and really fast but promised to wait even though she said she'd beat this one here and make it wait even LONGER to give you both your plushies." She giggles and hops back, then turns to dart out of the Spire.


"She's quite the delightful blooming Doll." I smirk and stand. Move about the table to wrap my Doll in a hug from behind the chair they sit in. "And so are both of you. I'm not sure I got the chance to ask what this Happy Doll Day was about but... Am glad other's discovered it."


"Primrose invented it herself. It's the equivalent of a Blooming day like some Groves celebrate, except to remember the good of being a Doll instead of the anniversary of one becoming a Witch." Adaline answers as she walks in, a small smile on her face.


"It's perfect, honestly." I smile back while moving to sit again, enjoying so much watching Adaline walk so comfortably in her Frame. "Especially for the Dolls on this Estate. Much like the Celebration of Life you held. A wonderful way to give shape to what many probably felt but... couldn't express."


"I agree. Are you... alright? Last night was a lot. for all of us, I think." Adaline asks.


"I... Yes. Surprisingly." I nod, motioning for her to sit. "Apologies for drawing you all into that. I'd hoped to handle that quickly and be done and in bed before anyone noticed it occurred. But... Well, my anger toward the dead is set to boil for now, and none of it aimed at anyone alive." I turn to Schatzi, "Would you mind terribly checking in on our latest guest? Make sure he's settling alright in his new body? Give him a bit of a tour if he seems up to it? The side opening of my Spire is unsealed and he'd probably love to walk the grounds a bit."


"Yes Mistress, this one will report back in a short while." She gives Adaline a quick hug and tucks the raven plushies into the pockets of her robes before heading out.


"So, what can I help you with, Adaline?" I offer gently, settling to a relaxed position in hopes to calm any of her worries that I can right at the start of things.


"I want to talk to you about... Our relationship. I had the realization yesterday that... you were not capable of consent when we were together, and I needed you to know that I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. It was a violation, whether I was aware of it or not and... I'm sorry."


"Wh- what? No that's..." I shake my head, reeling from the dozen paths I expected this talk to take and trying to stabilize my reaction to not scare her. "That's... Okay. First, let me assure you that I very much was capable of giving consent, and did, every time we were intimate. Always. The Garrote... She... I was given general commands near the end that could have made that untrue, but as far as I remember I always wanted the affections given, and received. And... well... I know you didn't take advantage of me in the gaps I don't remember. Were always so... so aware of my health. Watchful in ways that surprised me. Softly asking at almost every step to make sure I wasn't hurting or... or uncertain."


"You're my first love. You were my everything, still are heh, the second most important person in my life. And... I want to try and... Overcome this distance between us before it becomes unbearable. I miss you so much. I miss us. Sorry, that's a lot."


"No it's... I understand. And am glad you asked to talk with me about this. If..." I look down and away. Consider for a few heartbeats if... if I…


But Her and Xafra and Schatzi and Verbess and even Lynettes' words crack through my mind, pull me to look back up and quietly whisper back before I let myself stumble into not speaking this to her. "I've missed you too. So much, Adaline. For years and years. Missed your brilliance and kindness and... well, you were always radiant but it was muted by how uncomfortable you found your old flesh. And now you're not just blazing but free and forging new weavings and bonds and..." I pause, take a heartbeat to steady myself before continuing. "I never... never even let myself dream that you'd do anything but barely tolerate my presence until recently. And am riven between desperate hope for this chance to be close to you like never before... and fear that Xafra or the Pack's wider feelings for me are pushing you into this. Which I've no idea how to check for or stop. I don't think they are... and will trust your word on it."


"I..." Adaline looks at me like I've struck her. "I called you Wife because I wanted it to be true. Would still if it didn't feel like you were just... Humoring me out of guilt. The Pack's connection urges me to protect you, and... I'm choosing me instead. Risking harm to our Primary User because this one can't pretend to not care about you, Elevar. Even if you hate me, I need to clear the air. I can't be your equal... But... Bloody Ashes, Woman, I can be whatever it takes, and I just hope that it is me."


