3001 Paths to Death - A Lite litRPG Looper

66. The United Soul

The first thing I do at the start of my new cycle is collect my impaled body. Oddly enough, Lana's ring was already bound to my finger. It must've bonded to my soul when I connected to it in the last loop. I couldn't think of any other explanation besides that. This raised the question of what would happen when Lana was no longer dead.

I waited the appropriate amount of time for the fight to stop and for the Emperor to leave. After that, I grabbed Icy using water manipulation and towed my spiked corpse behind me.

Seclusion and security played an essential part in the reforging process. There are three locations that I could think of that would work best. The mana-dense fields of the graveyard, the cleared-out dungeon, or the spring. I decided the peacefulness of the springs would benefit me the most. The spring offered the most tranquility, and it helped that it was an actual mana source. Although mind reforgement shouldn't be a mana-intensive process, there would be benefits to having a pure water source.

I summoned Cal as a falcon as I trekked through the forest. Cal eagerly stretched his wings and flew, zipping between trees and dodging branches. He'd soar as high as the canopy would allow him, tuck his wings, and plummet to the ground, swooping away inches from the forest floor. He practiced an assortment of aerial acrobats as he followed my quick pace.

I pushed past the interlaced vines, revealing a pocket paradise full of bright flowers and crystal-clear water. Cal barreled through the closing vines. He veered up, pushed back with his wings to slow his speed, and landed on the edge in a patch of flowers.

"This place will work great," the flayen said as he settled into his perch. When you are ready, let me back into your mind, and we can begin rebuilding it."

I stepped into the spring and summoned an enforced barrier around us. The shell of ice was a foot thick all around and black. It had become so dense it was almost a metal.

Metallic ice… I liked the ring of that. Once I reached a new level of summoning, I was going to use that name.

Although it weakened my structure, I left tiny holes at the top of the barrier for ventilation. Other than that, my dome was sealed off. Anything wanting to get in would have to be smaller than those nasty crawlers in the cave, and they would have to endure some intense cold as they wiggled their way down the layer of ice. If someone was strong enough to break down my barrier, I had much bigger problems.

I placed Icy in his own frozen corner and sealed him up, again leaving some ventilation for him. Now that we were in close quarters, I didn't like sharing a room with myself. It kinda creeped me out. Ventilation was added to Icy's cocoon as the finishing touch. I was unsure if my frozen body needed air. He wasn't exactly breathing in his cryosleep and was already covered in ice. Still, leaving the holes was no skin off my back, and it was better to play it safe.

I removed my ragged clothes and plunged into the spring. The water felt so fresh I treated myself to a brief swim and cycling process. Renewing my mana was like taking the most luxurious shower that cleaned layers of filth. After doing dozens of rapid laps, I turned my body and floated.

It was about time to dive into my mind and begin the process; however, one hesitation hedged my progression.

I stood as soon as I was able to put my thoughts into words.

"Calypso, do you think we could change the reforgement process?"

"Change?" The falcon gave me his best-shocked face: an open beak, head turned, and eyes wide. Maybe he was perplexed. It was hard to tell, and I didn't speak bird. "You practiced for months. Why change now? And why not bring it up during practice?"

"As I was traveling to the spring, I ran through the process several times to ensure I got everything. I had a sinking feeling when I entered the spring."

"Kip, you can trust me." Now, the bird really was perplexed. "At the very least, you can trust the spike I am bonded to. I felt you checking the connection several times. I am bound to serve you."

"It's not that. I only understood my hesitation when I started swimming. I wish I would've thought of this sooner, believe me."

"So what is it?"

"You're a pure mind cultivator."


"That's not me."

"You have some impurities," Cal said matter-of-factly. "As long as you cultivate your mind, your body cultivation will not limit your progression from here on out."


"No, Kip." Cal gazed into my eyes with his intense black eyes. I could see the depth of his worry and sincerity. "You have a natural talent for mind skills unlike any other I have seen. If you had been born in my world, you would have been praised as a ruler or even a god. What you have is rare. I will not let you waste your potential. To do so would be doing you a great disservice."

The falcon's gaze was so intense I almost broke eye contact. It didn't help that the bird refused to blink. It was unsettling. As uncomfortable as it was, I met Cal's eyes and considered what he was saying. I could tell he believed what he was saying. A part of me agreed with him as well. If I was gifted with the mind, it made perfect sense to go all in on cultivating its essence.

At the same time, that wasn't what I wanted. My soul longed for balance, and whenever I thought of forsaking my spirit and body essence, I could almost feel an ache in my chest. An ache that was nearly drowned out by logic and reason that my mind was trying to bury my desire with. I was torn. At the end of the day, I had to choose the path I was comfortable living with. That was all it came down to. What would I be happier with? As logical as the mind path was, I couldn't neglect my spirit and body.

"I can't do it, Cal."

"Please trust me."

"I need you to trust me on this one."

There was a long moment of silence until the falcon's rigid stance relaxed, and the bird finally blinked.

"Very well." Cal tried his best to withhold his disappointment. "We will practice a new reforgement process together. I do not have the technique for what you desire, but I am confident that we can forge the path best suited for you between my knowledge and your talents."

"Thank you."

Cal opened his beak as if to speak, paused, and settled for a nod, which was more like a bow with how long he held his head on the dip.

I returned the bow and unsummoned the falcon, bringing Cal back into my mind. I could feel his presence return like a light blanket draping over my mind. It almost felt comfortable, which made me feel uncomfortable. I shook the feeling and did my best to relax in the enclosed spring.

Once again, I floated atop the calm water and fell into a tranquil state of being. All I had to do was close my eyes, and I was in my mindscape. Cal was waiting, dressed in a fancy robe with his arms tucked behind his back.

"Review the reforging process with me," Cal said. "I will explain what is needed and what is essential. The rest we can figure out together."

I stepped up to my bonded companion and looked at the raised table he summoned before us.

"The process will be flawed. You could be doing great harm to your potential. And I am not just talking about wasting your talents." Cal quickly added. "We are setting up a foundation for your future, and instead of going with what I know, we will be using an unknown process.

All the uncertainty I felt before was gone. Now that I'd chosen the path I desired, I was confident we would forge the perfect mind. Even my mind was starting to agree, which made me excited to get started.

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