A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 56: Thunder Lotus Flower Breeding

As the window opened, a rush of cold air from the beginning of the ice age eagerly surged in, instantly soaking Hua Mi's thin clothes. Fortunately, the temperature wasn't exceptionally low; the perceived temperature fluctuated around zero degrees, much milder than winter in most areas on Earth.

The ordered heater had just arrived, fitting perfectly into the small cabin. Although compact, it was sufficient for the cozy wooden space. The main structure was made of heat-resistant steel, appearing as a flat cube. From the front, it resembled a large microwave, and through the high-temperature glass at the front, one could observe the burning wood inside, providing some illumination.

A modular product, easy to assemble. Hua Mi placed it against the wall, adding a layer of bricks underneath for better insulation. After measuring the dimensions, he directed the circle-cut bee to create a small hole in the wall for the smoke pipe, connecting one end to the heater and extending the other end outside.

Installation was completed with such simplicity. He then controlled the bee to cut down a large tree outside, chopping it into wood suitable for burning in the stove. The trees in the Black Forest were tall, and even one of them provided enough wood to burn for several days.

After cutting the wood, he stacked it on both sides of the heater for easy access. Ignition, add wood. In no time, flames blazed inside the heater, bringing a comforting warmth.

Hua Mi moved the "Seed Fabricator" to a spot about three to four meters away from the heater, placing it against the wall for a moderate temperature. He then poured some green liquid on it. After a few minutes, seven pseudo-flower spirits arrived.

They were also in season, adorned in new clothes made from plant leaves and petals of this season. The colors were lighter and more elegant than before, with a crystalline feather cloak outside. A few snowflakes adorned their hair, maintained by their magical power, preventing them from melting.

The purpose of these small decorations? Purely for aesthetics. After all, they were carefree pseudo-flower spirits, living a long life without many pursuits. When they were well-fed and had nothing else to do, why not please themselves and indulge in what makes them happy?

After treating them to a honey breakfast, they got down to business. Hua Mi retrieved the 21 seeds from under the bed, preparing to feed them to the Seed Fabricator.

These flowers were not recorded in the notes, lacking names even among the pseudo-flower spirits. Presumably, they were unique to the ruins of Black Castle. It was highly likely that they mutated under the influence of the unicorn's domain magic, forming this unique flower species.

The patterns on the petals resembled a lightning bolt from the sky, so Hua Mi decided to name it... Thunder Lotus Flower.

"I hope the honey from the Thunder Lotus Flower has an explosive effect just like its name suggests."

Hua Mi used a small spoon to feed one Thunder Lotus Flower seed to the little creature. Just like last time, after swallowing the seed, the seven petals closed inward, forming a spindle shape.

Then, the seven little ones exerted their strength. They formed a circle, channeling magic to the Seed Fabricator. The internal life processes of the petals were significantly accelerated.

Soon enough, Hua Mi saw a slight bulge on the petals, indicating that the seed had filled the ovary to the point of leaking out.

In less than 10 minutes, the petals fully expanded, and the seeds cascaded around, falling into the stainless steel basin he had prepared.

Ding-ding-dang-dang, the sound of a bountiful harvest echoed. It was even more satisfying than the jingling of a money bag.

A rough estimate suggested a yield of about three to four hundred seeds. This result exceeded the production of Moon Slumber Flower seeds from the previous day. Seed variation? Or perhaps... the Seed Fabricator had matured. It could be a combination of both.

In any case, it was good news. If it was the latter, it meant that the Seed Fabricator could be upgraded. With proper cultivation, the efficiency of seed production would only increase.

One Seed Fabricator, one seed, seven pseudo-flower spirits, ten minutes. A miracle!

Now, the only concern was how long the Thunder Lotus Flower would bloom. Although it was magical, fundamentally, it was still a delicate little flower. It might wither at any time.

"The ship will reach the bridgehead naturally. We'll see when the time comes."

Hua Mi sealed the Thunder Lotus Flower seeds in a bag. Next, the Seed Fabricator would enter a cooling period, lasting approximately an hour. This efficiency was already quite high. Following this trend, working at full capacity for a day could produce over four thousand seeds. With overtime, even more.

In theory, if the seven little ones worked continuously without rest for a day and night, the harvest would be close to ten thousand seeds. However, that seemed too brutal, akin to exploiting child labor. Plus, it would undoubtedly consume twice as much honey as their overtime pay.

So, being the kind person he was, he only thought about it and didn't plan to put it into action.

For the pseudo-flower spirits, new flowers meant new honey flavors. They were highly motivated subjectively, guarding the flower pots all day with intermittent breaks to eat honey and replenish magic.

Even the most unreliable Xiao Zi, under the inspiration of a bright future, surprisingly did not drop the ball.

Perhaps, in a certain sense, this work gave them a sense of achievement in breeding.

As the sun set, they collectively produced four bags of seeds, each containing approximately a thousand seeds. This was in line with expectations.

Notably, Hua Mi discovered some special individuals among these seeds. Some were larger, appearing more plump than the others. These seeds were evidently of better quality, and under the same conditions, the flowers grown from them would likely be superior, directly affecting the quality of the honey.

"I didn't expect to harvest some small surprises."

The little creature in the ovary, which Hua Mi found ugly before, now looked pleasing. "You're amazing; you better live longer."

Hua Mi labeled the four bags of Thunder Lotus Flower seeds and stored them in the storage box.

"By the way, according to the agreement, the Elf Master should be arriving tomorrow."

With the greenhouse ready, the first batch of Thunder Lotus Flowers would be planted at just the right time.

Back on Earth, Hua Mi glanced at his phone, receiving a notification of funds arriving. The sales of Feather Flower honey had already reached around one hundred fifty to sixty thousand. The remaining orders had just been shipped, and he would only receive the money after customers confirmed successful delivery.

That was another nearly two hundred thousand in income.

Combining the earnings from both honey types, it was over four hundred thousand.

Most importantly, the customers' desire to purchase was increasing, and many had become loyal fans of his shop.

"It seems that the next honey batch should be more abundant."

If he stocked only seven or eight hundred bottles, they might be sold out as soon as they hit the shelves. The comment section would undoubtedly be filled with lamentations.

So, it seemed like he needed to prepare for more.

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