"Always, Adaline! Never be anything but who you want to be." I reach out but... stop just as fingertips touch hers. "It wasn't out of... well yes there was some guilt over it but not the kind like that. Letting you call me Wife. And I've never hated you and never will. It was because... because you... I didn't... This is so hard to shape into words." I huff and have to pause again, take a couple breaths as I carefully lock fingers about hers. Use the cool and solid Dollflesh to help me focus. "You're the... the gerl I rebuilt myself for. What wasn't already shattered by the Garrote I cracked and melted to get myself moving to try and save you, and... and maybe me too. Went to bed every night till the end dreaming of the life we could build together after being free. Because you were, and still are, worth that. Worth trying to be better for. I've never stopped loving you Adaline. Will never stop. But... but was willing to encourage you move past me if needed. Of course. Because you deserve that. Deserve to choose with full knowledge whatever lucky souls you'd like to be with. And... and if one of them happens to be me... I..." 


Swallow, fight to pull my eyes up to meet hers. "I should have probably been clear. When I told you I'd give you anything you wanted, save my Doll or Xafra or my life. I meant that I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted but... had others who'd need me too. And that If you still want me, then... then I'm happily yours. Just... mind the broken bits strewn about."


"We're both broken. All of us, really. Even our newest guest. That's why we're planning to fix things. So. Yes. Mine. Mine, you beautiful foolish Witch." She tenses, "Can... Can I kiss you?"


"Yes. Please." I whisper.


Adaline presses up against me, her cold tusks sharp against my lips contrasting how soft she is in my arms. And... Her gentle touch is everything I remember and more. Like our time together but... practically radiating things I'd all but abandoned considering I would ever know again. 


So careful but... firm, observant but hungry, delicate but... ravenously so. And all tinted with a new confidence her Quills sing softly of. And these tusks really are just... so perfect. Obviously needed. Like sharp edges that others would soften out upon reweaving a gerl but... mistakenly so. They're nothing but ideal for her! 


Which... of course I forget myself and let one drag indelicately across the inside of my lip, tinting this kiss with a hint of warm droplets of blood. And next I know it a hand of mine is at her hip, while the one that gripped Adaline's traces up the underside of her arm, along her shoulder, before moving up to cup the back of her neck to bury fingers amidst her hair. 


But... With a snap, her words that night after Xafra's curing of my Soul Rot prick at the back of my rush of desires, and I'm carefully loosening my hold. Huffing and murmuring into her lips, "Thank you. So much. For... for this. For saving me. For staying you through it all."


"Yes. And thank you, for proving that you can be better than you thought." She kisses me again, a quick one with no less affection, "I would like to continue this another time, if that's alright. I have a meeting with Augusta to get to unfortunately."


“Of course. I… she seemed to be helping Xafra with our newest guest’s resheathing or… some such? Did another Doll need something shifted?”


"She seems to have an innate understanding of how Xafra's ritual works, apparently it is helpful to separate one's self image from the physical beforehand as it increases the efficiency and makes the process less stressful. There's been a few Dolls that have done the ritual so far. In general mostly minor looking changes which makes sense."


"Huh. Well isn't that..."


Closer to Fleshcrafting than I'd assumed. A touch of the anger I'd pushed aside boils over at that. 


"...Interesting. I'll have to review the writings on that all when within her Driftdream's Archive." I nod, pulling back but... taking the small chance to brush lips over her fingers before Adaline rises and we release each other. "And yes. I'd like to continue this. When... whenever you're available. Of course. At your leisure. I hope your meeting with Augusta goes well."


With a brilliant smile she races out, running forwards instead of away.


We sit for a time, Lynette and me. Sort of… like two boiling sisters would as they consider their angers. Which we will not ever refer to each other as, thank you very much.


“I still mean to burn it all.” I state to the quiet room.


“Good luck with that.” She sneers back with our lips.


