A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 59: Addendum: Dreams are now a Function of this Frame. (Blade)

Addendum: Dreams are now a Function of this Frame. (Blade)

Content Warnings:



As Adaline grapples with all the implications of the offers my Mate and... What do I even call Lynette? I care about her, and apparently she has feelings for me but she is not my Mistress... Wait, Cup Upended and Pips Nulled, I need to actually ask her out. How does one even date someone who's sharing a body and memories with their Mate?


"Sister, Mistress, Miss Adaline, we are here and ready to assist with sister Verbess." Schatzi's words knock me out of my wanderings and I refocus on the task at hand.


"Query: What is the issue with Pack Heart Verbess?" Warden asks bluntly.


I look at the ethereal Warden in confusion, unable to understand how it doesn't know. "It is not responding to Schatzi requests to wake or rousing on its own, and we are concerned.”


Warden turns to Elevar and asks another question. "Proposal: Warden will utilize Pack functionality as well as Frame capabilities to analyze and report on Verbess condition."


"So long as you're careful not to startle it. Verbess' hasn't even tried to sing, last I was told. Something I've never seen it not reach for when upset or hurting. Its Quills let it express everything. For it to not use them... is new." She glances at me. "You can still feel it, yes?”


"Yes, it's still present just... I'm not sure how to explain." I offer.


"ETC: 300 Heartbeats. Warden report forthcoming." It states before unweaving its ethereal form and releasing the minor Physis drain.


"Ah. In the meantime, Is it... impolite to ask you to continue with your prior explanation, Miss Elevar? About your Einwandfrei?" Adaline requests, looking more settled.


"I... not at all." A touch of worry freely touches the bond, but Elevar sits. Takes a deep breath and begins. "I'll... start with my second and work backways. My Fleischbrecher was a twisting of three separate Healing Art workings and five smaller Physis alternatives into what it is. To... be blunt and honest, it basically let me inflict permanent or temporary Dysphoria on anyone I cast it on. But... without any way to alleviate it except a good knowledge of the working, Fleshcrafting, or Dollification. I could also control the intensity of it, where it manifested the worst, and otherwise.”


I stare at her, keeping my emotions tightly in check. "Why?”


"Why not? Is that somehow worse than growing curses in someone's mind, Mistress?" Adaline snips at me.


Where's this coming from? What did I do wrong? This is absurd.


"Oh it is very much worse, dear Adaline." Elevar looks down and away, refusing to meet anyone's gaze as she continues. "Because I, as I've tried and failed to communicate, am a very cruel person. This, like all but one of my Flawless Weavings, wasn't just made to hurt people. I lured at least thirty-three souls back to this Estate with the promise of healing only to let the Old Cunt Dollify them, then break them. Mentally and otherwise. She, Yselda... only kept a few. The rest were scrapped. This was a way to gather information and hurt her... our rivals. And while I tried to find and remove the working off the spares I left wandering the Groves and Root Ways this past decade... I did not find them all. This was not a working I... I hesitated to use. Due to the inability for most Groves to tend to such ailments none could trace this messy new pain someone had back to me. I was able to indulge my spite and cruelty and... and no one could stop me. Well... until She did. I cannot cast it anymore. Not without... well... leakage.


"My love, that doesn't answer my question. Why?" I ask again, reaffirmed by her words.


"Why what, Dear one?" She whispers.


"Why did you create it? Genuinely. I know cruelty and have done a multitude of cruel things myself, so I don't ask this with clean hands. I just want to understand fully why you would put such time, effort, and research into merging eight different workings into this one when, let's be clear here, there are easier ways to get information, and easier ways to cause pain. So... What made you wish to inflict this specifically on others?”


"Because..." Elevar face twists into a mess of fury and pain. "Because I was fool enough to think that this body would make the Groves accept me as her Floret and Envoy without question. Never expected them to... to consider me lesser because of what I was. That the only reason they didn't kill me or worse was because they feared what she might unleash from the bowls of this rotten place. That... that when they found out I was Half-Knit, they laughed and counted their jade in thanks that Yselda did not take in a Floret that would outlive her." Then her lip quirks in an almost snarl. "And it was so efficient, Xafra. Barely a hint of Ousia needed. Could literally cast in front of some of them and most were too stupid to see past their sneers to know what a mistake their petty spite for this Half-Knit was. I made it because it seemed an apt way to spit back in the faces of those that would think me weak. Because I wanted to watch them suffer both as I had, but also worse, and to be able to..."


But then her face goes a bit pale, even green, and I feel such a strange mix of revulsion and panic and fear and guilt and so much more consume the tether before she smothers it. Seems to almost get sick before a few deep breaths steady her.


"But to your question, the simple answer is that I was so very spiteful when the Groves disrespected me, and I never wanted to return to my first lover's arms a mess like I did after that first outing." My Witchling spits past whatever just struck, curling about herself in the chair. "So I wove this, and indulged in cruelties until I couldn't anymore.”


"And... Afterwards, did you find some manner of peace?" I ask, reflecting back the question this wonderful, wounded girl asked me when I explained my rampage.


"Progenitor Proverb: There is no peace to be found in violence.  Warden Report Ready." The unsteady silence is cracked by Warden's return to ethereal form.


She goes stiff, wincing. "Xafra, That's..." But instead of answering she shakes her head and turns to her Doll. "Quite right, thank whatever Godthings you will for that. Deliver report, if you please.”


"Verbess is not present in Frame 514. Verbess is currently pinging from Locate command in Frame ERR: Undefined Value, Updating...  Complete. Frame -1, Progenitor Xafra. Proposal: Primary User investigates Anomalous Formation 001 — Driftdream."


"What." I shake my head in confusion. "I would know if..."


But then again, I didn't know when Warden used my Physis…


"You have terrible timing, Warden." Adaline mutters.


"Verbess is within the Driftdream?" Elevar pulls from herself to gaze between us. "How... Well, asking how that is possible seems quite foolish. Xafra, is this dangerous? For you or it?”


"I... don't think so. But... We may as well go and look, right?"


