A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 53: Library Lessons (Doll)

Library Lessons (Doll)

Content Warnings:



BEEEG thankums to IreneFray for adding worbs and mupples to this chappy!!!


I walk away from the saccharine display of affection with a lighter heart than I expected I could, heading to the southernmost Spire. 


The Idea of a Library where we can all freely access books frankly isn't a terrible one, considering Yselda tended to hoard books in every Spire and use Dolls to retrieve whichever one she fancied at the moment.


 …She really hid the evil from me until it was too late for me to do anything about it. I just accepted her words as facts and ignored all the warning signs like a fool. 


Anyway, back on track, time to seduce this cutie that's going to be working for me, see if I've still got it.


I check my satchel to ensure my secret weapon is prepared and knock firmly on the door to Valthirii's domain within the upper two levels of this Spire.


The door makes a clicking sound before slowly opening into darkness. No voice addresses the knock, but a taut string tethers the door to a web of strands that all lead further into the Library.


Odd. Alright. What did Calix say about her again? Ex-witch... Bossy, but in a cute way sticky?


I walk slowly into the Spire, noting that the fungal lanterns are now curtained in laced webs, dimming them to a degree I wouldn't hesitate to call sensual. Would make reading harder though...


"Hello, I'm here to introduce myself and do some research, if that's alright with you." I speak confidently but not overly loudly. No sense in yelling and ruining the ambience.


Threads spread throughout the room begin to dance. Lights intensify and dim in a steady succession that tracks Valthiri's approach.


The light reveals a rather long legged doll done up in an expansive dress. Chelicerae framing a thin smile. "Well aren't you a polite little thing?"


Lightly shimmering threads gather beneath the folds of her clothing as she moves. Eight long spindly legs and an occasional peak at a bulbous abdomen can be made out.


"You’ve come to the right place to get entangled in a research project.”


Ohhh, that's what he meant by sticky. alright. I can work with this.


"I'm unsure if you know me. I'm Adaline. The one who was stuck in Yselda's Spire. We haven't met before, but I've been told a bit about you by Calix."  I step forward and extend a hand to this fascinating Doll. "It's good to meet you.”


Valthirii closes the distance, lowering herself to just above eye level before extending a finely articulated hand. "Knowing is hardly the word I would use unless one's contents remain in a fixed configuration. As Calix has no doubt imparted upon you, I am to be addressed as Valthiri. Or Mistress, depending upon the topic of your research."


Valthirii flexes a beckoning finger, tugging at an askew Tome on a nearby shelf. "What topic of research has drawn you into my web of learning?”


I grin, all four of my eyes widening in delight as I firmly shake her hand.


I'm good with this. Especially since I'm going to be her boss. Eheheh.


"Mistress Valthirii, this one is here to create abridged notes on the nearby Groves, Calla, Thorn,  and Vesper, as well as look into some more obscure topics."


I pull the Tomes out of my satchel, one on each of the Groves, as well as the more... controversial one that I recovered from my grave, The Truth of the Weisheit, and the Sealed Tomes.


"Does the Mistress have an appropriate place to peruse these?" I keep my tone deferential even while I'm near stumbling from the waves of emotions from whatever Moonshite Mistress Xafra is getting up to.


Valthirii responds in a light hearted tone, "Unfortunately, I have long considered it bad karma to burn even the repositories of debatable worth." She returns my grin with one of her own. "The next most appropriate place to pursue such an interest would be right this way."


She turns to make her way towards a table where two large arm chairs of sufficient size and comfort to nap in sit under a trio of lanterns.


"I can, of course, see what else this library can offer you." Valthirii purses her lips. "Although you must understand that some of my sources may be of... dubious value.”


"Mistress Valthirii, this one would enjoy... dubious sources as a collector of debatable worth herself." I snark back in good humor, taking a seat at the table and setting down the large books.


"One would think a Doll would have more care over what they say. But I have done half as much thinking as I would have liked." Valthirii's fingers play at silken strands as she talks. A trio of contributions soon arrive as if their locations and contents were memorized.


"I shall hand you these in order of depreciating subjective value. Although if what you say in jest contains instead layers of meaning, you may find my initial assessment equal parts frustrating and... flexible." Placing a stack of books on the thick armrest of the chair becomes an excuse to linger over my shoulder.


"What would be more frustrating I wonder?" The librarian muses aloud, "Discovering that there was something to the Weisheit all along? Or that they were wrong in useful ways?”


"Oh, my dear Mistress Valthirii, at least one of the Weisheit Archives contained something of incalculable value. Our Mistress Xafra, the progenitor of our entire form of life. I suspect that they hid more treasure among detritus designed to confuse and irritate researchers like ourselves." I respond with blithe amusement. "That book is a token of my regard. I've already read it countless times."


I rummage further through my bag, extracting a stoppered ink well, set of quill pens and an empty notebook, secure in belief that I've managed to enrapture this lovely specimen.


Valthirii goes still. "Show me.”