“Xafra’s never needed those Tomes, never asked. And once I free you we can consider her Resheathing techniques.” I press. “Nothing in there is worth keeping.”


She shrugs. “So… Why not listen to your Wife, and let another prune it for valuable items. Make two piles. You can burn one, and the other get’s put back. Simple Efficient. Not messy.”


“You didn’t see what she said.” I whisper, smirking sadly at her attempt to offset me with that title. “Can’t even accept the words as I try to tell you. The Estate just… cuts them away. Just like Xafra’s Garrote.”


She tries to hide it but… I can see how much that bothers her as she growls. “That shouldn’t matter here. At all.”


I consider for a while before offering. “What… if I bribe you. Like you did with the spell for Xafra and I?”


She snorts, “No. I’ll not trade even my freedom for your petty spiteful tantrum.”


“That’s not on the table. I still mean to devote myself to gifting you that before we meet the Envoys from either the Groves or the Sun-Blessed regardless of your cooperation in this.”


She hesitates. “Well go on, not like I could ignore you. What do you think will tip me into agreeing to this?”


I smirk. “The same thing I gifted your daughter.”


Lynette goes so quiet at that.


“Because that, Dear One, is how much I trust you.” I whisper. “This is not me asking for forgiveness, and in truth… I’d probably be convinced to go back down there myself soon anyway. Both to let you ensure that your Doll has a place to rest well, but also… to see if this sleeping Godthing has more to say. About her. About Xafra. Because that’s now two of the three we know regard her well.”


Lynette nods and adds. “And… why would it speak to a broken Half-Knit, a Daughter of Sin, and not her?” 


“Exactly. It may be able to tell us more about her. Things that the Garrote cut away.” I grin fully, and let my excitement bubble over to her. “Do this. With me. And let me burn away our wretched teacher from memory as you sliced her from the Threads. I’m not asking you to accept or suffer my anger or trauma but… but move forward with me. Become Matron’s of new magics instead of trying to… to inherit her filth.”


She goes quiet for a long time before finally murmuring. “It… it was that bad? What you found? What she said about us?”


“Worse.” I growl, letting my anger fully blaze. “I tried to tell you. But any details just… roll over you. But I need you to know that I’m glad I read what I did. That I had to face that. I’ve not yearned for her since before Xafra cured us but that… there were parts of me clinging.”


Another long pause passes.


“I… I hate this.” Lynette hisses. “Why can’t you just… leave her Spire for me? Let me remember her as the woman who made me what I am?”


“Because, you stupid Half-Knit, you deserve to move past her.” I press, feeling her tilting. “Just like Adaline, just like me. You have a gaggle of Gerlthings gathering about who are each more perfect than she ever was. Accept better.”


“You’re not going to budge on this, are you?”


“Not a whisper.” I giggle, then lean forward. “It’s like I told you last night. Clean or messy. I’m burning what’s left of her studies, and you're getting freedom and the Breath with me. No compromises. No half-measures. You’re accepting this, and the good things I mean to force on you afterwards.”


“Even kicking and thrashing?” I feel her muse with an annoyed huff.


I nod. “Especially then.”


{Xafra, my Mate.} I intone to her with a smile before Lynette can reply. {I have a few questions in regards to your Dämmerung. I'd like to go meet with them again before the Suns have stopped their weeping and wanted to get your opinions and advice. Both on the Communion and... and if you'd like to have words with me about last night's events. If, that is, you have the time to spare for this.}


[Wow. Yes, certainly. I can head right over if you wish? I also had something to ask Lynette about if she's available and not... furious at me?]


{Please do, this is probably a talk to have in person. And… not last I checked. Her frustrations are for me. If anything she’s grateful that you acted as quickly as you did.}


<Yes. Quite.> Lynette verifies. <Ask at your leisure.>


Xafra rapidly makes her way over, slipping through the entrance in her Grakler prosthesis before manifesting her Doll form in front of us.