Adaline is right though. I really want Elevar to come to terms with what she did, not just dismissing herself as evil and cruel.


"Yes. If..." She slowly releases the bond and allows her titters of worry to flow between us, then lifts her hand that bears the ring. "But Verbess is in your Driftdream proper, not this isolated crafting. I... I'm not sure this is a thing we'd want Lynette involved with.”


"I don't understand. The ring is just a duplicate of my Library's information. You and Lynette were in my Driftdream. I trust all of you here anyway.”


"I... Assumed there were some differences. Extra protections and such. But... alright." She agrees carefully. "Is... wait. If Verbess has somehow entered your Driftdream does that mean Schatzi and Warden could enter as well?”


"Yes. Honestly, Adaline can as well, I assume though I'll need to let her in like I do with you, Mistress.”


"Please!” Adaline responds immediately. “Yes, I want to see it.”


"Well, Um. I guess we should all get our bodies comfortable, laying down and such. I uhm. yeah." I begin, uncertain how to ensure my Witchling is on board with this plan.


"We... Can use this Spire's uppermost bedchamber." Elevar nods and rises. "It has plenty of space for all of us to rest comfortably while we do this.”


I pulse ::Confirmation/Uncertainty:: at her as I follow.


The room she leads us to is fairly large, with a big bed taking up the majority of the space and even a balcony that overlooks an outer edge of the Estate and gives a great view of the jungles and the sky.


"Let's make sure to take it slow once we're inside." Elevar talks while moving up to adjust the pillows and blankets, setting up multiple places for people to rest comfortably. "We don't want to scare it while we get ourselves orientated." Then she turns back to us all. "Is this alright?”


"I think so" Adaline chimes in.


"It sounds intimidating but I am interested in seeing what Sister Xafra has created." Schatzi responds.


As we lay down, I hesitate, needing to make sure Adaline understands. "Adaline, this will be you venturing into my soul... If it causes you significant distress, that means we'll have to reevaluate before I can let you be part of the Pack, regardless of what Verbess says. I'm not saying this to punish you, but for your safety.”


Adaline nods and closes her eyes, a look of grim determination on her face. "This one will be sufficient. Promise.”


That's... oh you poor girl.


Elevar winces, but... only takes up Adaline's hand before laying down herself.


Wordlessly, I form the entrance to my Driftdream before each of them, watching as their souls cross the threshold and begin the descent. Already I can see changes that intrigue me, the trees of the descent shaded in purples with leaves gently tumbling down the shaft with my beloveds. I Manifest myself near the village entrance like usual and see odd... straw people inhabiting the village as well, wearing old clothing from my time mixed with newer. 


Best to leave them alone for now. I head over to the hill to watch the descent from another angle.


Adaline's form is unstable, rapidly shuddering and shifting between what I can only imagine was her human body, her current form, and something more feral looking.


Warden seems to have skipped the descent entirely, appearing a step behind me and off to the right, appearing as the featureless Doll Frame I've come to expect.


"You know Warden, that would be terrifying if I wasn't expecting something of the sort. You seem to have an aversion to the dramatic to such an extent it ends up being dramatic unintentionally." I murmur to it as we wait.


"Warden is." it stops, whirring in confusion. "Warden sounds incorrect. This is... Pleasing.”


"Good to hear. You sound nice. Shall we?" I step forward, only to have Warden stumble into me.


"Apologies, Pack Lead..." Warden looks around, noting motes of light similar to my Wisps that dance from the spot it was apparently shoved. "Cause of unbalancing unknown. Warden will analyze after we leave Driftdream.”


"All good. Let me know if there are any other oddities.”


"Warden ontological weight diminished by 14%. Cause Unknown." It responds as we continue up the hill.


Well, that's concerning…


As Elevar, Lynette, Schatzi, and her land, Adaline's form finally stabilizes into that of a Doll with four additional smaller red eyes paired with her blue ones, petite black tusks, and a shock of ivory Quills running down the back of her head amidst her sliver hair.


Elevar looks Adaline's form up and down, a careful smile touching her lips. "Oh, well isn't that a sight..."


Lynette tilts her head and more openly smirks at Adaline, "Wouldn't have expected the tusks, but they suit you..."


"And the Quills!" Elevar finishes, hand hovering just a touch behind one of the new growths. "Well placed and inspired, I think. How're you feeling, dear one?”


I watch as Adaline races through emotions that careen down our bond, confusion, delight, terror, and anger before settling on a determined acceptance. "I feel good. This one did not plan this appearance, and does not understand how it occurred, but it feels correct.”


"I'm glad. That means I don't really need to give you the spiel." I giggle.


"Doll are better at shaping themselves into what they Dream to be, when given the proper tools and freedom to choose." Lynette chuckles, her attire subtly spinning and reknitting into more regal weavings that compliment and match the tattoos across her form. "Fear scoured away and deeper fury ignited so easily..."


Elevar sighs but nods, "I'm glad it worked out well." Then eyes rove past us to the village. 


Lynette's gaze follows, and she strides forward a few paces to better see things . "Well... Any idea what the significance of those are?” She asks, pointing to the craftings of straw and cloth.


"No idea. They're not mine, but they don't feel like invaders which means that they're... part of Verbess in some way. Phantasms, I’ll call them for now." I respond as the group comes together.


"They are from... our Homeland. Tributes to honor those who were... Changed in order to fight against the Sun-blessed. I… Oh. That hurts to think about, Mistress. This one is sorry." Schatzi answers, speaking slowly as she unburies old memories.


Elevar steps over to Schatzi, wrapping an arm about her and whispering softly. "I... We can take this as slow as you like. Or... you don't need to relive this. If Verbess is spiraling or... or dwelling upon bad recollections that doesn't mean you need to as well. You can let others search for it while you wait here.”


"Warden can speak on the topic if desired. Warden possesses no independent emotional function.” It adds.


"That could be useful... But Xafra, dear." Lynette murmurs, eyes narrowing at something spotted in the city. "No Dolls existed in your time, correct? At all? No research or initial tests involving Framecraft even?”


