3001 Paths to Death - A Lite litRPG Looper

63. On the Run

Two guards in the pearly white armor of the inner district intercept my path. I did my best to control my pace to make it look like I was in a hurry rather than escaping danger. Not that it should matter. The guards have one purpose. Let only gold band wearers in. I happened to fall into this category.

I flashed the guards my gold band, and they stepped aside, allowing me to jog past them. I felt unsafe, so I kept running through the inner district. That was until I realized my fast pace was creating a scene, making me stick out more. I slowed my jog and focused on blending in with the crowd. I didn't stay on a straight path and took multiple turns down random alleys.

Even on the run, it was hard to miss the elegance of the inner district. The roads were made of marble, each building was an architectural art piece, and several were made of highly durable glass that required the heat of a dragon's fire to create.

Fortunately, despite my irregular path, I still had a good idea of where I was in the city. It had nothing to do with signage, either. The inner district wouldn't dare blemish its prestige with such nasty sights… It was a pretentious place, which was part of the charm.

My familiarity with the district was from a date with Lana. She brought me into the district once, and we splurged for the day, acting like we belonged with high society. The details of the date were now a blur. I knew it happened but couldn't recall much of what happened.

"Sogg's flickered flame," I cursed under my breath. I'd turned wrong and ended up in a narrow alley between two large clothing stores. Intense glares bored into my back. Light footsteps confirmed the heavy eyes weren't in my head. The two had cut off my retreat. I stopped as another two stepped into the alley before me.

My mind reeled through scenarios. Time slowed as I watched the fight play out in my mind several times in seconds. I lost every battle. There were too many unknowns about my opponents, and I kept favoring them. If they had mana, I was done for.

I raised a hand to my thundering heart and kept my breathing rhythmic. I didn't know the threat that was at my back. Before me stood two large elves. One was dressed in fancy formal wear with a modest top hat. He had a bushy mustache and sharp eyes. His walking cane twirled around his hand in flawless motion. Next to him was a crossbow-wielding brute. He was clad in heavy armor and wore a fine green cloak that matched his ranger hat.

My hand rested on my pounding heart. Thoughts of escape and fighting continued to flash in my mind. If I had my mana, I would have a better chance. It was a hopeless thought. The footsteps behind me were getting closer. The elf with the crossbow held his weapon aimed at me as he and his partner got within twenty feet.

"Hello, Kip," the well-dressed man said, resting his cane on the ground. "There is no need to worry; we only want to talk." He has a high elven accent that is common for elves who live in the capital city of Crestfall. "Please, you can put your hand down."

"Only trying to calm my heart." It was true; my heart was doing all the running my legs couldn't. This loop just started. I didn't want it to end so soon, and I hadn't accomplished my mission of buying a transport ring. "Peaceful talks don't happen often when one party points bolts at the other."

"Pardon me," the crossbowman said. "Force of habit. I do not like to travel down alleys without taking proper precautions. This has nothing to do with you." He forced out a laugh and a fake smile.

"It is an odd habit, but Troopes speaks the truth," the mustache man said. "We have traveled down too many alleys to walk so carefreely down them now. With so many sleepers, having a sense of security is impossible, especially in a place so posh as Coalville."

I was ready to drop a couple runes and start a chaotic fight. My hand on my heart began to look weird, drawing more attention than I wanted.

"We believe you are being hunted," Troopes said, lowering his weapon a little so that it was aimed at my stomach and not my heart. "My squad would like to offer you some help."

"I'm good."

"With all due respect, your demeanor and involvement in the attack at the town center do not paint the picture of a man that is good." Canes twirled his cane around his hand and rested it on the ground. "We think you are being followed by an elite group of assassins, and word is out that enforcement is after you as well."

"Thanks for the offer. I'll be leaving now." I stepped forward only to be stopped by the raised crossbow now aimed at my head and a streak of lightning forming in the fancy elf's cane.

"The offer is mandatory—"

I broke the rune I clutched near my heart, plunging the alley into darkness. I hit the ground as a bolt rushed over my head and rolled as lightning struck the ground I stood on. Another rune gets smashed, filling the darkness with smoke. Before I got up, I threw two exploding runes in front of me and rolled back. The explosion was instant; the force rolled me into the legs of the two attackers behind me.

I cursed at my luck and rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding a heavy thud that cracked the ground. Darkness dispelled, gathering into a source nearby. Fortunately, smoke still covered us. Coughing and groans could be heard behind me, along with some cursing.

"Kill him." The voice sounded like it came from Troopes. I knew I didn't like the guy. Crossbows weren't practical alley-fighting weapons. I threw two more explosive runes toward them, avoiding the two attackers next to me. I grab a mana pistol and begin firing. Cracks and booms filled the alley, creating more smoke and cover. When the sound dampened, groaning took its place.

"Troopes, Kingston…" I heard a voice yell out—not from the four men I fought. "Did you get him?" The smoke screen is pulled away toward the woman who yelled out.

I fired two shots in the direction of the smoker, stealing my cover. I missed, and the smoke was thinning. Empty clicks were the response of my next shot. "Bloody pits." The mana was drained from the pistol, and I couldn't refill it. I holstered the gun and drew the second pistol and a couple more runes. Immediately, I fired three more shots, threw the explosives, turned, and ran to the crowded street.

My senses flared. I needed to stop. My feet slid across the ground until my body and head crashed into a stone wall. Pain trembled through me as I stood back up. The smoke was all but gone, and through the lingering fog, I could see the smoker ignite in flames as she walked toward me. Each step as she closed the distance was arrogant and pure.

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