"Mistress, Lynette. Good to see you both. Lynette, Warden mentioned that you would be able to alter material composition to make the wood for Krahe's Frame into the right mix of strength and durability."


"Oh? Isn't it the observant one..." She grins at Xafra and leans forward. "Of course, since it seems you've leashed the gerl like I demanded. How has she... grown? Shall we say? Giving her a part of yourself was both inspired... and a touch reckless. But honestly your recklessness often seems perfectly timed. Does she seem the Gerlthing your Pack Sisters remember her as? No odd extra bits sprouting?"


"No, though the whole situation is... Odd. I can only assume that Warden did something similar to what I do with my Geists to preserve her, as she has knowledge that Verbess was unaware of, so she's... more than just a composite of memories. I assumed she would grow into herself but she's... it's already done. My gift simply gave her weight, if that makes sense?"


"It does." Lynette nods. "And in more... ironic and informing ways depending on how this evening's questions with your Dirt Godthing go. But... would you rather sit and answer our Elevar's questions or be in motion? Either suits our final destination the same."


"You... wish me to come with you both?" Xafra asks in surprise.


"Only part of the way." She stands. "Our talks with this Divine will be done privately. But... Elevar has taken to bribery to settle my resistance to her stubbornness, and this was something we meant to do after cracking those Gemstone's open anyway. I've... adjusted some things. Settled this Estate to resting. But still worry it might rouse if aggravated."


{Lynette...} I chide softly. {You're babbling.}


"No, I don't babble. That's something you tend to take up." Lynette smirks and offers Xafra our hand. "But her nonsense aside. I mean to let you memorize the Tune of a Chamber below. A Folded space between the Roots, so if you ever need to get there and we are... unavailable. You can. Using the Weaving I gifted you."


She takes our hand and nods, "Okay. I um. Yes."


"She's avoiding saying it, so I will." I bubble up to grin as we tug her toward our lower chambers and the tunnels. "This Chamber is special. One she hopes you'll come to adore and cherish. Not as a home, it's not meant to be that for you, but... maybe a place of rest and familial nourishment. A place to watch someone you've yet to truly meet grow and find her happiness."


"I had... hoped that was what she meant. And making the body for Krahe will be... helpful. A proof of concept for Sikkina as well as something meaningful for Krahe. I'm just... Worried. What if... Dämmerung rejects me? It has been a very long time since I Communed."


“You said it never spoke to you?” Lynette gently asks.


"No. I spent... hours the first time. Altered my form to produce blood, and drenched the ground with everything I could offer. They gave me the breath but... no words, despite my pleading."


I squeeze her hand. Hide our grimace as I continue down into the tunnels and toward the Undercroft. "And... What does rejection entail? And have you ever witnessed it? Or gotten a first-hand accounting of the event? Ideas of what can cause them to enact it?"


"A Witch, like. One of the ones back then, tried to gain the breath. I didn't see what happened myself but... their body was reduced to dust. I've seen a lesser rejection where there was simply no response at all. I was not sure why that happened at the time, but now I think... Perhaps they were Sun-blessed and Dämmerung refused to listen. I don't know."


Lynette nods. "Child of sin. Such an odd term that it called us, but thank the dead Hag this one doesn't blame us for our mothers' mistakes or nature. And... another odd question. One I hesitate to ask but might matter. Your previous partners never gave you a name, correct? Did you ever take one for yourself? I expect this Godthing to recall you well when we ask but... I'd like to be specific just in case it's wits or memory have dribbled away."


So odd. Even the cruelest Mistress give their Doll's names. And even ones like Yselda who would have delighted to lashing some with an old name knew better than to unearth them in anger. I've seen Dolls fall into quick and heartbreaking Dysfunction at that. Which... begs this question. Why would none of them ever think to collar this gerl with a name? Use it as a leash to keep her loyal?


Xafra pauses in realization, "How.... Did it say the word? Sin, I mean. Because that structured like one would a lineage name in Terék, one of the languages I used at the time. And no, no name. Wasn't able to... keep any attached? Like, I would think of one, and just... forget it."