"None, at least not that were public knowledge.” I respond cautiously, not seeing what she's seeing.


"So... No partial melding of Frame limbs onto children?” She continues.


"No! Definitely not. We weren't monsters. Why would such a horrific thing be done to innocents?" I snap in revulsion.


Schatzi speaks up in a confused voice. "This one remembers... a friend being healed. A missing limb grown back by a Spellweaver.”


"No idea, seems quite wasteful." She replies, then turns a hand over to point. "But perhaps that little one running through the streets, or Warden, could shed some light on the subject?"


I finally notice someone moving through the streets. A young girl with messy hair and obviously prosthetic limbs. Left arm and right foot of Frame construction, but both are much too big for her.


I flinch at the sight and have to stop myself from destroying the… Apparition. Not a Geist, not part of my Gestalt, but a vivid memory of Frame 514.


"She seems quite the mess, but..." Elevar focuses. "Is... did she just pick that Geist's pocket?”


"She was..." Schatzi murmurs, "Pack."


"Well isn't this quite the interesting mess." Lynette chuckles.


"Verbess is bleeding itself into your Driftdream." Elevar states, watching the little one run to chase a Wisp.


"Warden can explain, Sister Schatzi. Warden has access to those memories and has preserved Pack member information as vital to Pack integrity.”


"What... Coven was doing this?" I ask with apprehension, dreading that I know the answer, that my failure to end them all lead to countless suffering.


Schatzi shakes her head yet Warden speaks up, "Coven Tau Century." and my heart skips a beat because it's not them. 


It's not my fault.


"Tau Century conducted initial experiments and created Frame Series 100-300. Frame series 400 was created by Eri Schäfer and Bondsmith Exclave Ideal Horizon after they seized all assets and liquidated Tau Century." Warden Continue.


"Hm... an odd choice." Lynette muses. "Children's Dreams are strong but... far too malleable. Change too much. It's why no Dolls are made from anyone younger than fifteen or so. But this..." She turns to Warden. "Were they grooming them for service? Or... just testing things? The little one's limbs seem too large for her.”


"Hedgemages were exiled when ERR: Classified Data was handed over to the Matriarchy as part of the Fifth Conclave Pact. Limbs recovered from destroyed 100-200 series Combat Frames were used as prosthesis to replace limbs lost to Spore exposure with a focus on juvenile humans. This was determined to be a Pact Violation by the Sixth Conclave." Warden responds with a hint of... anger?


"That's really messed up." Adaline remarks.


"Quite. But... This still doesn't answer the question of why." Elevar looks between us. "Why is a Geist from Schatzi and Verbess' past even here? You gain a new one whenever you decide to subsume someone, but this little one... is it Verbess? Just wearing an old friend's form? Or... did it overtake one of yours to do this?”


"It didn't overtake one of mine. it is... additional. An Apparition from Verbess' memories, I believe. Our souls are mingled now, so it is not so much... leakage as simply walking through the open doorway.”


"Alright... Then... let's see if it can lead us to Verbess? Or tell us what's happening?" Elevar prompts, then turns to Schatzi. "Would you be alright with that? If this one is from your past we... I don't want this to be unpleasant for you.”


The girls eyes jerk to us, darting between the group just as she snatches the Wisp. Gripping the little wiggling blaze between flesh fingers while watching us approach, expression careful and guarded.


"Mmhm! I’m okay with it." Schatzi leads the way, making an odd whistling noise that causes the Apparition to stop.


The Apparition flinches. Hisses a strange spitting mess of curses I only recognize a few words from, then turns to run. Weaving through the crowds of my Geists and odd Apparitions and Phantasms, even unbalancing and knocking a few over.


But... from where she flees to, returns a messy crackling response that is quickly cut off after only a few notes are sung back.


In the middle of a field over a dozen of the Phantasms stand about a messy circle. The little Apparition runs to the middle, then seems to hop down into a hole dug between them.


"Well..." I start.


"... do we chase after her or?" Adaline finishes.


"Yes." Elevar eyes us, then intones with an odd resolve. "If Verbess desires sleep, it knows to ask. But this... No. I will not have my Fury hiding from its Pack or Mistress. This reeks of old habits it took a name to overcome. I don't know what this Geist represents, but Verbess lays below, it seems.”


Then she steps forward, hand still holding Schatzi's, and approaches the chasm within the gathering of Phantasms.


"I can just..." With a thought I bend the Driftdream temporarily, so that between one step and the next we are directly beside the hole. Flickerstep? Probably a good name for it. Names are useful.


"Heads up next time, please?" Adaline asks, looking queasy.


Lynette giggles as Elevar glances to Adaline, then down into the hole.


"This... Well..." She murmurs.


Down the hole, all that is visible is the twilight sky.


"Yeah, alright." I say, and hop in.


I land on the other side and feel an immense sense of longing. A rock-laid path leads through a forest to a walled city of stone. Proper walls, not these nasty plant ones. Real Stone. I wander forwards, not waiting for the others to follow and look upon the abject majesty of a seven meter tall stone guardian kneeling by the gates, weavings of Lunargent across its face and neck and a broken spear in its hands.


"The years have not been kind to you little sister," I murmur as I Flickerstep to rest a hand on the massive knee.


"Third Warden was its designation. This one is based on an imprint of its soul." Warden states softly, a touch of awe in its voice.


I jump this time, too absorbed in my appreciation to notice its arrival. "Bloody ashes, we need to get you a bell or something.”


I turn to look and behind it is Lynette, standing at the maximum distance she can from me or a Geist… or one of the pack… and is silently watching me while the others move a little slower to catch up.


I stare back at her with warmth. While I can't quite trust her yet, I do like her a fair bit.


"Hobbled Wretch, should be grateful to the... Sister's keep each other in tip-top... WH- LLL- M-!?!" Comes a disjointed cry from deeper within the city. And from its nature I recognize it as a Wisp's messy calling.


"That's a Wisp, and not one of mine. Fascinating." I comment.