Got her


I snag The Truth of the Weisheit off the table and crack it open to a well worn spot about a quarter of the way in before handing it over. "Here the author discusses the likelihood that the way magic itself works has changed due to the shattering of the Moon. Along with that, the author makes a good case that between linguistic drift and deliberately encoded Tomes, it is possible that any given Archive found is in fact a treasure trove for anyone able to decrypt the knowledge within”


"A circumstantial claim to be sure. Hard to follow up on. But poring over an Archive's contents is much more actionable." A long sinewy pair of legs reaches up and over my chair. Suddenly Valthirii is lifting herself into a seated position on an arrangement of threads tied off to the wall, chair, and a nearby shelf. Not a moment of this endeavor costs her time that can be spent looking over my shoulder and onto the page.


"Just so, yes. And while I find it... unlikely that our Mistress Xafra would willingly re-enter her prison, that doesn't mean we cannot petition to send a small expeditionary force into the Labyrinthine tunnels that lead to the Archive." Now for the final piece. "Especially since this one has been promised the opportunity to become the first Witch Doll, with the possibility of an entirely new type of Arts to create.”


Valthirii leans in close. Her smile widens as her eyes narrow. "Now that, is an intriguing little morsel. Almost enough to make this one wonder what other fanciful ideas you have in that cute little head of yours." 


Her eyes trail downwards to linger on the satchel as her chelicerae make thoughtful little motions. "One who is old enough to have been lured in by such lofty promises in the past must wonder when interests too conveniently align. Why bother making the trip to visit my library when you seem to already have all the books and utensils needed?”


"Eheheh. Well, that's even easier to explain. This one has been informed that you will be part of my squad, and as someone who shares certain interests, it seemed wise to feel you out as some would say, to learn if Mistress Valthirii is wanting to join this expedition.”


"This one who has informed you. Can they be trusted?' Valthirii withdraws both physically and in thought. "No. Do not answer that. Too much has changed in recent memory for me to allow trust to factor into this equation. I will support you in this endeavor on my own merits as one well versed in the subject of your inquiries." 


Valthirii rises to all eight legs and begins drawing a number of relevant reference materials into ordered piles. "My own interests can be expressed at a later date when you have proved yourself a worthy Mistress of the craft.”


I nod and get down to work and over the next few hours with Valthirii's assistance manage to condense the basics of the Groves into flashcards for Mistress Xafra as well as make some problems on these... Sealed Tomes, finding some clues to how to decode the Weisheit texts, of which the Estate only has a few.


"This has been quite enjoyable, Mistress Valthirii. Perhaps this one will return in the next few days? Certainly once there is an update on the larger project.”


Valthirii rises from her relaxed position taken up during extended study in the chair opposite from me. "Has it really been that long already? You simply must come back and visit!" She begins gathering up books and returning them to a nearby shelf freshly cleared out for my return visits. "I so rarely get visitors as stimulating as you." 


Valthirii sighs. "I look forward to trading further theories over what caused the Weisheit to be so fretful. I yet hold to the notion that there were once patterns regularly unfolding that needed to be discouraged. Oh what I would give to just tie you or Xafra up and discuss your perspectives at length. But it would not behoove me to hold you up. Maybe next time, Adaline.”


As the bond becomes overwhelming, I make my good-byes, barely exiting the Spire before I collapse into twitching convulsions.


Can't look weak. Won't look weak. I refuse.


I can't understand what the bond is transmitting, it doesn't make any sense, staying out of my thoughts, but flooding my Frame. I need help. No! I Need to get somewhere safe.


I start crawling away, determined not to surrender to this pathetic vulnerability, heading towards Yselda's old Spire. Farther than Xafra's. Fine. Necessary.


There is a gentle tap at my shoulder that is quickly withdrawn. Valthirii, her expression a blank mask, lowers herself to offer a hand. "I have found that there is little to gain by suffering in pain by oneself. You need but name them, and I shall carry you to one you trust to help.”


I hesitate until the next wave hits and I convulse again. "Elevar, please.”


And then she carries me. Close and quicker than I expect we’re moving about the rim of the Spire where I last saw Elevar, her Doll, and Mistress.


"Adaline, dear." I hear Elevar ask as she moves up to meet us. "I can strangle your bond if you need. Just nod or say yes and I'll block you from this.”


I nod, cradled in Valthirii's arms feeling sorry for myself.


The mess coming from my Mistress jerks, then is cut off. A few little titters seem to spark out every second or two before finally going totally still. Then I'm able to focus enough to notice the twin-tied lengths of tethers draping out from Elevar's core to the edges of mine.


She sighs heavily as my Frame settles, then looks to Valthirii. "Thank you, Cracked and Riven Moon that... I'm told all the other Dolls seem to be a bit confused but otherwise alright. Are you okay?”


Valthirii tenderly backs away from where she has deposited me on the grass. "I am... not necessarily out of my element. The answer to your question is still undecided, but likely trending towards more okay than Adaline here.”


I steady myself, grit my teeth, and try to ignore the growing feelings for this lovely Archivist.


"This one is well now. Thank you, Miss Elevar. Would this one be able to be informed as to what her Mistress has decided to subject us to?”