"Hmmm... Well it would make me more comfortable if 'Child of Sin' was taken as a name and not some Archaic view on morality and divine judgment." I nod as we approach the Chamber we mean to leave her in, then stop and turn to face Xafra. "So... Dear one. We think your Garrote is cutting away memories, and has done so for a while. Warden and Verbess should have the Directives of the thing for us soon, but I need you to be a clever gerl and not try to deal with this until we permit it. We mean to remove it within a few days. A week at most. But worry it may have... durable foundations. Protections that might interact poorly with your Pack Sisters if prodded. Do you trust us in this?"


We wince at the half-truths woven throughout, the revelations we more and more believe to be this gerl's reality but... We can't risk this Garrote biting at her in a way we're ill-prepared to handle.


"Warden stated something similar and has provided memory flags for where it has filled in gaps so I can... navigate around the issue. I will leave it alone and trust you all." She hesitates before continuing, "I would... like to attempt to commune after you are done, if you two feel it is reasonable."


"We'll talk about that after we're finished." I nod, then let Lynette rise to smirk. "But... Come. It's time I gift Sikkina's Sanctuary your presence and... perspectives. If you wish to lay feet within her Chamber?"


"Please. I very much do."


Then, without turning away from Xafra, Lynette tugs her forward and into the softly lit Chamber. Keeping our gaze locked to her expression while she absorbs everything.


It's... much as it was the last time. A garden of soft plants filled to bursting with all sorts of things from above but... static. Almost frozen besides the constant cycling of the Ousia, Physis, and Nomos dribbled from above.


"This, is my first gift to our Daughter." Lynette murmurs while she leads. Every step perfectly placed for the half of us that's spent countless hours pouring over this place's workings and every meter. "While she will be able to adopt a form to venture forth as, this will always be where her heart and soul resides. All Muppets of flesh and Frame will be as puppets to her. Never will a deep pit or endless abyss be a threat to her freedom so long as our gerl can cut the strings and return herself here. And... So long as she keeps it well stocked with material and energies, Sikkina will be able to craft herself new forms to stride forth from this place at her leisure."


"It's... beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Xafra exclaims, her face alight with wonder and hope.


"It's sufficient, for now." Lynette grins. "But I'm sure it will grow to make my workings seem quite plain. Once she is awake and mastering herself this place will be much like your Driftdream. Her's to shape." Then we're at the Heart of this place and pulling Xafra up to see both the odd Cradle I left sitting here and the slowly expanding Glyph etching its way beneath our feet. Pulling her to kneel and lay both hands on the warm Root floor. "Close your eyes, Dear one, and if you're so very gentle..."


“Oh! You've been oh wow, her shell, it's... less hungry. This is wonderful. Gosh, I can't wait till she can explore, and wonder at all the miraculous things. She's probably going to be so happy that she can give you a gift in return immediately. I can already imagine her sheepish grin as she returns your Little Archive."


I don't mean to jolt back, to tumble with eyes wide and send Lynette sprawling. "Wh- what? No, Xafra. It... she broke it all. Ate... every... all the..."


It was a vain hope, honestly. Dashed when Lynette found that without using the Estate's harsher methods she could only decipher the shape of Sikkina's inner workings, which she refused to do. But... of course her mother and weaver would know how to read her daughter's melodies.


"To perceive is to change, and we both agreed not to gaze deeper once... once we planted her here." I whisper. "And... And even then my... her feast seemed aimless. Grasping. I just assumed that while scraps may remain they... I'd not want her to think that she was at fault. That she broke something important. Leave whatever knowledge she gained or inspiration from my journals a... a subconscious muse. Either find them elsewise or... or reknit from the start."


While I talk Xafra quietly makes copies of some memories, us and the Pack in the Driftdream, and feeds them to Sikkina's egg, "There you go little one. Family. Your family."