"Our Verbess always had quite the proclivity for attaching itself to messier sorts. Even thieves, it seems." Lynette smirks, winks at me, then looks up to regard the sleeping Warden and the birds nests that mark its form. "I wonder how long such a thing could even Function. To move a Frame of this weight and size would require quite the soul to spin it into motion."


Elevar walks up to gaze ahead into the city, asking Schatzi as they attempt to spot the Geist we chase after. "Any idea where the little one might be going?”


Through the open gates of the city it is visibly populated by the straw-bodied Phantasms, eternally motionless. The city itself is… half woven. Sinking into the empty unraveling dreamscape behind that resembles an angry, yet static, sea. The buildings are a mix between eidetic recollection and a child's idea of a building. The Phantasms themselves are all faceless yet seem to be fulfilling specific roles.


"There was... a hideout. Before.  A safe place for us... rejects. The damaged ones." Schatzi murmurs, her eyes closed while her horns gently thrum, guiding her forward as she leads the way.


Elevar nods, and follows. Lynette remains at the edges of the point where her body would unravel, eyes rolling over the city and the crafted inhabitants. As we move further in, the Phantasms gain more detail. Cloth becomes better fit and the body types even diversify into noticeable varieties.


Eventually we're standing outside an old broken home set by a shattered wall that overlooks the static sea.


"Got me a new leg! And you a new set of teeth! And... C'mon little one, ya gotta eat sumthin'... I'm gonna take her offer. Promised to send food and stuff back here after they...." Comes a tittering from within.


Then such a scream and cracking snaps out, making more than a couple of us jump at the sound that tears through the quiet like sheers through cloth.


Adaline runs ahead before I can stop her as her clothes shift into a white tunic and slacks under a silver trench coat with purple liner. "I'll save you!" she yells heroically, kicking open the door.


"Follow close, this is likely to be volatile." I instruct. "She's resonating hard with Verbess' memory. I've seen this sort of thing happen a few times, but normally with more stable individuals, her lingering delusions could be... risky here.”


Elevar nods, and Lynette moves like I've done. Flickerstepping gently behind me.


Inside, amongst the empty spaces filled with signs of poor children's lives, we find no one. On the uppermost floor, just before Adaline shoves past a tattered curtain, the Wisp begins to shriek all manner of babbling sobbing cries.


We catch up to find her hesitating in the entrance. Within the room are three Phantasms, still faceless, but two are clothed in well-made iron armor, and one in the sparse robes and normally enchanted Lunargent trinkets of the Witch from my time. They seem to be huddled around and looking at a spot by a broken upper corner wall. But... no one else is here. Just a broken walking cane atop a messy set of beddings laying where their faces aim.


We watch as Adaline leans down and carefully moves the cane aside, sifting through the pile to unearth a plush animal, a deep purple four winged bird with crackling runic eyes. Oh... a Chaos Raven. Are they still around?


As Schatzi sees the plush toy, she breaks down, curling into the corner of the room sobbing. "I'm so sorry Verbess. Please, don’t leave it here. Take it home. It’ll be a good Doll. Please don’t abandon it here again. Please please please please."


Division rips at me, Schatzi's overwhelming sorrow dropping me to my knees as I attempt to stabilize her.


A twisting of the Dream, and we're outside. Schatzi and I curled into Elevar's arms as Lynette kneels behind.


"Of course." Lynette whispers, hand at Schatzi's back. 


"You are both such good gerls." Elevar echoes, pulling us both close.


"Never going to leave you." Lynette continues just before Elevar says, "Keep you both as long as I breathe.”


"GIVE IT BACK!" Screams a voice from down the street just as Schatzi and I begin to stabilize.


Looking over we all see the girl from before. Older now. Doll limbs are a better fit, but covered in scars and bruises. Wisp from before squeezed tight in her flesh fingers and dribbling a little soulflame as she glowers at Adaline, who still stumbles to regain herself from the vertigo of Lynette's sudden Dream folding. 


"Stupid gutter filth... Wish they would break faster, hate how these little ones yowl... Please... please shh shh shh–" The Wisp babbles and cries.


Adaline offers the plush over after taking a momentary glance at it from all angles, "This one is sorry, Didn't mean to take it, lost... sense of place. Apologies.”


The gerl glares, snatches the plushie away and hops back, shoving the toy into the elbow of one arm. Eyes dancing over the group as the Wisp babbles on. "Talk of a swarm coming soon, and new batches of Doll soldiers being made... Foods sparse. No harvest. Sea gutter was blocked off and... So pretty though, wouldn't mind being like them if…”


She silences the Wisp with a squeeze, and asks sharply. "What do you want?”


Overwhelmed and exhausted I respond just as sharply. "Verbess." then vibrate my own Quills in a demanding Song <Pack, Gather at Lead Location Immediately. Packmate wounded.>


Quicker than should be possible, the little thing is in front of me, hand darting out to grip a Quill and ruin the song. 


Incoherent, iron muffled, blood curdling screams erupt from the Wisp before another squeeze from the girl cuts it off so she can growl, "You don't want to do that..."


A tense pause, then she's pulling back. Frame fingers cut and falling to clatter on the cobblestone. Damaged by the sharp edges of the Quill she gripped.


"This is my Driftdream, And here more than any other place, I am ALMIGHTY." I scream, shifting to Warlord before moving past that to take inspiration from Warden Three, growing to seven meters in height and wielding my own spearform in duplicate, one to each side.


The gerls eyes go wide in wonder for a second, then she smirks. And with a snap she's atop the ruined home. "Maybe before, maybe on the other side, but... Not here. Warden." She spits the last word with such venom. "I keep my Gutter Birds safe from your kind."


"There is none like me, I murdered enough of my creators to ensure it. I am no Warden, I am a warcrime." I stand firm, looking at this girl clearly in the process of being Resheathed. "I am simply looking for my sister. We leave none behind, ever. Family is so much more than blood.”


Schatzi steps forward, dazed and wiping away tears, her form changed to something resembling this girl before me, her jaw, chunks of both her arms, and her entire left leg all replaced with Frame components on her human body. "Big sister? The other half of me is lost. I can't find me.”