Elevar settles into the grass beside me. "Xafra and Verbess wanted to become Pack Sisters. It's... odd to explain, at least mechanically. And the bond Xafra has between you all seems to make this touch all your Frame's too which..." She huffs. "Stupid. Should have gone to tie this off at the source the second they asked me..."


A pause, as she listens to something, then she's hissing while glaring away from me. "You..." Takes a breath, attempting to calm herself. "Yes. Thank you. Please do that."


Another few heartbeats, and she pulls the tethers free and looks back to us as nothing but quiet is felt from our bond to Mistress Xafra, "We've sealed the Spire those two are in, and will ensure that nothing is leaking through when they are ready to leave. I am... so sorry I didn't do that straight away. They're basically done but... even the afterwards has left them both a mess.”


"That is... A very different definition of sister than this one was raised with, it seems. Regardless, you both have this one's gratitude. And thank you, Valthirii. This one was lucky that you were willing to assist."


Do I be petty about this with Xafra or supportive?


"You're welcome and... It really is." Elevar chuckles and moves to lean against the Spire. "I think that's the best word the Witches who made the Pack itself had for how close they were. A set of Dolls knit together into a tapestry, as opposed to born or brewn under the same parents. Their Dollification was... um..." She trails off, eyes narrowing in thought. "Oddly inspired.”


Oh...? OH!


"Do you mean Warden? Or something different?" I ask, fascinated.


"Yes. I only ever found one Frame that echoes parts of their design. At first I thought it was only in... minor ways. Almost aesthetic more than anything but... Warden existed beneath and behind Verbess. Even before Schatzi arose I think. A latent keeper of directives and function. And that brings up so many more questions, that answer themselves. Almost. The Pack needed a Warden to ensure they would Function when their Quills were out and singing. Witch Tones won't work well with even just Verbess howling, much less a Witch's dozen about." She side eyes me. "I need to ask Warden some very pointed and very selfish questions. Some of which, I think, might... involve you. Worriedly enough.”


I mask my emotions as tightly as possible. "That certainly is worrisome. Please let this one know of the results if they are pertinent?" I move closer despite myself and give Elevar a quick hug before turning to Valthirii, bowing momentarily, and running to Xafra's Spire and my semi-private balcony.


** ** **


I make the rounds of Mistress's Spire, confirming that Calix didn't even stop whatever he's frantically tinkering with. Primrose is making odd shrieking noises in her studio as Nettle comes out to greet me.


"Hello, Connivant." She greets while both adjusting her loose paint-stained shirt and letting the soft curtain fall shut behind her. "Is everything... alright?" That last word comes with a quirk of her eyebrow and weight of a dozen unspoken questions. And... Nettle doesn't seem to notice the Primrose sized handprints on her own neck and thigh and hip that implicate less canvas-focused artistic displays of affection.


"Hey Nettle. Not particularly. This one seems to have had a significantly worse experience in regards to what the Mistress is currently doing than others. This one felt it important to ensure that the rest are... not struggling in the same way. Would you be willing to take a quick mental headcount and see if there are any lingering issues for the rest of our Connivants?" 


Shouldn't have hurt Nettle like that. Should have known better really.  What would my sister think to find out I was behaving like an absolute boor?


"This one already reached out, had some of the less affected keep me informed if anyone wasn't handling it well. Everyone's fine, just... well..." She glances back to the curtain, then to me. "It... Adaline. Valthirii only mentioned that you were with Witch Elevar, but nothing else. Can... Is there anything you need? Or want? Primrose finished her 'Happy Doll Day' gift for the Mistress and was already um..." She huffs, regathers herself. "Sorry, This one's not being a good Connivant to you. This was probably really really terrible for you." Then she very carefully holds out a hand to me. "Can we take care of you? Hold you? Nothing more than skinship unless you ask but... And we can all be on the Balcony or on the pile of cushions in Primrose's studio. Whichever you want?”


I'm tempted to shut down, brush her off and hide away but... I can't. I can't pretend this offer doesn't mean so very much to me. "This one would really like that. I'm... please.”


Nettle very carefully takes my hand, and asks softly. "In the studio alright? Would your balcony be better for you? Or somewhere else?”


"The studio is fine, if... This one doesn't want to interrupt, if you're busy.”


She chuckles and pulls us forward, "You're not, at all, actually..." pushing aside the curtain and leading me into...


Well... the moment Mistress encouraged her to, Primrose repainted the Root walls of this space multiple times. Not with flat colors but with images and shapes that only make sense about half the time. Even to her, from what she has tried to explain. The case and bed these two share in here is... honestly more of a solid foundation beneath a mass of pillows and cushions. And everything is splattered with paint. Some seems intentional, other parts... less so.


Primrose sits up from the pile of cushions, wrapped in a blanket and bearing her own paint marks. Eyes a bit unfocused, until they find mine. Then they widen a touch. "Miss Adaline?" 


Nettle says things as I begin to speak but... Primrose is already wading free of the little sea of cushions to reach out and take up both our hands, pulling us into the pile and so easily just... enveloping me within such an easy snuggle between them.






SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

SO COME JOIN US or ask these character directed questions here! Rules are simple. No spoilers for future chapters, be kind. Must ask the Characters your questions!



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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