Standing up, Xafra looks at us in confusion, "Oh! no no, the shell is a weapon, but it's one of infiltration, it wouldn't serve its purpose if it didn't perfectly preserve and reconstruct everything it ate."


"I... She... Of course. Of course you'd gift her the ability to not be mired in messy recollections. Understand quickly who she is, apart from them." 


Lynette remains quiet but I can feel her prodding hope entwining with my own. Harmonic until I pull from her subtle desires for... for me to reconsider my future actions. 


"That... Thank you. So very much, Dear Ones." I murmur while reaching over to touch the Cradle, wiping away tears I feel trying to fall. "And this is our third gift. The Breath. Stored and waiting. So... So she doesn't need to face Dämmerung till she is good and ready. I've no doubt she will be accepted but... refuse to leave it to chance or otherwise."


"She's truly blessed to have people who care about her."


I nod, taking a deep and steadying breath while letting Lynette bubble up again. 


"So..." She moves to raise us to stand next to Xafra. "It's time for you to find the Tune of this Chamber, and once you've memorized said markers, nothing can keep you from your child ever again, save herself. Not even me. So long as you have the Ousia to cast the Wurzelriss. While you remain here and do this, we're going to Commune, then return. Consider next steps from there?"


"Thank you." Xafra quickly hugs us then returns to her grakler prosthesis, curling up on the ground beside the Cradle.


We smile and run fingers between her ears and along this Frame's spine, dancing between Quills, then turn to move.


Solidifying ourselves for whatever this Dirt Godthing has to share.


The walk is shorter than I recall, even with the little decontamination sections Lynette had the Estate weave along the way.


Won't do to have a dribble of Nomos irk the sleeping Divine, and all that.


And... as expected, we find a mostly empty nook. Save the snek-shaped Doll nuzzled and resting directly over the spot where we Communed last.


"Dear one," Lynette purrs gently while kneeling beside the gerl. Wrapped in blankets and nuzzled up to a pillow we insisted she take with her that first night. 


"M- Mistress?" She mumbles back, eyes and ears and tail twitching in curious worry. "W- what... why...?"


"Shhh." Lynette calms her with soft ear rubs. "I mean to use this space for something important. Would you mind terribly going to wait with Miss Xafra? She's in Sikkina's Chamber wearing the soft and snuggly form of a Grakler."


"Mhm. Yes, Mistress." She nods and wiggles to rise, "Make sure to not wake up the Dirt. It can be grumpy, sometimes."


That... causes us to pause. Consider calling her back while she slitters away but... One set of questions at a time. Of Course.


"Let's... See what we can't do here then." We murmur, kneeling, then weaving Physis to slice open palms just before pressing them into the cold and dry dirt. "Alright, Dämmerung, tell us what you know about our Xafra. If you please."


The dirt somehow envelops our hands without moving, holding us in place firmly. The air seems to vibrate in amusement as the dirt Godthing speaks.


Our Blade... Yes... She is Deaf to my words…


It takes us a few heartbeats to steady, then we're grinning through near manic fury. "We mean to free her from the Garrote that causes that. But... we need to understand her better. Know what she is before attempting it. The Gerl thinks herself just... a messy weaving of Mundanes. But that's nonsense. She's clearly something more. Can you help us? Both with a gift of your Breath again and... and information? For this we will devote ourselves to her freedom and will lead her to speak with you fully."


Pulled from... One Prison... to Another... Sin above... Twilight below... Prove Yourself... Dämmerung focuses their horrific presence on the remaining weaves that restrict Lynette, as well as deeper, onto the Garrote that the Estate itself wove around her.


The Breath bubbles up between our arms, waiting to be taken.


"Cracked and Riven Moon, we were right!" We chuckle, fighting down the terror as we lower our head and lips to the Breath. "Those fools thought using a gaggle of Half-Knits as a slaughtered feast would make her more willing to bend to their will. The fools. Barely even understood that Dreams are infectious. Nearly impossible to unweave once considered fully. Just wove stubborn regard into her." Pausing, we consider before drinking in the gift. Riven to the point where only I whisper through our lips. "She's taken well to your teachings. Has cracked this Witch from Soul Rotting lessons. Next we speak only Lynette's ties to the Estate will remain on our flesh. And... even they will fray once Xafra's Daughter awakens."