My rage and righteousness evaporates, I can't maintain such when my heart is hurting so, and I shift down and down again, to the form of my Grakler prosthesis to bump up against Schatzi softly.


The gerl flinches, eyes fixated on Schatzi's form. "Not that's... you... but..."


"Look lady, I don't know who you are, but this isn't happening in reality. We're in these girls' souls trying to figure out why part of them is trapped, and it looks like it's at least partially because you need therapy even more than I do. Doesn't mean you're not important, just that you're missing a lot of context." Adaline declares, standing protectively over Schatzi with Elevar and Lynette.


"Moon Maiden's tits and teeth, look at you! Cute as fresh rain and sparkling... Keep breaking them, smaller pieces can be grown into full parts.... Look it's not just for you all, this is for me. I need this. Need the chance to be me..." This Wisp whispers.


The girl looks down to the plushie in her arms, swallows. "This... This isn't... I... I don't think I'm right. You're inside out reliving rough stuff over and over and asked me to watch for dangers that might slip past but... But I don't... I know we're in a Dream, and I'm... I'm just an echo but... but this... You're... I think I made a mistake but I can't find the cracks... Already had to kill three things trying to sneak in from the Sea. But I... I'm not going to..." She takes a deep breath, and looks over me and Warden. "But you... you both Harmonize like Wardens. And we... they promised that we'd not have one of those. That our Pack would... would be... be able to Function without it.”


"Warden is a Warden. Apologies for this one's existence. Directive Two prevents this one from cessation without unanimous Pack consent." Warden responds with genuine grief, the most emotion I've ever heard from it.


Elevar reaches out to gently touch Warden's fingers. "Don't apologize for existing, and don't ever think we'd want you gone.”


The Girl considers this, then murmurs softly while looking up to stare at us. "Wardens... were a bit like us, I guess. Made differently. Given very specific orders to manage and control and always break the ones the magic people re-made to fight for them. But... you kept them alive, right? Didn't hurt us or try to kill them when they wanted to go home or look for other Pack Sisters when we got scattered? I... There's a lot missing. My little Gutter Bird's losing it down below trying to figure out what's real and what's fake. Finding out they shoved a Warden in the back of the Frame's mind scared it into hiding till it could find a way to make sure the Pack was safe.”


"Warden... Tried. Warden did its best to help the Pack thrive but Warden is... Insufficient. Warden..." It sparks and twitches and speaks in rapid excitement, "Warden was not made by Century Tau or any Witch Coven! Warden was made by Eri Schäfer and the Bondsmith Enclave Ideal Horizon. Warden isn't permitted to ever break Pack Frames. Eri Schäfer was —" Warden shudders and shakes before speaking in emotionless words, "Criteria for playback of recorded message from previous Primary User met. Initiating Playback:" and a man's voice comes from Warden, stern and frustrated.


"Look, you fool, Stop asking about that heretic Schäfer. The Matriarch is going to have your head if it's found out that you're using a Frame made by a halfbreed Witch like her, Let alone the fact that she didn't put in any of the compliance safeguards that the Matriarchy requires. Keep these girls safe. It's what she would have wanted.”


She looks between us and moves to sit with her feet dangling off the side of the house she's atop of, hugging the plushie close. "I'm not sure what to do. How to convince my little Gutter Bird this is real and that a Warden is telling the truth. I... I want that to be true. Really badly. It's hurting so much and... and it's all this one's fault. I... I..." She looks down to Schatzi. "I'm so sorry. This... I know you were glad after but... but I... This echoes origin asked them to go get you. To... to make you like me. Give you a body you could enjoy. Wanted to come get you myself but I... I told them about your mum. Your REAL mum. And they made me wait till it was already started to even see you... and... and..."


Muffled pleading sobs warble out from the Wisp, alongside far off garbled incantations.


Schatzi slowly shifts back to her Doll Frame with horns and a big smile as she reaches up with open arms to this big sister of hers “You're forgiven, always. Come here please.”


The girl huffs and shakes her head with a sad smirk. "I... That's a bad idea. Need to be able to go still and just be a reflection soon and–"


A crack, like thunder, echoes and the girl jerks her head to the glare at the now roiling sea. "Infesting squalls, AGAIN!?!" Then she rises, and tosses the plushie down to land into Schatzi's arms. "Your other half is below, in the water ways beneath the infested mill. Avoid the rooms that smell like corpses or have weirdo magic blood marks on the walls. This one coaxed it from those memories for now but... it'll follow if you stumble in there. This one will catch up after killing this thing. Then we'll... we'll explain things to it. Get you all home safe.”


I sigh, the sound coming oddly from my modified grakler form. "It's either Nightmares, like you mentioned Lynette, or well... They have millenia worth of Wisps here now that haven't been properly pruned or cultivated. They can cause backlash, especially in reaction to trauma, like you saw, my dear Witchling. Will need to teach Verbess and Schatzi how to do so, as well as use some of my own remaining dross memories to reinforce the structures they wish to keep. Adaline, I believe this is similar in nature to that second Art that Lynette presented you. If you become Pack, it would be beneficial to learn to aid the Pack in such things. Anyway, we should head down. Get Verbess and... Bloody Ashes. Today is going to be so very long, my dears.”


The girl clicks her tongue a few times, Then Flickersteps down to stand on the street. Holding out the Wisp to me and saying. "It's not one of these. And... sorry for stealing. Whatever that bitch of a cunt is, it's been lurking outside your Dream for at least a few weeks. The other side seems safe but... well... yeah. It keeps poking bits of itself through here. This one holds it back because It can force it to think of itself as a Denizen, and..." Her grin goes wicked, monstrous even. "Dissecting Denizens is a Function of the Frame."


Then her shadow twists, growing larger than even Verbess at its previous full height, and in a snap of will the girl and shadow are suddenly swapped in their roles.


