80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 74: first patient

Chapter 74 The First Patient

Seeing that Little Fatty was eating happily, the other little guys were anxious. Sometimes they looked at Little Fatty with envy, and sometimes they looked at Lu He anxiously. "Uncle Lu, can you hurry up?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon." Lu He reassured, and his speed was a little faster than before.

Another child got the ice cream. This kid couldn't wait to sit on the stool and couldn't wait to pick up a small spoon and stuffed a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth. "It's delicious!"

The little girl who had previously praised Ning Xi's beauty did not immediately put it into her mouth when she got the ice cream. She gave it to her grandmother first, "Grandma, you taste it first."

The old man took a bite and patted his little girl's head with a smile, "Yeah! It's delicious. Niuniu is so good."

Zhang Ying came out with a bowl of ice powder. When she saw this scene, she couldn't help but envy her, "The little girl is so well-behaved. If I can be so well-behaved when I take care of my children in the future, it will be worth it even if I am exhausted."

Lu He said with a smile, "If you like a little girl, let's bring a little girl too."

"Bah, bah, bah! Xiao Lu, you can't say this. If you really bring a little girl, you'll be angry." The aunt on the side quickly taught Lu He a lesson.

Ning Xi couldn't stand this kind of thing, so she immediately said, "My son and daughter are all my own, so why should I be angry?"

Lu He just smiled and said, "I'm not angry either. My son and daughter are all mine, and I like them all."

The aunt smiled awkwardly and immediately changed the subject, "You and your wife are quite old, right? Why don't you plan to have a baby?"

“I’m so busy now that I don’t have time to take care of the kids. Let’s wait and see! Auntie, try my ice powder.” Zhang Ying handed the ice powder to her aunt and returned to the console to get busy.

The matter of giving birth still stirred up a lot of waves in Zhang Ying's heart. She couldn't help but approach Ning Xi and whispered, "Xiao Xi, why don't you take your second brother's pulse when you're free?" See if we can have a baby now?”

 Zhang Ying and Lu He have been married for two years and have not had a child. This is not because they cannot conceive, but because Lu He was in a car accident a year ago. Lu He almost died and was hospitalized for several months.

When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told him that his physical condition was very poor and it was best to take care of himself for a year or two before having a child to avoid having an unhealthy child. This year, Lu He stayed at home and did not go out to work because of his poor physical condition.

Ning Xi nodded, "Okay, I'll check on the second brother's condition, and then I'll prepare him some medicine, food, or something to take care of him."

The number of customers in the shop quickly increased, and the three of them also became busy. Fortunately, they had prepared what was to be prepared in the morning. Now there is no need to cook bowls one by one, just scoop them out and serve them to everyone.

At around 1:30, Aunt He came over and called Ning Xi, saying that the patient Dr. Chen mentioned had arrived.

The two of them went back together. There was no one in Baohe Hall at this time. The sun was the most scorching at this time. If it weren’t for a serious illness, no one would choose this time to come.

Aunt He took Ning Xi into the acupuncture room. In addition to Dr. Chen, there were three people sitting in the acupuncture room, two men and one woman. Judging from the clothes of the three people, they should not be from their town. They probably came from the city and should be from home. It's indeed quite rich.

There was a boy who looked young and was sitting in a wheelchair. He had a calm face and exuded an intimidating aura.

 He is indeed a bad-tempered master.

Ning Xi glanced at it and then looked away.

Liang Hongying was surprised when she saw Ning Xi coming in. She heard from Dr. Chen that the person who treated her son today was a young man, but she didn't expect that this woman was so young. She looked younger than her own son. Can she really do it?

Chow Dafu was calm. When he saw Ning Xi entering the door, he immediately stood up with a smile, "Is this Dr. Ning?"

Aunt He introduced aloud, "This is Ning Xi, Xiao Xi, this is your Uncle Chen's friend Zhou Dafu, his wife Liang Hongying, and this is their child Zhou Jin." It couldn't be that Chow Taifu!

She remembered that the richest man in Jiang City was Chow Tai Fook. It was said that he only had 5 yuan when he ran away from home in the 1970s. It was with 5 yuan that he earned his first pot of gold.

Ning Xi naturally wouldn't ask stupid questions like whether he was the richest man. He looked calmly as if the words "Chow Tai Fook" didn't spark any sparks.

"Hello, Doctor Ning! Hello!" Zhou Dafu stepped forward and slightly arched his body, extending his hand to shake Ning Xi's hand.

This gesture can be regarded as a sign of respect for Ning Xi. Although the doctor in front of him doesn't look very big, but if Dr. Chen can recommend her to him and praise her endlessly, he must be capable.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!" Ning Xi stretched out a hand and shook Zhou Dafu's hand.

Chow Tai Fook stretched out his hands out of respect for her. No, to be precise, it was out of his trust in Dr. Chen. It was not disrespectful for him to stretch out his hands, but he did not intend to lower his attitude. She was very She knew that if she lowered her attitude, it would make people distrustful and think she was incompetent.

Liang Hongying finally stood up and said, "Doctor Ning, can my son's leg really be cured?"

Ning Xi responded calmly, "I haven't had an examination, so don't blame me. Even Uncle Chen can't guarantee it."

"That's for sure. I'll trouble you, Doctor Ning." Zhou Dafu smiled along with him and glanced at Liang Hongying where Ning Xi couldn't see.

Ning Xi nodded without saying anything, walked to Zhou Jin and sat down. Doctor Chen quickly handed the pulse tester to Ning Xi, put the pulse tester in place, and Ning Xi asked Zhou Jin to put his hand on it.

Zhou Jin sat motionless. After being glared at by Chow Dafu again, he slapped his hand on the pulse checker as if losing his temper.

There was a pulse checker and she made such a loud noise, which showed how serious this person was. Of course, it had nothing to do with her that people liked to get angry at her.

 Gently put his hand on Zhou Jin's wrist. It took a lot of time to check the pulse this time, and the people in the room were a little anxious.

The expression on Zhou Jin's face also changed, from expressionless to full of sarcasm.

 Pretend it! I don't see how you can keep pretending. It's no use even after seeing so many well-known doctors. He doesn't believe that a little girl with no full hair can cure his disease.

Doctor Chen also got a little anxious while waiting. He stood up and stood aside. When Ning Xi retracted her hand, she immediately asked, "Xiao Xi, how are you doing?"

 At the same time as Dr. Chen spoke, Zhou Jin also took back his hand, "I can't speak anymore, it's a waste of time."

"Uncle Chen, don't worry, let me take a look at his legs first." Ning Xi said to Doctor Chen, stood up and approached Zhou Jin, and was about to reach out to touch Zhou Jin's feet when she was pushed away by Zhou Jin's palm.

Zhou Jin suddenly struck, and the strike was heavy. Ning Xi didn't expect him to take action at all, and she fell backwards unprepared.

 Doctor Chen was standing nearby, his expression changed and he hurriedly grabbed Ning Xi.

 “Ouch!” Aunt He screamed in fright, and her face turned pale instantly.

 (End of this chapter)

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