And without waiting for a reply, we inhale the Breath.


As the Breath infuses into us, Dämmerung speaks once more before going silent, not unwelcoming but no longer watching. Good... She is Ours. Unreal, Void, and Firmament... Divine Seedling.


We tumble backways, landing flat to stare up into the pitch of the cavern's ceiling. Waiting till our heart falls into a steady beat before letting our grin bubble up into a full giggle as we rise. "Oh we're not going to sleep well tonight, are we?"


"Hmm... Doubtful." Half of us muses. "Especially with all the work that lies ahead."


Speaking of...


{Warden.} We intone. {Xafra's Garrote should have had a... Well, let's just call it a signature. A unique marker despite being fueled by her Ousia. We need you to locate that from your recordings and see about adjusting a song of Negation for our use that can be used without ruining her own workings. Oh, and make sure it's designed to work well through both yours, Adaline's, and Krahe's future Quills. We'll want a triage of sources to ensure it can shred anything it will try when we're working. Work with Verbess and Krahe on this, if you please. And don't share it with the wider Pack until I give the command.}


Then, to Schatzi... {Dear, when you have a free moment with Adaline, could you let her know we'd love to speak with her when she is available? And... oh see about moving Krahe's Frame to Chamber 1, if you please. We can have it shifted to match her needs before we come back up with Xafra.}


[Terminology Registered. There are two foreign signatures woven about Pack Lead Xafra, Mistress Elevar. One overlayed above the other. Which should be Negated?] Warden promptly replies.


[Yes Mistress! Um. Should I leave Rufus up here? I'm still giving him the tour.] Schatzi responds only heartbeats later.


{Two? Hmmm... well isn't that interesting. Impress us again, dear Warden.} We reply. {Craft Negation weavings for each, and one that can be used to smother both. And... send us reports on each so we can consider their purposes and natures. And... well done. On that and your observations of the Estate.}


Then... what? The fool boy actually picked out a name? And... 'Rufus?' Well... Isn't that a fully different name than we'd have guessed that one would pick...


{We wouldn't want his tour cut short.} We giggle back to her. {You can wait until he's off considering his new home to attend to that. Take your time. We've found ourselves falling into another research project that will without a doubt gobble up all our attentions and have time to ensure our newest guest is hosted well.}


We rise after finishing intoning to them, and begin our walk back to Sikkina's Sanctuary. Focusing our attentions on the odd bubbling sensation we feel deep within us…


[The deep Garrote is the one that is editing memories, Mistress and Miss. Warden Will compile full reports on both based on accessible data. Warden... Thanks you for the praise.]


[Okie! Will do! please make sure you rest at some point though, or I'll have to change out all your outfits!] Schatzi cheerfully threatens us.


{It is well earned, and long overdue. You are a marvel, both in your Form and Function.} We reply to Warden, {And... Please come to us with any concerns or questions. You are ours. And we mean to bear that weight to our fullest.}


{Of course, love.} We assure Schatzi. {And thank you for worrying over us about our health.}


As we get to the entrance of Sikkina's Sanctuary, a voice sounds out from the empty corridor behind us. "Matrons, when you're done playing in the Dirt, I think it would be very beneficial if you would come visit me. I've set up an office in the basement of the Library Spire, in case you've forgotten."


We jerk about, find nothing there. Check the bond. It thrums with only familiar intonements.


"Do I, perhaps, detect a weed growing outside its designated Cells?" Lynette growls to the empty tunnel as I sputter from the sudden Rivening of purpose. "Bold of you to unfold like this, more so at me. Should I come to your Burrow expecting more than words? Or... do you intend to attempt to negotiate terms of release from your keeper?"