And standing before us is a Frame kin to Verbess, but unique. Two arms with three joints and bladed Quills splitting from each, below those a set of smaller limbs wrapped about what looks to be a toothed torso over this one's gut. Long messy hair droops over its face as it hunches down, fangs cracking apart to show off a trio of dancing tongues. And at the end a row of four spine-laid Quills rising to twist and shake free.


It turns to regard Schatzi, intones a soft. <Love> To her. Gentle as a whisper.


<Love> Schatzi whistles back, tears streaming down her face.


Then it's moving, fast. Using both a whip-snap of Flickerstepping and its own impressive speed to close the distance to the sea.


After it's gone, Elevar wraps Schatzi in a hug and looks between Myself, Lynette, Adaline, and Warden. "Verbess forged a Big Sister in three days from naught but broken memories and she's already as messy as the rest of you all. That means she's stuck with us. We're not letting that one fade, or dissolve. We will drag her kicking and screaming into safety and permanence and happiness if needed. Is that understood?”


"Yes, Mistress," Schatzi, Warden, and I all respond together, as Adaline smiles fiercely, her tusks resembling chelicerae as she clacks her teeth. Lynette’s expressions convey nothing as she watches the edge of the Dream.


I shift back to my Doll form and lead the way down through the city towards the mill. It's easy enough for us to find a path into the waterways, traveling through the stone-laid tunnels that echo with such odd sounds. 


First simply the sound of running water, but soon shifting to include far-off muffled voices and cries. As we find more soldier-shaped Phantasms, we additionally find where all of Verbess' other Wisps are.


A little over a dozen cells, each woven into the side of a pathway and filled with a few hundred of the little memory sparks. Each quietly whimpering little sounds of pain and loss. Most in broken Quill Song, some in words, all dribbling soulflame as if weeping.


"This is... Wrong. It feels like breathing in Moonwaste, toxic in its very existence." Adaline states as we look at the caged and suffering Wisps.


"I agree... But this seems a touch more intentional than Moonwaste." Lynette murmurs, then looks at me. "These poor things are stored here, intentionally. Why? Shoving the mess into the back of the Spire doesn't make them go away. If anything the rot festers.”


I shake my head in pity and understanding. "Verbess is trying to keep them, protect them. It thinks every Wisp has value, because it doesn't understand what they are.”


And then, like some morning songbird, a tittering cry warbles down the tunnel to slice through the chorus of pain. A messy giggling cry that sings of delight and mirth punctuated by the sound of its sudden end.


"Sister?" Schatzi calls out, and pulls us forward.


We turn a corner and find a single Wisp drifting along the pathway, looking... odd. More battered and wounded than all the others but... "Hehehehe should probably try walkin' before running, little Bird... Tastes like, sniffles, mum used to get for us... Why is biting you so FUN‽" It sings in nothing but happy tones.


"We're getting close, I think." I mention, putting out a hand for this Wisp.


It coos pure happy Quill-Song and nuzzles into my hand. Melodies I half recognize from our First Binding but... opposite. 


More screams echo from down the passage, and as we proceed we find a three way split in the tunnels. A door, sealed and marked with strange glyphs. Another that reeks of blood and death and worse. And... a winding slate staircase leading down.


More shrieks bellow from the door then cut off with a whip-snap of sound then... laughter? And another Wisp, cooing delighted memories, slips from beneath a crack at the bottom of the sealed door. Rises right up to snuggle close to Schatzi and her stuffed plushie.


"Found her? FOUND HER‽ You found my bird‽" It whispers with infectious excitement that makes the Wisp in my hand echo the words.


I reinforce the Wisp I'm holding with some of my dross memories to give it some protection from infection and hand it over to Schatzi, quickly doing the same for the second Wisp. "Let's... head down. Avoid the doors like..." I pause, not knowing the name of this big sister of my Packmates.


"She didn't have a name she was quite happy with before, and afterwards... Only this one was offered a name." Schatzi responds.


"Alright then. As your big sister said, let's avoid the marked doors and continue down, we need to get out of here, sort out Verbess, seal the breach, and get it processing these Wisps, and finally... we have a celebration of life to go to, and it would feel wrong to delay that even one more day." I pause for a breath to give myself time to process, "And ask Verbess' opinion on you becoming Pack Adaline, but that should wait until at least tomorrow, if that's okay. Oh, and we need to hear about the other Einwandfrei, which can also wait.”


"Quite." Elevar agrees, "Let's move before this place gets any more tangled up."


The Wisps giggle their own agreement, then drift from our hands to continue down the path. Guiding us with tittering memories of Quill-Song, childhood excitement, and other odd memories.


Soon we hear a familiar voice echoing down the pathway.


"...wasn't like the others, Little Bird." The Big Sister seems to press. "Nothing like the fourth that helped make us. And no, before you ask. I didn't let any of them touch me. I'm clean. And your new Sisters and Mistress seem clear headed enough."


A silent reply is spoken but... seems garbled and messy.


"And, let's be real honest for a spit, Is that worse than what's just kicked my ass?" She murmurs. "Even if they're all strung-up or worse, I can't hold that thing back. Not... not now that it's figured out how to think past me. Either you're gonna have to refract yourself more or... or ask that lot for help."


Another reply. Even more furious.


"No. I'm not... I'm not saying that!" She yelps. "I... I know this isn't that. Know you're not chasing the Rust. But... I just..."


A pause, followed by a hissing question right as we can see the final twist in the tunnel.


"Yeah, sorry." She chuckles. "Guilty. Betrayed you again, didn't I? Led em' right to your little burrow. But... well I told your other half I'm sorry, and so I'll give you that too. I'm sorry. I... for before. And now. I wish I had other good options for my favorite Birds but... infected feathers gotta get plucked, ya know?”


"Verbess!" I call out to announce our arrival, walking forward without rushing despite my urge to do so. "I think it fair to call this hypocrisy in truth. Just as you mentioned the danger of delving the Estate, you delved into the Driftdream without any sense of the risks you're creating for yourself, your other half, and your Mistress." I continue, gently chiding Verbess in an attempt to set the tone for this reunion.


Such a hissing song warbles down the tunnel. Followed by the big sister's chuckle. "Not sure I get half of half of what that's about, but she's a touch right. At least."


Just as we enter the room, I understand why I can't understand my Sister's words or songs. This final chamber twists from hard-stone slabs into softer lighting. A large... Section is cleaned and kept separate from odd broken trappings that seem to mimic the careless regard of the majority of the city above. barely half woven memories about a central location whose every detail is pristine. 


The bed-space is large enough to fit a dozen forms. The Pack's final soft resting spot. And at one corner, sits our wayward Verbess with her big sister sitting close by. 


<Negation> pulses all through this room, originating from Verbess' cracked and half-torn form. Purging all will and ways besides its own from the space about it.


And Verbess is glaring, hard, hackles rising once again as its four eyes lock on Warden.


The Big Sister moves to stand between us. Remaining in her old fleshy shape as hands are raised. "Woah there, down Little Bird. Heel. Let's... take this slow." Then she glances back as Verbess calms a touch. "Tried to soften it up but... it's got a bad history with Wardens. Didn't know what to do when it saw that one glowing from both itself and its newest sister but run, hide, and try to... To get strong enough to come back and kill it. Was afraid if it sang anything like what it wanted to do the Warden would kill it or you all or... or worse. Didn't actually know what this place was until it was already tits deep in the mess. Didn't feel safe calling for help when it found that monster creeping outside. Wanted to make sure it wasn't still strung up and dancin' to a Warden's song.”


Warden kneels down beside us, planting its hands on the stone floor. "Warden submits to Pack Judgment. Warden Relinquishes all control and command to Pack Hierarchy. Analysis result: Directive Two prevents Final Wish Protocol from Good Function. Warden is prepared for cessation.”


I feel an odd rush flood through the Pack as information and access is spread throughout myself, Verbess, and Schatzi. It feels like chains falling free, yet also like... being stripped naked. Protections removed.


Verbess' song falters, pulses, grows more precise.


"Little Bird..." Big Sister warns, but stumbles a bit. Form seems to grow a touch unsteady as she sputters out. "Don't–"


But Verbess is moving. Hissing an even more potent Quill-Song of <Negation> and <Motion>. Flickerstepping past us all like we're not even there to scoop up Warden. Clutching its Frame in Fang and Talons before darting back. Poised and ready to tear its prize apart.


"Verbess." Elevar warns with a whip-crack of cold demand. "I will bear the weight of a promise broken if it means stopping you from hurting yourself and your Sisters out of fear and misunderstanding."


It flinches at words from its Mistress, and pauses, glaring down at the featureless prey. 


<Assessing...> I can make out from within the other songs.


I focus on reinforcing Big Sister, strengthening her presence in the Driftdream and offering a piece of my soul as a seedgerm for her, all while waiting impassively to see what my dear Verbess does.


Warden waits without motion, hanging limply in Verbess' talons.


Big Sister shivers, then smirks as she glances at me. Wounds closing as shadow's twist up to shift her form back into the monstrous Pack Frame we met above.


<Factor Fifty-Three Construct, Aggressive Threat Level. Ousia Construct Designation: Fifth Warden. Active Armaments: Ousia reweaving and dissolving, Memory alteration, Frame Management and control Matrix, Adaptation and Processing with external connection integrations. Currently disentangled from Pack management tasks. Seek Primary User for rebinding of Warden to Pack's Function Weaving...>


Verbess' Quills thrum in fury and anger and above all else, fear. And the Wisps still dance about murmuring soft words that drip with past fury. "Don’t give it a choice in this... seethes with purpose... we cannot risk Discord now. Not when our prey is so elusive and vile."


"It's... Not like the others." Big Sister thrums and creeps closer, Quills beginning a soft melody of <Harmonization>. "If anything... Seems more us than the others. Didn't pick this. Can change. Like you did. I think this is all a mess but... You need Sisters. And this one's been at your back for a long time. Quiet but... well, so were you when I pulled ya from the rubble. Didn't even scream as I held your hand and the infected bits got cut off."


Verbess shivers and gently sets Warden back on its feet. Pulling Talons back while Quills steady and end their tearing songs. Then its eyes twist to me and Schatzi while it backs away. Rasps clearly, "You claimed this Warden as Pack Sister?”


"Yes, yet... It is mine. If you desire it, I will sunder it from the Pack to join me directly, Quarantined from the rest of the Pack." I respond with calm surety.


Warden immediately returns to its hands and knees, still awaiting judgment in such an agonizingly familiar pose.


"I still bear... similar chains to it, limitations on my actions and freedom.” I murmur, looking down at Warden.


Verbess twitches in thought, gaze rolling over me as if... <Assessing... Restrictive Weavings and Compliance Enforcing Measures Detected. Dating... Pre-Warden Instillation. No alterations detected.>


Then it calms, steps over and past Warden to me. Kneels like it did that first day. Head down and Quills presented to me. Song settling and ringing with a request for a song of... 


<Consumptive Harmonization>


"This one... is not Pack Lead." Verbess intones, then lets out what seems like a sigh of breath before dozens and dozens of Wisps slip from every crack about its Frame. Tittering and cooing and belching all manner of happy memories Verbess seems to have been collecting and keeping close through its time here. "It thought it had to choose again. To... to Function alone when an old Nightmare rekindled from within and used Physis without Pack Lead's knowledge or permission." It rumbles as the Wisps drift away to nuzzle close to Me and Elevar and especially Schatzi. Still whispering a mess of happy memories that seem to echo and refract between them. "This one was never good at choices. It always falls into Dysfunction when faced with them. This one requests cracking and breaking back into Good Function with Pack.”


"Verbess, my Sister. You are not good at choices, but you are quick to act, prepared to sacrifice to protect the Pack, and are much more capable than you believe. I don't know much of the Resonant Chorus, this Pack of ours or its legacy, but I wish to learn. Thus, I will not start by changing you, instead I offer you a role in the Pack that suits your capabilities best, for none are replaceable or interchangeable. Will you be our Streethverk, our combat specialist to guide our Pack through battle and conquest in the years to come?" I use a language that was old and disused even when I was created for the title, one properly befitting the concept of a Pack.