{I... an escaped Intake? Above? Amidst the Dolls!?! Lynette we... we have to deal with this. Now.}


<I am.> She hisses. <It must be a small or subtle thing to slip about unnoticed. A simple enough creature to subdue.>


"Escaped implies I was ever bound, dear Elevar. I am here to help the Old One's kin, as I always have. That now includes you both. Next weeping at the latest please. It's important to be properly settled before you attempt to free the Old One." As Lynette focuses through the Estate, she sees Augusta's office and Augusta herself in the basement of the Library Spire, the words coming directly out of her mouth.


A chill runs down our spine at her words, and Lynette turns fury toward the room Augusta sits in as body and soul and Cracked Estate seems to cackle with her. Vines and miasma curling up like the rising tides to begin sealing the room.


A beast twitching an ear at such an odd sounding thing on its back.


<No. Not bold. St->


{Wait! How are you able to hear… No, that'll just hurt to understand the knitting of it.} I press Lynette to hesitate while I focus on this shared perception of the Doll. {You admit to spying but... to help Xafra. Her kin. Who... Why should we trust you? Why shouldn't Lynette let this place gobble you up and bisect you? I take... poorly to weavings that alter the minds these days and if you've infested or hurt even one Doll on the grounds I will help Lynette in every way I can to chip that cost from whatever hide you call yours.}


"You don't have to trust me, and you can feel free to try, like the Estate tried to do to the Old One. Quite lucky for you all, it was stopped because that would have been a poor conclusion for... Witch-kind. And Elevar, dearie, I don't weave, let alone weave monstrous mind altering things like you used to make. I knit Lace, lend an ear, and occasionally tell stories to Dolls that wander down here."




<Elevar.> Lynette growls, ready and more than willing to strike at this... this...


{Adaline... Seems to speak very highly of you.} I murmur. {And... I disagree. I do have to trust you. Before I walk into a room with someone who has so easily been intruding upon private thoughtpaths. You say you don't weave, yet... This very conversation implies one of two possibilities. Either you're lying, and very bad at it. Or...}


<Or you are more kin to the Nightmare I butchered just a few days past than you're admitting to. Bearing such fascinating talents that this place would adore to cut you open to find out exactly how they->


{Lynette...} I huff, look over and into Sikkina's Sanctuary. {What do you mean by settle? And why do you want to help our Xafra?}


"Adaline is lovely, She inspired me to take this form. Trust is a broad concept that you would distill to a simple binary idea, just like Nightmare. Such a juvenile word, not inaccurate for some of us, but that is the nature of labels, which is what I wished to speak to you about. I wish to help Xafra because it is why I crossed into the Real, to assist her and all those made in her image. You're scared of her, of what she could be. That fear could change her in ways she would despise, and your hypocrisy would wound her deeper than you realize. But then again... Do as you will. Show up or don't. I'd rather not clean up the mess if you break the Old One, but I will do my duty." Augusta shrugs in her office and suddenly, to the view of Lynette and the Estate, the office doesn't exist, instead there's solid rock in place of where it should be.


<Oh no you don't!> Lynette snarls, twisting the Estate's senses to seize after Augusta. <Come back here you—>


{NO!} I snap and do my best to jerk her back. {Stop. Lynette. Don't be stupid.}


She hesitates, twists some of her attention to regard me, the rest searching and scouring the Estate's senses for this odd Doll-shaped intruder.


{Yes, exactly.} I sigh. {This one reached out to us on their terms, trying to... to strike or chase now would be foolish. Unless you plan to upend and fully wake this Estate, which I would not consent to, we should consider the offer. Prepare. And see what she has to say.}


She chews on that as our heartbeat slows, and I feel her consider a weaving of options and traps and claws and fangs to bring to bear before murmuring. <Attend to your day. And... I'll prepare proper tools to tend to this weed when next we speak with her.>






SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

SO COME JOIN US or ask these character directed questions here! Rules are simple. No spoilers for future chapters, be kind. Must ask the Characters your questions!



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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