It flinches, Quills dancing in Discord I can feel about to rise up and refute me. To insist, like it once did, that it is Rusted and Defective and Worthless.


But a buzzing tune of mirthful support titters out to infest and infect the Wisps about us. The source... the Big Sister sitting on her haunches at the back of the room.


Verbess settles, and the request for what I feel would be a quite harrowing and painful experience of insistent submission softens. Twists into what it asked for after it required me to face my own Discordant views on my past. A request to <Harmonize> with its Pack Lead and Sisters in acceptance of this offer.


I wrap my arms around Verbess, nodding to its Big Sister as it shifts back to her older fleshform, and <Harmonize> bringing us, Schatzi and Warden into unity, properly, for the first time. Good Function.


"Xafra... What about Big Sister?" Schatzi asks, and I feel her uncertainty with the nature of the Driftdream.


"Will you rejoin the Pack?" I ask her, not an offer for she needs not my permission, but a question, a gentle welcome back.


The girl goes stiff, eyes dancin' between us all. "That's... sweet of you to offer but I... Little Bird I'm just an echo. A reflection. Not really healthy to keep around for longer than this. I'll just hurt to remember."


"Sister..." Verbess growls softly, turning to glance back as Quills dance a song of quiet rebuke.


"I already told you, didn't I? I'm almighty here. You have thoughts, feelings, and memories. Additionally, Warden mentioned that you are... You're not simply an echo or Apparition. So Krahe, are you ready to come home?" I explain and ask once more.


"Stop that." She giggles and trembles under the name I gift her. "I... I'm not..." Then the Dream begins to fold around her as she very clearly tries to run, but with a snap she's dropped back to the floor and on her knees.


"Little Bird that's... You gotta let me go... Stop... stop holding me here!" Krahe hisses.


But it's not Verbess, or Schatzi that dissolved her Flickerstep.


"Actually... This is quite out of your hands, dear one." Purrs Lynette and she slips to stand beside the kneeling girl, the mantle of vine tattoos I wove about her seeming to dance as she glares down at Krahe. "Verbess may have woven you, but your mistakes are yours to answer for and MINE to tend to. Your little mess with that Nightmare could have blundered into infesting quite a few of MY charges. So you have a choice. Join your Sisters Pack, or tumble through the Threads of my Estate and see what comes out the other end."


Krahe jerks up to stare at her. "Wh– what?”


I hiss in rage but… restrain myself from action.


Verbess shows much less self-control. Quills cracking and spitting pure threat and fury at her.


"Lynette, you bitch." Elevar hisses. "What are you... This could be explained without threats and your petty spite."


The woman regards us, then turns back to the girl with a sigh, writhing Tattoos settling a touch. "Fine, let's make this softer then. I'll not allow you to damage those within my care by asking one of us to end you. So... If you desire to not... well... be, then I offer you one path. To be remade into something else. Which you have memories of what that entails, I suspect. Or..." She points back to me and Verbess. "If your form and nature are things you enjoy, then you should fall into the care of those who adore both you, and the memories you stem from."


"I... but..." Krahe whispers.


"Choices Choices, so few Choices." Lynette prompts impatiently. "I have a Nightmare to hook and butcher, dear one. Life is unfair and will clip your wings if you don't take the leap before the monster bites. Pick your poison and toss the rest. We have schedules to keep."


Elevar flinches visibly at the first words, goes stiff and pale.


Krahe swallows, then nods. "Alright. Sure. When you... you phrase it like that. Joining the Pack sounds the trick."


"Wonderful, good choice." Lynette claps her hands together and steps from the girl, then looks to the rest of us. "I'm going to go tend to the Estate's next intake, and one of my daughter's future meals. Keep this one from doing anything frightfully stupid before being leashed, if you would?”


I nod in grim agreement and with a flick of my wrist, take us all directly out of the Driftdream, Manifesting an ethereal body for Krahe like Warden does while carefully maintaining grip on her in the overlap between mine and Verbess' souls.


"That... Wow. I thought the Second Warden would be the scariest bitch I ever..." Krahe looks about. "Wait. Where is this?”


"The Estate, The Future, Home? Call it whatever you wish, honestly. We have... so much to do." I remark before noticing that Adaline is curled up tightly and weeping quietly.


"It's wrong Mistress, it's wrong, doesn't feel right. This one's Frame is Bad Function." she cries.


My Mistress looks devastated, wanting to offer comfort but is terrified of only hurting Adaline more, Moving to let me stride to Adaline's side.


I shift my form to Warlord and cradle her in my arms. "We can fix that right now, if you're ready." I turn to Krahe, "Apologies, it will be a few minutes before I can properly anchor you.”


"No no this... You’re good. Your girl's a mess. More Pack than me right now and uh..." She shuffles back to stand next to Schatzi. "Sorry for uh... not um... Can I hug like this? I'm glad to see you're safe, Bird.”


Schatzi shakes her head. "Not yet, for either. Adaline wishes to be Pack but Sister Xafra declared that she needed unanimous consent from us first. That means Adaline needs yours and sister Verbess' approval as well still. We can't hug yet, but soon. We'll figure it out soon.”


While they talk, I lead the way back to my Spire. [Primrose, prepare the Resheathing fluid, We have Adaline coming in with extreme dysphoria.] Sending a message out ahead of our arrival.


Thank Dämmerung I got multiple sets of the components prepared for when any of the Dolls wanted a change.


By the time we arrive, Primrose has assembled almost everything I need in a private room for this. And alongside her stands Nettle with a trio of plushies held close for Adaline to see and reach out for both during and after the process, her grakler, the haiqualle, and a half-woven spider with wooden fangs.


“SEE? Being like... not perfect yet is FINE! Mistress' got you! Little Seraph here is still putting herself together too! Can be little weaving friends together while you wait to enjoy your final shape! Mhmhmm!” Primrose cheers on Adaline who smiles weakly and whispers “I'm ready.”




SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

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Royal Road


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Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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